Jan 02 cases - Update


Approved in Jan 10, 2004. passport stamped in jan 19th. Plastic card received in Jan 27, 2004.

All the best for Jan 2002 applicants

Hi Guys,

ND 01/07/2002
Ist FP 02/21/2002
Waiting for 2nd FP

Applied for 3rd EAD & 1st AP (Had H1 valid till last year, so didn't apply for AP in the past 2 yrs)

Waiting for RFE, or better yet, APPROVAL !!!

RFE on the way!!

just checked online status today. It says:

'On March 24, 2004, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case. The notice explains in detail what additional material is needed.'

I smell freedom!

RD: 01/30/02

I received RFE on 03/26/04. I haven't received it yet. Will I receive the RFE or will my attorney receive the documents of RFE?

I will update as soon as I know what has been asked.
Hi all,

I am sending this letter to Senators Feinstein and Boxer,congresswoman Eshoo and the governor to bring to attention the current unfair proceesing of I-485 petitions. If anyone else wants to, you can also forward it to the above people. My lawyer told me not to include my WAC # to avoid personalizing the issue but just bring it to the attention of the senators etc. I cant take this bullXXX any more after waiting for 26 months.
I have posted this in the Jan 02 thread but feel free to include other people as well. Good luck to us all.

Re: Unfair I-485 processing practice at the California Service Center (CSC)

Dear Senator XXX,

My name is XXXXXX and I am currently employed as a medicinal chemist in the XXXXXX division of XXXXXX. I have a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from The Ohio State University. Over the past three years, I have been intimately involved with discovering new anti-viral and anti-bacterial agents. This research has been sponsored in part by DARPA and USAMRIID, as it may have far-reaching implications in developing medical countermeasures to neutralize biowarfare threats.

My employer sponsored my petition for permanent residency in April 2001 in the Outstanding Researcher/Professor category. My I-140 application was approved in 2001 and I filed my I-485 petition to become a permanent U.S. resident in January 2002.

As you may already know, the California Service Center (CSC) of USCIS has an enormous backlog of pending I-485 petitions. The United States has been the victim of a heinous terrorist campaign and I completely support implementing an adequate and rigorous security screening process for all foreign nationals, including myself, who wish to become permanent U.S. residents.

Recently, however, the CSC has implemented a disturbing practice of issuing RFE (request for evidence) as well as approvals for cases submitted after October 2002. Issuance of an RFE is usually a reliable indicator that the petition will be adjudicated soon.

While this certainly represents progress on part of the CSC, it conjures a confusing and frustrating scenario for applicants like myself, who submitted our petitions in January 2002. While we've been waiting patiently for over 26 months for adjudication, it seems that the CSC is making an expedient effort to show progress by skipping a year ahead to petitions filed in October 2002.

Processing delays in immigration benefits cause great hardships to the legal immigrant community. It adversely affects almost all aspects of our everyday lives. While I understand the importance of implementing security checks, I fail to comprehend the CSC's current practice of processing cases filed in late 2002 ahead of those filed in January 2002.

As a legal California resident and taxpayer, I request Senator xxx to make sure that the CSC process I-485 petitions in the order they were received. Immigrants like my family and myself have faced enormous hardships while waiting patiently for our permanent residency petitions to be adjudicated. The least we can expect from the California Service Center is that they process our petitions in the order received.

I would greatly appreciate it if the Senator could request CSC director Don Neufeld to explain this unfair I-485 processing practice. I am available for comment at XXXXXX or at XXXXXXXX. I look forward to your response.


Address (they will not reply unless you give them a mailing address)
Originally posted by wac02091
Hi all,

I am sending this letter to Senators Feinstein and Boxer,congresswoman Eshoo and the governor to bring to attention the current unfair proceesing of I-485 petitions. If anyone else wants to, you can also forward it to the above people. My lawyer told me not to include my WAC # to avoid personalizing the issue but just bring it to the attention of the senators etc. I cant take this bullXXX any more after waiting for 26 months.
I have posted this in the Jan 02 thread but feel free to include other people as well. Good luck to us all.
Hi Fall in ur category.
My ND is 04 02 02.

