IT finally came !!!!!!!!!!!!


I think your oath will be before mine.
Mine will be on March 13, 2008.

I sometimes have a habit of being "too" organized. I put things in places so safely, that I can never find them again!!

So, it would be great if you post your oath ceremony experience. I'm planning on taking a video camera if its allowed and possibly taking some pictures. It will be a memorable day for my wife and me and my 3 year old daughter. Soon after, we're planning to visit the zoo to celebrate with the animals there!

I believe the ceremony itself lasts for a couple of hours (So we're planning to take the entire day off from work) and we're supposed to be formally dressed (suits and ties for men, dresses for women.... thats what my oath letter says).

Does anyone know if we're supposed to memorize the words of the "Star Spangled Banner" or something? ..... (or do we just wing it and sing along with the others? ... he, he). I'm fairly used to singing songs I don't know the words of.... He, he. Just sing along like a donkey following another crowd of donkeys!

I was also supplied a map by USCIS of the location. It seems like a very large stadium or auditorium at Trinity University in San Antonio. The map has directions on which section of the auditorium we're supposed to be seated in. I believe I'm supposed to report at 11:47 am. SHARP (Don't know why the time was selected to be so precisely at 11:47 am.), but the letter says the Oath Ceremony does not start until 2 pm.!! What are we supposed to do for 2 hours!! Anyone know?
we're supposed to be formally dressed (suits and ties for men, dresses for women.... thats what my oath letter says).

Mine just says appropriate attire should be worn ! I wasn't planning on wearing a dress. I was just planning on wearing a pair of slacks, a nice top and nice shoes, lol
Does anyone know if we're supposed to memorize the words of the "Star Spangled Banner" or something? ..... (or do we just wing it and sing along with the others? ... he, he). I'm fairly used to singing songs I don't know the words of....

absolutely. you need to know by heart the star spangled banner and the plege of allegiance. :) If you donot know the words of either they ask you to come back for your oath at a later time and date. So start studying :)
Wow I have never heard that before !! Are you serious ?

You also need to know the US constitution by heart in addition to the constitution of the state where you currently reside and every state where you resided over the past 5 years:D:D:D

Ladybuggy is just kidding.
OK I just searched around and from what I read is that you only "need to know" (unconfirmed - meaning if you get a paper with it on it or you need to know it by heart) but you will have to say the Pledge of Allegiance and the Oath of Allegiance which you can find at the bottom of your Application Form
LOL. I was kidding. you don't need to know the star spangled banner or the pledge of allegiance ;).

take it easy and enjoy the show :) all the best and congrats to you guys who are about to take the Oath & become U.S. Citizens.
LOL don't scare me like this 2 weeks before my Oath.
You know what is funny, my kids taught me that yesterday because they say it every morning in school.
Don't EVER do that to me again !!! LOL :p
Are we supposed to sign the N-445 in Cursive form (Like we do on our Citizenship Certificate)? Or do we sign in our usual signature on this form?

I'm guessing they mean "Cursive" when they use the word "Full Signature", but I wanted to know what you know? (Don't want to mess up the only proof I have of being approved. Besides one of my colleagues at work told me NOT to lose this Oath Ceremony letter, as they will make you go through a lot of trouble to get another letter and rescheduled for an oath)

Anyone who's been for the Oath Ceremony.... Do you know the answer to the question above? Are we supposed to sign in "Cursive" (Like we do on the certificate itself), in "Full" (but not necessarily cursive) or in our "usual" signature? (which may not be legible/readable)
LOL don't scare me like this 2 weeks before my Oath.
You know what is funny, my kids taught me that yesterday because they say it every morning in school.
Don't EVER do that to me again !!! LOL :p

I just saw in your timeline that you are almost done.
Congratulations ! Don't worry about Oath, it is very simple and
it will just be a pleasant experience. You can take kids/family members there,
and make plenty of photos.
You'll probably have to sign it cursive so it is "readable". Mine usually is but when I look at my Husbands for example if I would not know his name I would go "HUH???" .....
I am sure you can ask before you sign it.