Is there any hope for me?


New Member
I was born in my South American country approximately 19 years ago. I came here when I was about a few months old. I have lived my whole life here, illegally. Now I am in college, which I have to pay my own tuition because I am not eligible for government aid. I have a girlfriend who has been with me for over 3 years and we plan to get married. Problem is, I have been told that even if we do marry, I still cannot get my papers. What can I do? I've been trying to get my papers, and I've had 2 biometric appointments. And it's been about 4 or 5 years and still nothing. What can I do?

Can I get married and get my papers? I didn't come with a Visa.

Is there anything I can do besides leave the country, wait 10 years and then come back???

Someone help me please.
i take it you are undocumented. did you come here legally or illegally? is your girlfriend a citizen? and addie, i least you see it wasn't his choice. and helpme, also hope for the passage of the DREAM Act. You will benefit under it. it is the best with the best chance and even the pathetic immigration hearings don't even dare to touch it since they know they will get hit soo hard that they will regret being born.

don't worry, you have choices and options. hand in there. only over my dead body will something happen to you. i mean it. do go to an attorney, but do tell us if you came here legally and if your girlfriend is a citizen or not. and for what reason did you get the biometrics? was there another petition in there? if so, what kind? so relax and go to an attorney and trust that at least i will be here for you.
I am undocumented and I came here illegally, no Visa, nothing of the sort. Definately not by my choice. My girlfriend is a citizen, she was born and has lived her entire life here. What can an attorney do for me?

I was told that in order for me to be able to get any kind of papers, I have to leave the country and return to my native country. I don't know anything about that place, I don't even want to think about going there.

The DREAM Act isn't even in the process of being reconsidered much. I don't think I can continue paying over $5,000 ever semester to have gained nothing in the end.
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helpme2006 said:
I am undocumented and I came here illegally, no Visa, nothing of the sort. Definately not by my choice. My girlfriend is a citizen, she was born and has lived her entire life here. What can an attorney do for me?
Give you proper advice on your complex situation. Most here are not illegals, so don't understand the complex issues involved in your case. A good attorney on the other hand should be very familiar.
I was told that in order for me to be able to get any kind of papers, I have to leave the country and return to my native country. I don't know anything about that place, I don't even want to think about going there.
I doubt that is necessary. Do have have no papers at all? Not even a birth certificate? If you don't you probably can get that sort of thing through the mail, rather than returning to your home country. Again an attorney would be of better help.
The DREAM Act isn't even in the process of being reconsidered much. I don't think I can continue paying over $5,000 ever semester to have gained nothing in the end.
I'm paying $6000 a semester for my wife to go to a state university, and she's getting in-state resident tuition! ;)
Don't worry....if your GF is USC

Recently [may of 2006] I paid an attorny $250 cash for 1 hour to answer some questions about a friend of mine whose status is messed up though not related to this posting and coincidently this issue of yours came up. Here's her quote:

"I had a client whose husband was a usc but the wife had over stayed her visa by 15 years. So when they went for the interview, everything went well because there is a law that makes an exception for usc spouses on their status prior to filling I-485. However, if the husband was a GC holder, then the case would have been denied and the spouse sent home"

so I hope your gf is a usc.

My best stab....I'm not an attorny.
Out of status (legally entered the US but overstayed visa, even for many years) is different than having entered illegally through the Mexican border (without inspection).

Marriage to USC doesn't forgive that.
bash123 said:
Recently [may of 2006] I paid an attorny $250 cash for 1 hour to answer some questions about a friend of mine whose status is messed up though not related to this posting and coincidently this issue of yours came up. Here's her quote:

"I had a client whose husband was a usc but the wife had over stayed her visa by 15 years. So when they went for the interview, everything went well because there is a law that makes an exception for usc spouses on their status prior to filling I-485. However, if the husband was a GC holder, then the case would have been denied and the spouse sent home"

so I hope your gf is a usc.

My best stab....I'm not an attorny.

While well-intentioned, your quote here may not apply to the OP. Visa OVERSTAY is totally different from entering without admission and staying illegally.

