j2 for alien physician


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please guys i need your help about my case
i am a j2 visa holder my wife is j1 research scholar. i made a decision to go on USMLE examination. i think that the prof sponsoring my wife will give her only 2 years. about me there are two propabilities:
1- if i did match a residency program before my wife intreval ends, what will happen if my j2 status ends (as my wife) while i am in residency?
2- if i did not match during these 2 years and i know that my wife will go back home to stay the 2 years of HRR, should i leave US with here. and if i left can i return before the 2 years ending to make my match interview. without the need to no objection certificate (as i know it is impossible to obtain it form my country)?
please help me
1- you will need to switch to another type of visa if your J-2 is ending, as long as you are eligible to do so (i.e. F or O visa).
2- You can come to the US while serving your HRR as a tourist. As long as you get a tourist visa, you are allowed back into the US for an interview. However, any time in the US counts against your 2 years.
3- Both you and your wife are subject to the HRR. If she cannot get a waiver, you both must serve the 2 years, not just her.
You mean your wife's J-1 status? Once her status expires, so does yours. You must change to a different status before your current J-2 expires. If your wife does not get a waiver of HRR, you cannot change to H-1B. But you may be able to change to an O visa. You might, however, need to travel abroad to get the new O visa stamp.
you will also be able to leave the States and reenter on another non-immigrant visa, but you won't be ablet to actually change the status.
You mean your wife's J-1 status? Once her status expires, so does yours. You must change to a different status before your current J-2 expires. If your wife does not get a waiver of HRR, you cannot change to H-1B. But you may be able to change to an O visa. You might, however, need to travel abroad to get the new O visa stamp.

FOR RESIDENCY NOBODY WILL SPONSOR THE O VISA. So O visa will be out of question. Residency can only be joined on J1, H1 or EAD on other basis.
please guys i need your help about my case
i am a j2 visa holder my wife is j1 research scholar. i made a decision to go on USMLE examination. i think that the prof sponsoring my wife will give her only 2 years. about me there are two propabilities:
1- if i did match a residency program before my wife intreval ends, what will happen if my j2 status ends (as my wife) while i am in residency?
2- if i did not match during these 2 years and i know that my wife will go back home to stay the 2 years of HRR, should i leave US with here. and if i left can i return before the 2 years ending to make my match interview. without the need to no objection certificate (as i know it is impossible to obtain it form my country)?
please help me

You can request through the ECFMG and your program to change J2 to J1 medical. your application usually will be granted to a total time of 7 years (the time you spent as J2 will be counted to the total years). By which you can continue residency without leaving the US and your wife at that time will be J2 and can apply for working authorization and work in research too. Contact the visa department with the ECFMG they will provide you with contact information of nice lady who will give you details about that. The point is; match first then the visa is quite possible. Even if you done with the 7 years you can extend it toward the end of your program and sitting for the board. Do not mention this during your interviews, just till that you have EAD and wligible to work, and even the J1 medical is one yearly basis not like research visa.
Another point I forget to add is; if you left the US and you were J1 or J2 you can get a new J (medical in your case) after what is called 1 year bar (something different from the 2 year country requirement).
Dear mmed,
thanks for ur reply but can u explain to me what is that one year bar. please help.

The one year bar is a time interval if you want to switch J visa to another J. For example if you are J1 (or J2) research and you finished the program (up to 5 years) with extensions and transfer from one place to another place. someone will give you another J, so you have to leave the country for one year Bar, take the other J till its expiration for example 7 years maximum for J medical. If third one want to sponsor you a third J you have to go out for one year bar and so on. They make that because someone may switch J1 to J2 then return back to be J1 and stay forever in the US either as J1 or J2 without going back to his country. Also look at the J visa under the DOS web page for more information.
U mean that if the ECFMG sent me the DS 2019 while in Egypt ( i will be there at december 2008. I can not start residency at USA at july 2009 ?
U mean that if the ECFMG sent me the DS 2019 while in Egypt ( i will be there at december 2008. I can not start residency at USA at july 2009 ?

Officially you can not. The visa will be issued after one year (in your case Dec, 09) because you have one year bar before you start another J. But if you still here till July 09 as J1 or J2 (does not matter) in status you can switch your valid J in the US to J medical before the one in your hand expire. Let us say, if the match results are in March 09 and you have an offer to start July 09. If you are here as J2 or J1 in status you can switch to J medical and the time you spent as J2 will be counted toward 7 years. If your status expired even one day before starting residency, you can not get another J (medical in your case) except after one year from the date you reurned to your country. So act accordingly and ask others because as you know this is just general knowledge and I am not a lawyer to know many options. If you are sure that you will match go back for example April 08 and you can come on tourist visa to do the CS and interviews (because that time will be added to the year bar). The DS2019, the ECFMG are going to send you does not mean violations of the regulations already set, any one can send you DS2019, the point is when will the visa start. good Luck
By the way, it is now very very easy to get no bojection from Egypt. It takes less than 2 months to be in the DOS. If your wife get any salary from Egypt and returned it (plus health insurance fees, tickets, interest and every thing), within few days the statement will be issued. They will calculate the amount in one day and sent her the total.
thanks alot mmed. but there is final thing i need to ask about (it will be no problem if u dont know the answer) , how about my chances as J-2 to obtain no objection certificate from Egy Gov. i know that my wife can spend the 2 years of HRR. so can i apply for the No objection letter for my self while my wife will serve the two years? again thanks alot
Q. Can a J-2 apply independently from the J-1 for a waiver of the two-year home residence
A. In cases of death or divorce from the J-1, or when a J-2 child reaches age 21, the Waiver Review
Division may entertain requests for waivers on behalf of the J-2. The Division will need a completed
data sheet, DS-2019/IAP-66 forms of the J-1, divorce decree or death certificate, whichever is
applicable, and, for a dependent son or daughter turning 21, a copy of his/her birth certificate.
thanks alot mmed. but there is final thing i need to ask about (it will be no problem if u dont know the answer) , how about my chances as J-2 to obtain no objection certificate from Egy Gov. i know that my wife can spend the 2 years of HRR. so can i apply for the No objection letter for my self while my wife will serve the two years? again thanks alot

Practically, you can not apply b/c you are dependent and as in the above post under limited circumstances. Even if you applied and a waiver approved this will not remove the one or two year BAR. This only for the 2 year home residence. In another word this waiver is for applying to H or green card not for another J and it may complicate your situation b/c suppose you got waiver her, then you can not extend, transfer or change the category of J from research to medical. every thing applicable to J1 is applicable to J2.
i am sorry mmed, i caould not understand u. please can you exaplin it.

Waiver=no 2 year home country. The 1 year bar (interval between the first and second J) is still applicable (not waived)

Waiver = you can apply for H (If you are eligible for H) without returning back to home country for 2 years or one year even if you returned back and stayed for example few days or months you can come back on H visa NOT J (because you still have 12 months bar)

If you have waiver and you returned back to Egypt. An employer (residency program in your case) can sponsor you H visa (which almost impossible because very few programs sponsor H). H visa needs you to clear USMLE step3.

Even if you have waiver and matched to a program and the ECFMG send you DS2019, the consulate in Cairo will NOT issue J visa for you except after you finish the one year bar (the visa will start from Dec 09 in your case)

To make it simple: with or without waiver you have 12 months (bar) home country before you can start another J. Good luck.