Jan 18th is the decision day?

We all know that they can Kick out a naturalized USC but you will have to do some serious crime to get that penalty. Being an asylee and green card holder they can refuse your admission to US with BS reasons.
I wonder!

i have fled my country because of prosecution too. but i am not depressed that i have to wait 10 years to get my Citizenship . If you are smart u can be successful where ever u go . especially here in america U can easily become millionaire if u know what to do . i met asylees who own large buisnesses in US
Refugees have a right to have priority cause they are in real trouble and discriminated and do not have money to buy even bread. i used to work for ressetelment and migration agencies .refugees are monitored by expatriates of UN and non profit organizations before getting granted refugee status in US
I saw real life of refugees . Asylees visit US and apply ang get approved on their stories which are fraud in 80% . and US goverment is not a 5 year old . It knows how to treat immigrants.
And and u need time to know who is that person who fled to the country as asylee. god knows what sort of background they have .
U are comparing life in US as Golden Jail .U are so wrong . In any country u gotta wait that long to be citizen .it means u dont know what is real jail. imagine that if they would put u in asylee detension center or witness protection centers like some countries do.

I do not know what country you are talking about, but do not go too far, go to Canada and see how long it takes to become a Canadian Citizen, I whish if I went there, instead of this BS!

And do not lecture me on refugees rights, everone have rights, no one has better or special rights, it;s merely the system failure to accommodate everone fairly! Most of the refugees who come to this country are merely economic regufees and are only to fill the qouta! Most become a public charge for tax payers, many take a log time to blend in, as for asylee, you said it, people who had lived in this country, blended in, and PAID TAXES to SUPOORT you the REFUGEE while you get free housing, medical care, food stamps, etc.... Do not get me started!

I start to wonder if there are any people working for the INS who post here to hide their inefficiency!
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I don't feel like this Country owes us asylees anything, actually it is us who are in debt to them for saving our life (if one is not a fake asylee), giving us a second chance to a life in freedom and for some of us the freedom to complain endlessly for anything and everything this country does and some go so far as to compare or prefer their dictatorial governments to this one.
It is very weird that I have not yet read a post from somebody to complain about the governments or countries they claim prosecution or fear of getting killed but maybe I'm missing something. All you hear is complaining for taking too long for this and that It's like you're life depends on the GC or the ability to travel abroad and yes now it's a new one some of us they have to work for the feds or nothing else.
I think we all have to be more grateful to this country for the opportunities it opened for each of us but that's my take on things and some might disagree.

I'm not related to Ashcroft and do not work for INS but sometimes I wish I worked for them so I can give some the GC right away and keep them from going to Canada LOL
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Freedom, ha ha ha!

No one is talking about this country owes anyone anything. The point I am trying to make is that this country signed an international agreement to be part of the countries under the UN umbrella to accept asylees and refugees, but one of its agencies (INS) to its inefficiency has failed to do its job efficiently. That’s basically what I am hinting to. If you can not understand this, then that' your problem, but please save me from the redundant lectures about freedom and suffering, etc….

And what freedom are you talking about? Freedom to vote, or freedom to say what you want, or freedom to travel? We have none o that! Before I was forced to leave my country, I traveled the world without any visa application ever been refused, including the US! Now, how many of us can do that!

As for asylum, I do not know when you guys applied for asylum when one of you mentioned the refugee camps in Europe, but when I applied for asylum (1991), none of that had existed, and some of my family members who did that at about the same time in the UK and Canada, are now citizens of those countries.

Please do not insult our intelligence.
Okay - I feel like I have to interject here. I think for me - personally - I can't wait to become a citizen because I want to be reunited with my family. Being displaced from your parents and siblings isn't a good thing - especially if you have to worry about their wellbeing. The wait time for me is too long because it prevents me from feeling truly American. I want to bring my family here so we can prosper and so they can share in the good fortune I've had here. I know..it sounds corny - but its true. I believe a lot of people are in my boat - except for some it is their spouses and children they wish to be reunited with.

Waiting 2 years for your GC is one thing, but waiting for 15 is entirely different! I cannot imagine what its like to know it will take 10-15 years to get a green card, and then 4 more years for citizenship - and my heart goes out to all those waiting.

I have family members (extended family) who got displaced the same time i did and managed to go to the UK or Canada - and they are settled now. They are all citizens - and guess what?? They don't travel all over the world and they certainly have not been back to my native country. I have noticed a BIG change in them from when they were refugees to when they got their citizenship. It does affect you (in a postive way) mentally.

OK - enough babbling. :)
bringslite said:
No one is talking about this country owes anyone anything. The point I am trying to make is that this country signed an international agreement to be part of the countries under the UN umbrella to accept asylees and refugees, but one of its agencies (INS) to its inefficiency has failed to do its job efficiently. That’s basically what I am hinting to. If you can not understand this, then that' your problem, but please save me from the redundant lectures about freedom and suffering, etc….

