Jan 18th is the decision day?

No body in INS ,care to have forigner in here, IJ are scared to aproove asylumhey are trying to kick us out, senators are big Jocke. :)
I appreciate you comment. Please be gentle.
I found some erorrs in your grammar, and punctuation. Oh well, we do not write a published paper on the forum.
case closed.
Care2much said:
AYyBOV,you dont have much experience ore you cant see thing,or you just.. :rolleyes:
In my olld country was big civil war ,big blood sheds,you could see it on TV, President Clinton give ammnesty to people like me ,but IJ had not a clue wher my country is and what was going on ,hi(IJ) said that I am here for economic situation. BOA rejected my case with no xplanation "Afirm without opinion" they don't even read cases.
It's not like used to be in olld good USA tragick day 9-11 changed everything. :D you should expend your horisont
Good bless USA.

I'm sorry I have trouble understanding your english. U have no idea how much experience I have. And I'm sorry for your country.
FOr crying out loud..we shouldn't me making fun of how people write..ON AN ASYLEE FORUM!!...Gilbert We need you to start banning these messages please!
I wasn't making fun, I was honest. The message was addressed to me and I didn't understand part of it. Sorry if I hurt somebodys feelings.
Now I got it. The person was responding to my post about world record. Yeah I know it for sure because I asked an immigration officer about it once. They have all the records about all the countries of the Third World.
Care2much said:
petejengkol....What that mean ? :D omon share it with us ... :) pleeezzzzzzzzz :D

sorry, off the topic

pete ( or petai or peteh) in english : sa-tor or parkia speciosa hassk.
In plain english: The common names are twisted cluster bean and stink bean. A long, flat bean with bright green seeds the size and shape of plump almonds which have a rather peculiar smell. go to http://www.asiafood.org/glossary_1.cfm?alpha=P&wordid=3295&startno=1&endno=25 for further information

jengkol in english: *I have no idea*
in Plain english: kind of tree the beans of which are eaten raw, the Pithecolobium; kind of fruit or bean.

pete and jengkol are bean family. They are popular in southeast asia area.
we can find them at asian grocery stores.
the Idea behind "petejengkol" nickname : inspired by "mr bean" series. please visit http://www.mrbean.co.uk/. he is funny and make me smile all the time.

those should help you :).
LolaLi said:
OK Sinnersroom - I hate to say this, but ...

Your friend committed 'lots' of crimes according to you, so why shouldn't he be denied citizenship? Just because you are a PR does not and should not give you automatic citizenship rights. I'm sorry, but if an individual will not obey a host country's laws as a permenant resident, what makes you think he/she will obey them as a citizen?

I completely agree with and support the 'good moral' clause in citizenship requirements. Countries must protect themselves from people who would cause harm to their society and definitely exhaust the tax dollars with litigation.

On another note, your friend better be careful. Committing crime does trigger deportation proceedings - he's just managed to be lucky so far. Your friend doesn't feel it living here, because no-one cares except immigration - so he won't be stripped of his PR status. However, the moment he leaves and re-enters, a red flag will come up. Every time a PR re-enters this country, they are parolled as residents and 'rechecked' to make sure they are still admissible as permenant residents. Committing crimes and having records in most causes makes a person inadmissible as a PR. Also - remember that databases are linked in this country - although it may take months at a time before information from the state-level to reach an immigrants CIS files.

I personally do not wish bad things on people - but you might want to tell your friend to keep his head down and improve his 'citizenship'.
ye i was surprised when he had been applying for USC. I told him plz dont spend your time and money they wont grant u USC. but he told me somebody worse than him got USC and he had a good lawyer. :) :confused: