• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

It's official - 2012 invalidated.. redraw

Proof that US is FAIR for Citizen, Prospective Citizen and Non Citizen! :)


We regret to inform you that, due to a computer programming problem, the results of the 2012 Diversity Lottery that were previously posted on this website have been voided. They were not valid and were posted in error. The results were not valid because they did not represent a fair, random selection of entrants, as required by U.S. law.

If you checked this website during the first week in May and found a notice that you had been selected for further processing or a notice that you had not been selected, that notice has been rescinded and is no longer valid.

A new selection process will be conducted based on the original entries for the 2012 program.

If you submitted a qualified entry from October 5, 2010 to November 3, 2010, your entry remains with us. It will be included in the new selection lottery. Your confirmation number to check results on this website is still valid.

We expect the results of the new selection process to be available on this website on or about July 15, 2011.

We regret any inconvenience this might have caused.

Click here to view a message from David T. Donahue, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Visa Services:


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why was it necessary to invalidate the names that were selected?

  • [FONT=&quot]U.S. law requires that Diversity Immigrant visas be made available through a strictly random process. A computer programming error resulted in a selection that was not truly random.[/FONT]

  • [FONT=&quot]Since the computer programming error caused an outcome that was not random, the outcome did not meet the requirements of the law, and would have been unfair to many DV entrants.[/FONT]

Q: Is the 2012 Diversity Visa Program cancelled?

  • [FONT=&quot]No. The 2012 program will continue. The computer programming error has been identified and corrected. The Department of State will run a new selection using all the qualified entries (ones received between October 5, 2010 and November 3, 2010) it received for the 2012 program. [/FONT]

Q: Do I have to submit a new application?

  • [FONT=&quot]No. You may not submit a new application. We will use all qualified entries received during the October 5 to November 3, 2010 registration period. [/FONT]

Q: Will you open a new entry period?

  • [FONT=&quot]New entries will not be accepted.[/FONT]

Q: I checked the Entry Status Check website after May 1 and it said I had been selected. Can I apply for a DV visa?

  • [FONT=&quot]Unfortunately results previously posted on this website were not valid because the selection process was not fair or random. We will take the entries of all individuals who sent in their registration during the original October 5 to November 3, 2010 time period and run a new lottery. We regret any inconvenience or disappointment this has caused. We expect new results to be available on this website on or about July 15, 2011.[/FONT]

Q: How can I check the results of the new selection?

  • [FONT=&quot]The new results should be available on this website on or about July 15, 2011. The confirmation code you received when you registered is still valid for use on the website. [/FONT]

Q: Was the Department of State hacked? Was my personal information at risk?

  • [FONT=&quot]We have no evidence that this problem was caused by any intentional act. No unauthorized party accessed data related to the DV program. [/FONT]

  • [FONT=&quot]This appears to be solely the result of a computer programming error. [/FONT]

It seems that guy who claimed that this was a scam/mistake and got his topic deleted was right afterall.I feel sorry for the guy who have in his signature 'On 1st May couldn't sleep' or something like that, IN YOUR FACE, YOU AIN'T GOIN` NOWHERE.
Again, this isn't the time for pride or right or wrong attitudes. Nor is it the time to shout in someones face. Who the heck do u think you are?! That is completely out of order!

As must support one another in this decision and move forward. If you want to be an immature idiot about it, take it elsewhere!
Come on, this ain't alcoholics anonymous to hug and kiss each other. The guy just showed some sarcasm, perhaps it helps him to deal with stress. Whatever.
Don't get me wrong lordmuggins, I'm really sorry that things turned out this way, but that guy humiliated everyone who questioned fairness of this year's draw, I think he really deserves that.
Absolutely not. I am responding yo the 'in your face you ain't going anywhere' post above. This is completely out of line!
I just heard this on NPR! This is CRAZY! Some peole on here deserve an apology.
This situation is awful for those that were selected on May 1rst. I feel for you guys and I hope all of you will be selected again this time around.
This is what I wrote to KCC. All those who think what happened today is unfair can follow suit.

We can also think of some sort of petition


I am writing not to any specific worker at KCC, who I am sure are all hard-working individuals. I am addressing high-level people who allowed this scandal to have happened.

On 1 May, my wife and I learned that we won Green Card lottery- our dream for many years.

On 13 May, you said, as a matter of fact, that there was a computer glitch, and there will be a redraw. Oh, and those whose wins were revoked shouldn't worry- they will be able to participate again. Thank you so much for your generosity!

Well, I tell you what. This is not a joke. You cannot just say "sorry for the inconvenience caused" after mistakes like this. This is not a trivial matter, people can have heart attacks for that. I am just curious to know why this has happened. After all, the program has been run for many years. After all, you had 6 MONTHS to check if everything was fine. Yet, I learned from Reuters news that nobody will be disciplined. If this happened to American citizens, there would be an uproar by now.

It just seems to me that you gave in to a bunch of conspiracy theorists, who threatened to scandalize the program because of perceived unfairness in selecting winners. If yes, shame on you.
This is what I wrote to KCC. All those who think what happened today is unfair can follow suit.

We can also think of some sort of petition


I am writing not to any specific worker at KCC, who I am sure are all hard-working individuals. I am addressing high-level people who allowed this scandal to have happened.

On 1 May, my wife and I learned that we won Green Card lottery- our dream for many years.

On 13 May, you said, as a matter of fact, that there was a computer glitch, and there will be a redraw. Oh, and those whose wins were revoked shouldn't worry- they will be able to participate again. Thank you so much for your generosity!