And what freedom are you talking about? Freedom to vote, or freedom to say what you want, or freedom to travel? We have none o that! Before I was forced to leave my country, I traveled the world without any visa application ever been refused, including the US! Now, how many of us can do that!

As for asylum, I do not know when you guys applied for asylum when one of you mentioned the refugee camps in Europe, but when I applied for asylum (1991), none of that had existed, and some of my family members who did that at about the same time in the UK and Canada, are now citizens of those countries.

Please do not insult our intelligence.

I'm not lecturing you or anyone else for that matter that was my take on things I read here and by no means I was insulting anyones intelligence.
Minsk said:
Have u ever heard about such cases?
I heard from my friend who used to work as a translator at Immigration Judge . She told me a few cases . She told me some of those people were deported because they did something bad even 30 - 40 years ago.but i think u should do something serious to be deported as USC.
bringslite said:
I do not know what country you are talking about, but do not go too far, go to Canada and see how long it takes to become a Canadian Citizen, I whish if I went there, instead of this BS!

And do not lecture me on refugees rights, everone have rights, no one has better or special rights, it;s merely the system failure to accommodate everone fairly! Most of the refugees who come to this country are merely economic regufees and are only to fill the qouta! Most become a public charge for tax payers, many take a log time to blend in, as for asylee, you said it, people who had lived in this country, blended in, and PAID TAXES to SUPOORT you the REFUGEE while you get free housing, medical care, food stamps, etc.... Do not get me started!

I start to wonder if there are any people working for the INS who post here to hide their inefficiency!
First of all I am an ASYLEE ...Most of the asylees are illegals who broke immigration law, in tourist visa or student vizas plus u dont have work permit before approval ,What taxes u pay within 1 year????Asylee gets the same benefits as Refugee .yes u are right most of the asylees got money to hire lawyer to decorate their triller(Action) movie otherwise they will see their approval in their dreams .....Or some of them come to airport and scream for asylum right after plane take on in US aiport . but still Refugee is more credible than asylee. Canada what did u lose there ? U cant survive there until passport.
People moving to US from Canada to get employment ....
I would try australia,newzeland.
Refugee is real not fake.
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Most of the asylees are illegals who broke immigration law, in tourist visa or student vizas plus u dont have work permit before approval ,What taxes u pay within 1 year????

I only pont out one wrong statement of yours. I am keep legal status four years before asylee and pay tax for years.

I wish to GC and USC as soon as possible. This is only my opinion. I don't know what is the exact percentage of asylee's willing to get GC and USC quickly. But from this forum, I saw more wishes to get GC and USC than the point you had.

America is the freedom country. We wish to have the freedom. You can choose your way. But please do not hurt others or let people follow you.
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Refugee is not necessarily more valid than asylee

Refugees donn't just board the plane after running out of fire and persecution, they too need to be interviewed and approved.
Refugee processing often happens in crammed rooms in dire situations where people are interviewed in BULK. If you think there is no room for fraud there, you are very wrong my friend.

Like I said once, it is very hard for the US govt to assign refugee quotas and move operations to countries where it is needed on time.

Which leaves a lot of people with asylum as the last option. OK?

Validly yours,


asluser said:
I only pont out one wrong statement of yours. I am keep legal status four years before asylee and pay tax for years.

I wish to GC and USC as soon as possible. This is only my opinion. I don't know what is the exact percentage of asylee's willing to get GC and USC quickly. But from this forum, I saw more wishes to get GC and USC than the point you had.

America is the freedom country. We wish to have the freedom. You can choose your way. But please do not hurt others or let people follow you.
as i understood u before asylee status u had work permit for 4 years(H1 etc...)because of asylees like u eligibility to apply for asylum within 1 year of presence in US nowdays. Ofcourse u can apply after 1 year but u will have difficulties in your case.So u see how can your taxes help people who wish to apply for asylum ....!

My point :Asylum is not a right way to get GC or USC .If u really want GC u can find a sponsor to apply for it .I think real asylee should be satisfied with all those benefits like work permit,infinitive residency,and RTD. i would never spend 6- 16 years of my life waiting for GC. It is really insane.......
. who told u it is freedom country ??? :)
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EspressoJoy said:
Refugees donn't just board the plane after running out of fire and persecution, they too need to be interviewed and approved.
Refugee processing often happens in crammed rooms in dire situations where people are interviewed in BULK. If you think there is no room for fraud there, you are very wrong my friend.

Like I said once, it is very hard for the US govt to assign refugee quotas and move operations to countries where it is needed on time.

Which leaves a lot of people with asylum as the last option. OK?