Long way to go for me

Re: Unfair I-485 processing practice at the California Service Center (CSC)

Dear Senator XXX,

My name is XXXXXX and I am currently employed as a medicinal chemist in the XXXXXX division of XXXXXX. I have a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from The Ohio State University. Over the past three years, I have been intimately involved with discovering new anti-viral and anti-bacterial agents. This research has been sponsored in part by DARPA and USAMRIID, as it may have far-reaching implications in developing medical countermeasures to neutralize biowarfare threats.

My employer sponsored my petition for permanent residency in April 2001 in the Outstanding Researcher/Professor category. My I-140 application was approved in 2001 and I filed my I-485 petition to become a permanent U.S. resident in January 2002.

As you may already know, the California Service Center (CSC) of USCIS has an enormous backlog of pending I-485 petitions. The United States has been the victim of a heinous terrorist campaign and I completely support implementing an adequate and rigorous security screening process for all foreign nationals, including myself, who wish to become permanent U.S. residents.

Recently, however, the CSC has implemented a disturbing practice of issuing RFE (request for evidence) as well as approvals for cases submitted after October 2002. Issuance of an RFE is usually a reliable indicator that the petition will be adjudicated soon.

While this certainly represents progress on part of the CSC, it conjures a confusing and frustrating scenario for applicants like myself, who submitted our petitions in January 2002. While we've been waiting patiently for over 26 months for adjudication, it seems that the CSC is making an expedient effort to show progress by skipping a year ahead to petitions filed in October 2002.

Processing delays in immigration benefits cause great hardships to the legal immigrant community. It adversely affects almost all aspects of our everyday lives. While I understand the importance of implementing security checks, I fail to comprehend the CSC's current practice of processing cases filed in late 2002 ahead of those filed in January 2002.

As a legal California resident and taxpayer, I request Senator xxx to make sure that the CSC process I-485 petitions in the order they were received. Immigrants like my family and myself have faced enormous hardships while waiting patiently for our permanent residency petitions to be adjudicated. The least we can expect from the California Service Center is that they process our petitions in the order received.

I would greatly appreciate it if the Senator could request CSC director Don Neufeld to explain this unfair I-485 processing practice. I am available for comment at XXXXXX or at XXXXXXXX. I look forward to your response.


Address (they will not reply unless you give them a mailing address)
:mad: :mad:
2nd FP notices...

My wife's and my 2nd FP notices have been received by my attorney.

Scheduled on 04/29/04. Online message for my WAC# shows that there was information sent to me. but for my wife's WAC#, online is not changed.But, my attorney has received her 2nd FP notice.


Can we go for the Finger printing before this date or do we need to wait until this date?

you should start a new thread for the "Unfair I-485 processing practice" issue. Thank you very much for posting you letter!
Yes you can Kumar Jee

Kumarsaiv jee,

You can for go FP before your schedule date.

IF they ask give reasons like
"I was out of shopping and just swung by to check if I could do FP"

I have done FP 4 times and 3 times I have done it ahead of scheduled dat.

King Anil in exile

PD May 1997
WAC 02 089 5XXXX - RFE Received

After 2 years - change in my online status from Received to RFE :

"On April 1, 2004, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case. The notice explains in detail what additional material is needed. If you have questions about the notice, what is required, or if 14 days have passed and you have not received the notice, please call the National Customer Service Center at (800) 375-5283."

Just thought it is something to be excited about ;) No 2nd FP as yet ...

Congrats NVI jee and Hang in there buddy

Congrats NVI jee and Hang in there buddy

King Anil in exile

PD-May 1997
WAC 02 089 5XXXXX -> Received 2nd FP (scheduled for May 6, 04 - as per attorney)

As per my attorney - my 2nd FP is scheduled for May 6th, 2004. I did not receive the notice as yet.

Meanwhile, as I said earlier, I received RFE for last 2 W2's and 3 paystubs - as per my attorney.

Looks like there is some movement ...


I received RFE on 03/26/04.

RFE is asking for EVL only. I have also received my 2nd FP notices.

I have until june to send my EVL and 2nd FP is on 04/29.