Jan02 Approval


Registered Users (C)
Hello folks,

I just ran the script for 31st Jan 2002 for first 100 cases only and found two approvals on 5/9.

My RD is 30th Jan (I didn't find any approvals in the first 100 cases).
EAC#'s are ND Based...
Is your observation based on EAC, in which case it's a 31Jan ND and RD would be probably an earlier Jan date..!!
It is 31st Jan RD. EAC-02-111-5xxxx. I am not posting the actual EAC to respect the privacy of the filer (but anyone can run the script and validate my claim, if in doubt).
Hi Rajesh
please give two more digits. Any how, the name or details of the person will not appear online.

May be they are age out cases. I don't think that they are Follow to Join spouse cases because they will not pick up a spouse case
until they get to that number even if the Main applicant is approved. Am i correct on this point? (or they will approve the spouse case along with main applicant for Follow to Join cases ?)
I checkd it myself. It has two approvals for EAC-02-111-50xxx series. It has an approval message as

Application Type: I485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status

Current Status:

On May 9, 2003, after approving your application, we ordered a new card. Your card will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready.

I am not sure that this message is the standard approval message. Any thoughts??

EAC-02-111-5xxxx series is for 02/16/2002 (or 02/15/2002) ND. It might have Jan 31st 2002 as RD.

By the way, how can you run the script by RD?

My experience so far has been, you can only run this script by your EAC number.

Approved Jan 485 cases:

The following 2 485 Cases have been approved:


Check for urself.
It should be Jan 02 case.

I know you cannot run the script by RD. My RD is 30th Jan and the EAC starts with 02-110 (which is ND of around Feb). Therefore, I am assuming that cases with EAC-02-111 would most likely be RD 31st. They could theoretically be Feb too. But I doubt that they would start processing Feb cases. They could be age out cases, as someone indicated. We are all trying to speculate here. But couple of other postings too indicated that Jan RD cases have started.
Can we know more details on these case numbers ..
When was their F.P ??
Also are they the primary applicant ?
I guess if you are a secondary applicant, the case moves faster ??

RajeshJ has posted the EAC numbers based on the script. These numbers are not of any of his friends. So, don't expect any other details, unless the persons with those EAC numbers post there details personally.

I have just done my spreadsheet work and found out that those cases ND is Feb 14, 2002. If I am correct, your ND should be Feb 13th, 2002. Regarding the logic you used to speculate the RD for those cases, its OK. After all, we are all guessing here. I asked you, how did you run the script w.r.t. RD, was to confirm that I am not missing any.

Hi rickz,
Are you under EB1/EB2 or EB3 ? I was interested to know if the
51***, 52*** etc in EAC number has anything to do with EB1,EB2
etc. The EAC numbers with 50*** are likely to be processed before 51*** series (ofcourse it could be just because 50*** serial number comes before 51***).
Bob, Rajesh ...

I am a Jan applicant

RD - Jan 15
ND - April 04
FP - May 10

Mines is a large difference between RD and ND .. I guess my application was sitting in BCIS office and not entered till almost three months ??

Bob, u guessed my ND to be feb 13 , how could u guess that ?
Do I have the wrong ND ? I got this date from the FP notice ..

Where else can one get the ND ... the 485 application reciept only shows the RD , kindly explain if you know more ...

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The notice date I guessed is not for you. It was for RajeshJ. EAC number is based on ND. I guessed his ND, based on his EAC number. Sorry for the confusion.

Originally posted by sanrishi
I checkd it myself. It has two approvals for EAC-02-111-50xxx series. It has an approval message as

Application Type: I485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status

Current Status:

On May 9, 2003, after approving your application, we ordered a new card. Your card will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready.

I am not sure that this message is the standard approval message. Any thoughts??

This sound like age out case. It says after approving we ordered a new card.

Hi Jan15, my ND is Feb 14. You can calculate your ND from the three digits after EAC02. Mine is 110 which is the 110th working day from October 1st (Saturday is a working day).

- Rajesh
Hi Guys,
based on my calculations and observations, the three digit number (110 or 094 etc) does not indicate number of days after
October'1. It is infact just a serial number. Here is how it works (as per my theory) : Let's take the case of If EAC-02-001-5xxxx.
In the last part (5xxxxx), the first two digits are reserved, i mean
50 is for some type of cases, 51 is for some other type etc. So, once they start 001-50xxx series, they can store only 999 numbers in that series (EAC-02-001-50001 to EAC-02-001-50999)
So once they recieve 999 applications under that category, then
they have to start 002 series (EAC-02-002-50***). So based on the volume of applications, the three digit part (094 / 110 etc) can change within the same day or sometimes it might remain same for 2 days. That's why you find people with same ND having different three digit number (though for most of the cases it is same because they are all given the number on more or less same day).
Its all greek and Latin to me

Is this worth ??? :confused:

I would say dont break your head ,

Relax and lay back
Re: You are wrong and I dont have the patience to type up the right answer.Search

Originally posted by Girish Rajput
Bottomline, EAC XX-YYY-5ZZZZ
EAC is for Vermont
XX - Fiscal Year beginning Oct 01
YYY - n' th working day from start of fiscal year. Saturday is considered working day.

... the irony is that VSC considers Saturday a working day.