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It's official - 2012 invalidated.. redraw

Yeah, I like how some individuals here accussed us "losers" of being jealous of them "winners", specifying the word- LOSER, and making fun of everyone who thought the lottery was not fair.... lol. To those who did that - What do you "former winners" have to say now?

All that really showed people's true colors...
I am so sad about this. All this time people were telling stuff about a redraw and I could not, would not believe it.. but it is really happening. The chances of winning are so low, but still I keep a bit of hope. I fully agree with the idea of a petition. We invested a lot of time and money in getting a 2 year HRR waiver (which obviously we would not need if we were not selected) and I'm not even talking about all the emotional damage this has caused us. Sure, a mistake was made and the best thing to do is vote for a redraw.. but wow.. it hurts so bad :( Wish they just could include the 22k people that already thought they won.

Yeah, I like how some individuals here accussed us "losers" of being jealous of them "winners", specifying the word- LOSER, and making fun of everyone who thought the lottery was not fair.... lol. To those who did that - What do you "former winners" have to say now?

All that really showed people's true colors...
Welcome back!!! yup, they trashed us for expressing our opinion. But hey, we have another chance. Win or lose, I will be satisfied.
why are they not keeping the 22K and get 78K more.
How many chance will the winner (Like me) have to be picked a second time.
I feel sick.
why are they not keeping the 22K and get 78K more.
How many chance will the winner (Like me) have to be picked a second time.
I feel sick.

first, because the entire "correct" algo suppose to randomly choose 100,000 participant.
if you "modify" this algo to only choose 78,000 participant, it will no longer be precise.

second, the 22,000 was chosen from flawed process, and it include first 2 days of the lottery,
so they will have to take out the first 2 days participant from entering the redraw,
and that will be unfair for the participant of the lottery who enter in the first 2 days but was not the winner on the first flawed selection

third, a flaw process is not following the US Law as they had specified on the Press Release today,
so the remaining process will not follow the US law too and the green card winner can be rejected based on technicality anyway.
this is like having a law derive from flawed constitution or
constructing a building based on flawed foundation

fourth, the chance for previous winner to be picked a second time is the same
as the other 19 million who do not win to be picked on this second redraw.
I'm french, don't even know the % chance.
been doing it for over 10 years, how can I be picked twice the same year.
The justice has done, proud of you the guy " who start the threads "DV2012 was a scam" and shame on you guys who gave bad attitude to him.

good luck to you all (the previous winners and who didn't win in previous selection).
how many people who checked and didn't win, will check again and they may have won the second time... all this flawless process is screwed anyway, They made a mistake they should fix it without penalizing the first lucky winner.
Soooo, it begs the question: Was the process flawed as well in the past few years of computer "random" selection and only this year someone catched the glitch in the algorithm?
do u realy think you are hurting me? honestly, do you realy think so? If you were hurting me like you think, you would have been back in my ignore list long time ago...
cry if that makes you feel better, it is ok :) hahaha

ps: be my guess :) hahaha

2nd ps: TOLD YA ! :) hahaha
cry if that makes you feel better, it is ok :) hahaha

ps: be my guess :) hahaha

2nd ps: TOLD YA ! :) hahaha


But really.. jayo2k where did you get that 5% number ? You got as much chance as anyone now.
If you mean -chances of you winning from (I'm guessing) -europe - then I doubt it's 5 %, you can calculate it using the previous wins and number of entries from your country.
Although it is a big scandal, life goes on...nothing we can do except hoping to re-win on July 15.

shit happens in life and as I said life still goes on...toughen out and get over it is my additude...
The worst thing here is - those who already returned forms to KCC actually ruined their opportunity to visit USA on all kinds of nonimmigrant visas that don't allow dual intent. They clearly indicated to DOS that they want to immigrate to US.