************** Jan. Chennai CP Part II ****************

Have someone pick it up on your behalf.

Send them a notarized authorization letter, stating their full name.
They should take along with them some fomr of ID. A valid passport would be ideal.
Since you are leaving early, I guess you can collect it yourself.
Web Print out is good enough

I recd an email from the consulate that I should take a web print out of my appt in case I didn\'t receive my appt letter. So don\'t worry.
Me too !

Although I had given a local Chennai address, they sent it here ! Maybe because I gave the US address on DS230 and gave the local address later....
What is considered a valid Marriage certificate ??

Married CP folks or those contemplating marriage,

Are there any guidlines as to what is considered as a valid marriage certificate for the purpose of CP ?

My specific question is regarding relegious marriages (if you don;t have a "registered" marriage). The loop hole that most of the people I know used to use was getting an "agreement" counter signed by the sub registrar. But seems, in a recent notification, the Indian gov has asked the registrars not to issue such documents as they are legally not valid. So, if we have only a relegious marriage, what is the "legally" valid MC and how do we get it ?

Thanks in advance
Folks, looks like exchange rate is changing from Jan 14

New fee structure is

Immigrant Visa Application Fee Rs. 12740
Immigrant Visa Issuance Fee Rs. 3185

I guess the other things like Bluedart, medicals, etc remains the same

Here are some ideas,

I would say carry a few hundred dollars. You can exchange this at the airport (I assume you donot have much Indian currency on you). I would say take enough for immediate incidental expenses (transportation, a few meals outside, etc) and for the medicals (if you are going straight to Lister/doc on the first day). Usually, the exchange rate at the airport is slightly lower than outside, but not significant for small amounts.

For the rest, carry traveller\'s check(s). Reputed ones like Amex are least likely to create probs. You can generally encash these at most banks that deal with FE (most nationalised banks). Make sure you carry your issuance reciepts and passport though. You can get the drafts you need from the same bank, and get the remainder in cash. An alternate route which I prefer is to send the money (either wire or check) to your NR account and get the drafts/cash from there.

You can charge things like hotel expenses to your credit card but some things to watch out for. CC companies charge usually 1 to 2% extra for foreign currencies. Usually mastercard/visa are accepted in most places, but some people create a fuss if it a less known company. Some hotels have higher tariffs for NRIs which you would have to pay. But, ofcourse, it is very convenient. Hotels usually also accept traveler\'s checks. So, if you decide on the TC route, take a couple of them in different denominations, kind of in the range of your specific major expenses.

And hang on to that sack with all your might :))
No Title

Hi Meechgun_2,

Thanks for posting your experiences.

I have a question regarding the Dr\'s. Check up, do we get the reports back the same day from the doctor, since I am not a local of Chennai and will the hotel based upon that.

Also I have an appointment with Dr.Vijaylakshmi, but her office is open only till 4:00, so how did you have an appointment at 5:15. The reason I am asking is because the earliest we can get the report from the lister lab is 4:00 and to have the interview same day Dr.Vijaylakshmi should allow me to come after 4.00 pm.

And the passport size photo to Dr. V is the special photo taken for immigration purpose right?

Finally Best of luck for your interview.

Kuldeep, Dr gives report same day, as soon as the medical is done

Dr V is kind enough to give appointments after 4pm, so just call her office to schedule an apointment.
Mine is also like yours - company address changed

Hi Jagee,

Mine is also like yours. I have different address on LC then changed in 140 and now again to another address but with in the same downtown New york. I met my attorney yesterday , he said it doesnt matter, but I would appreciate if some one else have any other input regaring the same.

aishsri! Mine is little different from ur\'s.

I think I did not communicate well I guess...Here is the deal!

My Location of my work place address never changed.
But my Employer\'s HR/Legal Dept. did move from ADDRESS_XYZ to ADDRESS_ABC.

Its not a consulting company. I had been working at the same address X as part of IT department all along thro\' the process from LC to present. I also got my LC approved for address, X same as my present location of my work place.

But my concern is that my Employer\'s address on the employment letter would be different from what was mentioned in LC, NOT MY LOCATION OF MY WORK PLACE.

So how should the letter be? The reason for relocation of few Dept. to a new location is b\'cos of the disaster & that place doesn\'t exist any more...

So pls advice on how the format of the letter be, and what all needs to be included in the letter....

Expert CP\'ers pls add any comments!

Thanks for any suggestions & advice...
Mine doesn\'t have any address at all

Like most others, my company has offices all over the place too. I asked my attorney / immigration dept and they said address is not required on the employment letter. Their claim is that they have issued it this way for everybody else who had applied from the company and they didn\'t face any problems....
Does Chennai consulate accept dollars in cash instead of DDs ?

Since the exchange rate changes every now and then, I was wondering if we could just carry the dollars needed. Any denomination they will not accept ?

I-134 - Where to get notarized ?

Hi All,

 Please help - I need to get the 1-134 notarized. Any sugesstions
 on where I can find a notary? Does MailBoxes Etc have one?
 Can you please also let me know what documents should I carry to show the notary...is just 134 enough or should I take passport, bank statments etc.
 I am leaving on 11th.

 Thanks much.
Mailboxes etc, or any bank. Your Driver\'s licence is fine.

You need to sign in front of them. That\'s it.
What is the best place to take green card photos at Chennai.

What is the best place to take green card photos (not the passport photos) at Chennai....Anyone taken such photos...pls advise