Validly yours,

dont u think Refugee more credible than asylee . let me give u example .
If someone from IRAQ applying for refugee status and and someone else from differnt country applying for asylum in US . Who has more validity or credibility for Immigration?Of course refugee .Asylum is not last option .It should be first option for people who flee their countries because of prosecution etc.... last option when u really want to stay in US for money or GC.

copper1 said:
We all know that they can Kick out a naturalized USC but you will have to do some serious crime to get that penalty. Being an asylee and green card holder they can refuse your admission to US with BS reasons.
they have to find a way to get rid of so many immigrants . i have a friend GC holder who had a lot of arrests in different states he was denied for USC .But he extended GC .he didnt have problem with admission to US.
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they have to find a way to get rid of so many immigrants . i have a friend GC holder who had a lot of arrests in different states he was denied for USC .But he extended GC .he didnt have problem with admission to US.

OK Sinnersroom - I hate to say this, but ...

Your friend committed 'lots' of crimes according to you, so why shouldn't he be denied citizenship? Just because you are a PR does not and should not give you automatic citizenship rights. I'm sorry, but if an individual will not obey a host country's laws as a permenant resident, what makes you think he/she will obey them as a citizen?

I completely agree with and support the 'good moral' clause in citizenship requirements. Countries must protect themselves from people who would cause harm to their society and definitely exhaust the tax dollars with litigation.

On another note, your friend better be careful. Committing crime does trigger deportation proceedings - he's just managed to be lucky so far. Your friend doesn't feel it living here, because no-one cares except immigration - so he won't be stripped of his PR status. However, the moment he leaves and re-enters, a red flag will come up. Every time a PR re-enters this country, they are parolled as residents and 'rechecked' to make sure they are still admissible as permenant residents. Committing crimes and having records in most causes makes a person inadmissible as a PR. Also - remember that databases are linked in this country - although it may take months at a time before information from the state-level to reach an immigrants CIS files.

I personally do not wish bad things on people - but you might want to tell your friend to keep his head down and improve his 'citizenship'.
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Do you mean I am false asylee? Take care of your words. It hurts others. The seekers for refugees and asylees have no choice when they apply.

Your words really hurt others.

as i understood u before asylee status u had work permit for 4 years(H1 etc...)because of asylees like u eligibility to apply for asylum within 1 year of presence in US nowdays. Ofcourse u can apply after 1 year but u will have difficulties in your case.So u see how can your taxes help people who wish to apply for asylum ....!

My point :Asylum is not a right way to get GC or USC .If u really want GC u can find a sponsor to apply for it .I think real asylee should be satisfied with all those benefits like work permit,infinitive residency,and RTD. i would never spend 6- 16 years of my life waiting for GC. It is really insane.......
. who told u it is freedom country ??? :)
asluser said:
Do you mean I am false asylee? Take care of your words. It hurts others. The seekers for refugees and asylees have no choice when they apply.

Your words really hurt others.

It hurts me too.
there are always bad guys and good guys, aren't they.
LolaLi said:
OK Sinnersroom - I hate to say this, but ...

Your friend committed 'lots' of crimes according to you, so why shouldn't he be denied citizenship? Just because you are a PR does not and should not give you automatic citizenship rights. I'm sorry, but if an individual will not obey a host country's laws as a permenant resident, what makes you think he/she will obey them as a citizen?

I completely agree with and support the 'good moral' clause in citizenship requirements. Countries must protect themselves from people who would cause harm to their society and definitely exhaust the tax dollars with litigation.

On another note, your friend better be careful. Committing crime does trigger deportation proceedings - he's just managed to be lucky so far. Your friend doesn't feel it living here, because no-one cares except immigration - so he won't be stripped of his PR status. However, the moment he leaves and re-enters, a red flag will come up. Every time a PR re-enters this country, they are parolled as residents and 'rechecked' to make sure they are still admissible as permenant residents. Committing crimes and having records in most causes makes a person inadmissible as a PR. Also - remember that databases are linked in this country - although it may take months at a time before information from the state-level to reach an immigrants CIS files.

I personally do not wish bad things on people - but you might want to tell your friend to keep his head down and improve his 'citizenship'.

I had a nice talk with my coworker three years ago. he knows a guy ( I just called jack) who had GC/LPR (from parent's sponsorship while jack was under 21 old). Jack had some bad record such as gang crime, DUI, and others. At that time, jack's parent pushed jack to pursue Citizenship, and it was dissaster. The INS rejected and sent deportation later based on crimes, which jack commited. so far, the coworker told me "INS will not check every person, probably on the random way to know who not going to be a good citizen". and I just agreed it. who knows.

AYyBOV,you dont have much experience ore you cant see thing,or you just.. :rolleyes:
In my olld country was big civil war ,big blood sheds,you could see it on TV, President Clinton give ammnesty to people like me ,but IJ had not a clue wher my country is and what was going on ,hi(IJ) said that I am here for economic situation. BOA rejected my case with no xplanation "Afirm without opinion" they don't even read cases.
It's not like used to be in olld good USA tragick day 9-11 changed everything. :D you should expend your horisont
Good bless USA.