Is this true ?


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ive heard that if you tell the consular yr reason to visit US is bec yr daughter /daughter in law is pregnant , the visa will be rejected .

My mom is applying for visitors visa and i am pregnant so i was wondering if this were true ?
Visa will be rejected if the applicant fails to overcome 214(b). Not all disclosures of daughter's/daughter-in-law's preganancy will result in a visa denial. Concealing/withholding the fact will not translate to success either.
my mom can show strong ties bec my father is in india , plus they will be showing thier property papers and bank statement..

only question i am wondering is whether telling the consular if asked that her daughter is pregnant , will it ruin her chances bec thats wht i have read on immihelp is not too disclose ...
It also depends upon the person interviewing you and on his instinct.
We're almost helpless honestly. If the person interviewing in the embassy feels they'd come back they issue visa or else.........we consider bad luck.

So no panic.