J1 Visa time and other conditions


New Member
I am an Indian with a Ph.D. degree, working as a voluntary researcher. I am on F2 visa and want to have a J1 visa now(getting funded). I have few questions. could you let me know

1) Do I have to go to my home country to change my VISA status or I can get it done by going to Canada or Mexico.

2)Is there any restriction on amount of salary that I can have on J1. I mean can I have J1 on low salary.

3)What is the minumum time period for which my sponser can give me J1 visa. Can I get it for six months.""

4) How much time does it take to get a J1 Visa after applying

I am an Indian with a Ph.D. degree, working as a voluntary researcher. I am on F2 visa and want to have a J1 visa now(getting funded). I have few questions. could you let me know

1) Do I have to go to my home country to change my VISA status or I can get it done by going to Canada or Mexico. No need to go anywhere you can change it here.

2)Is there any restriction on amount of salary that I can have on J1. I mean can I have J1 on low salary. No restriction, unlike the H, you can work even free on J

3)What is the minumum time period for which my sponser can give me J1 visa. Can I get it for six months."" It depends on the category of J visa, we can say from 6 months up to 3 years could be extended to 5 years maximum.

4) How much time does it take to get a J1 Visa after applying? It depends and different from case to case, it may take from few days up to months I can say one month average.


Good luck
Thanks for the reply :) . Can u please let me know if I want to change my department or Laboratory after six months then can I apply for a new J1 visa.Or that I have to stay in my home country for 2 years before applying for a new J1 VISA.

I would like to add this time I am applying for the Trainee category for J1 visa..

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Thanks for the reply :) . Can u please let me know if I want to change my department or Laboratory after six months then can I apply for a new J1 visa.Or that I have to stay in my home country for 2 years before applying for a new J1 VISA.

I would like to add this time I am applying for the Trainee category for J1 visa..


You can change your department or laboratory without any problem and extend your J after six months or after any time within the three years allowed and even you can extend it for another 2 years, again, in the same place or different place. I finished one year on my J, then extend and transfer it to another university for another 2 years. I extend it for another 2 years (so, 5 years total on J) and during that extension I moved to third university. If you finish the whole 5 years, then you have to go for two years before you apply for another J.
mmed - please reply!!!


can you please help?

1. I am from India and completed US PHD in Science and now working on F1-OPT for a for profit regular pharma company as technical support scientist.
Company already filed H1B on April 2 but they are telling me that H1B quota for 2008 is reached and if i am not chosen in the USCIS lottery, company
will apply J1 for me (only way i can continue working for them).

Question 1: Which category of J1 should the company file for me as i have US PHD and working as Technical Support Scientist in Science Field?

2. I understand that i am subjected to HRR but i hope i will get No Objection waiver.

Question 2: WIll i loose my J1 status the moment i will get my J1 NoObjection waiver?
When should i start my J1 waiver process after my company file for J1 status change?

3. I understand that I cannot file I-485 with my spuose as i will be on J1 (Spouse is on H1B/I-140 approved/waiting on PD to be current)

Question: If i get J1 waiver can my spouse add me in I-485 Green Card application?

You seem to be very experienced in J1/Waiver/Green-Card and WILL really APPRECIATE you help and advise . thanks!!

Please help and reply.

You can change your department or laboratory without any problem and extend your J after six months or after any time within the three years allowed and even you can extend it for another 2 years, again, in the same place or different place. I finished one year on my J, then extend and transfer it to another university for another 2 years. I extend it for another 2 years (so, 5 years total on J) and during that extension I moved to third university. If you finish the whole 5 years, then you have to go for two years before you apply for another J.

can you please help?

1. I am from India and completed US PHD in Science and now working on F1-OPT for a for profit regular pharma company as technical support scientist.
Company already filed H1B on April 2 but they are telling me that H1B quota for 2008 is reached and if i am not chosen in the USCIS lottery, company
will apply J1 for me (only way i can continue working for them). Sorry for the confusion, are you subject to the 2 yr RR now or you will be subject later after the company will sponsor you the J? If you are subject now to the 2Yr RR, then it is not allowed for you to apply for H and your application will be denied.
Question 1: Which category of J1 should the company file for me as i have US PHD and working as Technical Support Scientist in Science Field? Being in a university throughout my J carrier I have no idea, but it does not matter for you, any J category.

2. I understand that i am subjected to HRR but i hope i will get No Objection waiver.

Question 2: WIll i loose my J1 status the moment i will get my J1 NoObjection waiver? No, the waiver does not mean that you will loose your J status, the waiver means that you can apply for H, GC and many other categories. But if you get waiver, No j extensions, No J transfer and No other J in your life.
When should i start my J1 waiver process after my company file for J1 status change? You can start the waiver from the first day you join your J sponsor (not before you start), the earlier the better.

3. I understand that I cannot file I-485 with my spuose as i will be on J1 (Spouse is on H1B/I-140 approved/waiting on PD to be current)

Question: If i get J1 waiver can my spouse add me in I-485 Green Card application? If you get the waiver you can apply for a separate AOS (I-485) based on your wife's pending I-485 or even within 6 months after her approval (not after that and not before the waiver). For sure you have to wait for PD to be current

You seem to be very experienced in J1/Waiver/Green-Card and WILL really APPRECIATE you help and advise . thanks!!

Please help and reply.

Good luck
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Thank you mmed - Followup Questions - Just 1

I was never on J1. I had F1 and now F1-OPT ending May 1 and then i will be on H4 until/IF i get H1B approval for OCt 1, 2007 (BUT dont know if I will chosen in Lottery as you HIB cap is reached, altough my H1B is applied on US-MS quota as i have US PHD)

So for me, it will be a J1 for first time and actually a first time J Status change from H4.

Question 1.

1. To get the No Objections letters from Passport Office, State Govt (West Bengal, India) and Central Gove (New delhi, India) - DO I HAVE to PHYSICALLY present at India and visit the offices to request No Objection letters?

THANK you and Thank you again!! Hope you will continue to help the J1 community!

Again I will ask you, if you are now not subject to the 2 Yr HRR, why you do not adjust your status and get working authorization? I assume you have an old J before the F. Is that right?

Good luck