Is transit Visa needed even after getting GC plastic


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Does any one know if countries like Germany, France etc. recognise USA's GC card as a valid travel document or do they ask for Transit Visa?

Passport won't have any kind of valid stamps (H1B etc.) once GC is received, right?
They Do Recognize

Yes dma_va, all the European Countries do recoginize GC as a valid travel document. This March while returning from India, I had some time to spend at Amsterdam and I was thinking of going of visiting the city. The guys issue there a visiting visa for a day, but you need to be US citizen or a GC holder.

Well I am waiting to receive my GC and complete the 'unfinished business' at Amsterdam.. :) :)


An extension to my earlier question................

If I were to plan for a few days or week travelling Europeon countries, do I need to get a transit visa for each of these countries from their Embassies in USA itself or do I get that at the POE airport (Europe)?

I spent some time in Belgium in early 1999. That time I had travelled from India and had taken business visa from Belgium consulate. They had issued then a visa called as Schengen Visa. With this visa, you can visit almost all of Europe, except the eastern Europe and UK and I think Switzerland too. The major countries that were covered are Belgium, Holland, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Luxemborg, Italy, France, etc. My visa was such that once I left these group of countries I could not return i.e. single entry, but within these countries I could travel as I liked. So I think you should go to the consulate of the country that will be your POE and take the visa. Let's hope it's a Schengen visa.

Due to the work pressures, I could only visit Keukinof Gardens (?) at Holland - these are Tulip Gardens and are made famous for the first time (?) in the movie Silsila. To summarize, Europe is beautiful and do take the chance of visiting it, if you have the time and money.

switzerland doesnt recognize schwegan visa

you need a visitor visa from switzerland embassy/consulate.

When I travelled europe last year i was on h1b. I needed visa from UK, Shwegan and Switzerland.

But now I have GC and I believe you DONT NEED ANY VISA if you are a US GC Holder.

This is my 2 cents.
3 Countries I know that allow entry w/o a visa for GC Holders are:
- Canada, Mexico and Switzerland

I am also curious to know if most European countries grant visa at the POE or should one obtain it at the consulate/embassy here in the US. I heard that a GC holder can get a UK visa upon arrival. Not sure tho'.

Could some folks shed light on this issue? Is the visa upon arrival a formality or is there a fixed fee?

To avoid any issues, it's best to take Schengen Visa from the consulate of the country where you will be landing first. These countries are pretty small and you can go for Eurail pass which will allow to travel from country to country by train.. :) :)

Better check the web or travel agent as my knowledge is more than 3 years old and 9/11 might have changed a lot of things..

Slightly off topic...


If you don't mind, how long did you have to wait for the actual green card after the interview?

To get Schwegan visa -- Please keep this in mind

I forgot to mention this. Last year to get schwegan visa I learnt the following.

Schwegan visa should be obtained from that particular country embassy where you will be staying the MAXIMUM nos of days.
I was visiiting almost all the country, but was staying MAXIMUM nos of days in Italy. So had to go to ITALY embassy in NYC. That embassy SUCKS BIG TIME!!!. It is WORSER THEN THE Indian embassy. So make sure which country you are staying MAXIMUM nos of days, and that country embassy you should go for the schwegan visa.

Also they need your address of stay. I had given them hotel reservation. Also they need to see your RETURN Tickets.That is a must. Go with the return ticket.

No interview for us.

But after stamping at Arlington, VA, I got my card in 7 weeks and wife got it in 5 weeks.