Well, I tell you what. This is not a joke. You cannot just say "sorry for the inconvenience caused" after mistakes like this. This is not a trivial matter, people can have heart attacks for that. I am just curious to know why this has happened. After all, the program has been run for many years. After all, you had 6 MONTHS to check if everything was fine. Yet, I learned from Reuters news that nobody will be disciplined. If this happened to American citizens, there would be an uproar by now.

It just seems to me that you gave in to a bunch of conspiracy theorists, who threatened to scandalize the program because of perceived unfairness in selecting winners. If yes, shame on you.

KCC is part of US Government.
US Government NEVER back down to any threat from any conspiracy theorist.
They admit they found FLAW on their algorithm.

Admitting they have algorithm error show how bad the problem was... otherwise they would never admit that.

apparently they start the lottery pick not 6 months ago, but right at May1 before they announce it to the public.
that is why when they check the result of their lottery pick,
they were so surprised that it only contain 22,000 winner out of the suppose 100,000 winner (to compensate for 50,000 eventual green card winner).

but it took them 5 days before they realize this error and pull the plug on the website.
it took them another week before they finish the entire investigation and the resulting Press Release :)

Look even F-22 Raptor can have error on their computer, error and mistake happen,
this is a lottery,

as the winner used to say, you got to take honor in admitting your mistake and move on.

ps: the winner used to say, don't bug KCC, because if you bug KCC, they will know who you are and mark your identity
to make sure you never win :) hahaha
personally, I don't believe this, but hey, the past winner is the one who said this kind of "conspiracy theory" :)hahaha
In excess, I don;t give a f**ck to the threats you mentioned in your letter.

I have a very nice job offer from Europe. If needed, I could easily get national interest waiver, unlike you, the sad loser who can pathetically pray for the DV lottery win.

Well, here's a news from you. The GC, even if you win it, will not a good/successful person. You will still be a sad, sorry shmuck, who is making fun of other people's predicament (many of whom indeed feel awful).
Fair would be, to proceed the 22,000 case further and select 50,000 new out of the remaining pool.

hey, Taz,

few days ago, you call me a 4 letter word + retard :) hahaha
turn out, I am not that bad for a retard right ? hahaha

by the way, the 22,000 case number are chosen from FLAWED algorithm.
it is an ERROR ! Mistake is a mistake, you can not start a FAIR process from a flaw mistake,
it is like a Law based on FLAWED constitution
of like a building build on FLAWED Foundation.

beside those 22,000 past winner now have another fair chance of being selected in real FAIR Algorithm process.

right ? :) hahaha

by the way, KCC going to select 100,000 winner now while your idea mean 22,000 +50,000 only 72,000 winner,
so relax because KCC's idea will have more winner than your idea,
of course in the end only 50,000 will eventually get the green card :)

last, do you now absolutely positively realize that I am right after all ? :)

Told Ya :)
In excess, I don;t give a f**ck to the threats you mentioned in your letter.

I have a very nice job offer from Europe. If needed, I could easily get national interest waiver, unlike you, the sad loser who can pathetically pray for the DV lottery win.

Well, here's a news from you. The GC, even if you win it, will not a good/successful person. You will still be a sad, sorry shmuck, who is making fun of other people's predicament (many of whom indeed feel awful).

what kind of threats do I mention ? hahaha
like I said, those threats was actually originated by the past winner, I actually laugh at that kind of idea
I sense anger in your tone, why ? hahaha :)

22,000 people predicament vs. 19 million people joy that Fairness finally arrive ?
which one is better ? :) hahaha

TOLD YA :) !
I'm speechless. Is this f***ing joke to them? "Nobody will be disciplined". "Sorry for the inconvenience caused".

I will do everything in my power to sign every f**ing petition to close down this so incompetently run program. I really hope those LOSERS who started all this mess by contacting "FBI and their uncle" will get what they deserved.

I can understand why you are speechless at this point :) seriously I would too :) hahaha
I am sure somebody who wrote the program are being grilled by their superior at KCC,
and if this program were outsources, that private company can forget about KCC extending the contract with them.

now, I do question why do you want this DV Lottery to be closed...
I know misery loves company, but come on hahaha :)

just because you were revoke, you want nobody to ever win ??? that is bad mentality,
and US do not need that kind of people to come to USA :) hahaha

again, you are not a good person because you clearly want to sign petition to CLOSE DOWN DV Lottery ever !!! :)


what a pathetic idea that is...
In Excess
you should consider people filling, alot of the winner didn't lose just the opportunity they lost their time money and most of young stop therer eduction flowing the dream so pls let's stop talking shit :S

dvloser, like I said, some people have big heart and able to accept this news with open mind,
but some are malicious and even hope they stop DV Lottery so nobody would ever win anymore.

you should also remember that this is about self interest, and those 22,000 past winner, most of them do NOT care or consider
the feeling of the 19 million other who do not win because of FLAW Algorithm.

I also want to remind you that this is May 13, only 13 days after the flawed announcement on May 1, so nobody is losing that much time (or money).
the money that had been paid for AOS will be refunded for sure.

You also need to know that we are getting delayed to July 15, so that mean the 19 million other who might had been a true winner,
also got delayed by 1.5 months because of this computer problem.


anyway, this just renew my confident in US Justice System.
Whether I will win or not, as long as it is fair, I would not mind :)

ps: in the past few days, the past winner also claim us to be BAD / SORE Loser...

looks like when the truth is out, some of them (not all) turn out to be even WORSE than us :) hahaha
DVwasScam was right! Right from the very beginning. And we laughed at him and made him left. I feel sorry for poor fella, hope he didn't commit suicide on Red square or something.