Now, I am not saying that you have no options, but the issues are far too complex to get into here on this forum and many questions would need to get asked.

The basic facts(with the emphasis on "basic" since we do not know the details of the case):

If the OP entered the US illegally, purporting to be a US citizen or with US citizen documents, there is NO CHANCE for him staying in the US, not by applying locally, nor by applying abroad.

If the OP entered illegally, but on false alien documents, there may be a shot domestically or by applying abroad. If having "sneaked" across the border, you are in a field of landmines.

My advice would be to consult with an excellent immigration attorney in his own area ASAP, who can examine and analyze all the different issues involved. The OP will almost MOST DEFINITELY not get the answers he needs on this forum and even if so, he would be better off talking about this in a private consultation.
I never applied as a USC. I just came as an infant and just recently have I been faced with the fact that I am ILLEGAL and all the same benefits don't apply to me. I've never committed fraud, I've never held a criminal record. I just want my papers. Even if I marry my girlfriend I was told I'm not eligible to receive my papers that way.

I guess the best thing I can do is consult an attorney. I should be able to find a decent one in NYC. Thank you for all your advice.
helpme2006 said:
I never applied as a USC. I just came as an infant and just recently have I been faced with the fact that I am ILLEGAL and all the same benefits don't apply to me. I've never committed fraud, I've never held a criminal record. I just want my papers. Even if I marry my girlfriend I was told I'm not eligible to receive my papers that way.

I guess the best thing I can do is consult an attorney. I should be able to find a decent one in NYC. Thank you for all your advice.

You are welcome. Unfortunately, there is no cookie cutter answer to your situation without an extensive evaluation of your facts. Even if there is an avenue to pursue, which is a maybe, you should plan on spending quite a bit of money on your attorney and dealing with him for a considerable period of time. This type of case will involve a lot of work and you should make sure you hire someone experienced in these cases(illegal entry, removal proceedings etc.) The average immigration attorney(including some very good ones) may not have enough specialized knowledge on this subject). I am not trying to scare you, in fact I am encouraging you to pursue your options -- just want you to make sure you understand what you could be up against.

Best wishes
don't count of DREAM just yet. only tancredo is stupid enough to attack it. and you have yet tell us about the bio appointments. how you got them? and as far as i know, if you came here illegally and not under 245i, there is nothing you can do. there are people that marry citizens and children with them and can't even put in an application. your only other option is cancellation of removal. but that is impossible to get. just keep an eye on DREAM since it might just pass.
TheInquisitor said:
and Addie, i least you see it wasn't his choice. and helpme, also hope for the passage of the DREAM Act. You will benefit under it. it is the best with the best chance and even the pathetic immigration hearings don't even dare to touch it since they know they will get hit soo hard that they will regret being born.

I support the DREAM act for cases like his
The ILLEGAL Parents Should NOT EVER, BENEFIT FROM THEIR CHILDREN'S New Permanant residancy or citizenship.

Once the children turn of adult age their parents should be subject to criminal hearings with very harsh punishment & fines & never be allowed to have their children petition for them.

For those not familiar with the DREAM ACT
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This is a real problem.
I do not support illegal immigration whatsoever.
Actually, I'd deport them all.

BUT...... in this case the "illegal" came here when he was a little kid. His parents made the mistake. He went to school, he speaks and writes English better than the most of us. As matter of facts, English is probably his first language.
Honestly, it wouldn't be fair to send the kid back to "his" (parents') country.
A country that he doesn't know, a language that he probably speaks with an accent..... Those cases should be taken in consideration...especially if the kid is well integrated and doesn't have a criminal record.

I don't know. What should the Govt do? Deport his parents and give him benefit? They both deserve so, but it's hard.
TheInquisitor said:
don't count of DREAM just yet. only tancredo is stupid enough to attack it. and you have yet tell us about the bio appointments. how you got them? and as far as i know, if you came here illegally and not under 245i, there is nothing you can do. there are people that marry citizens and children with them and can't even put in an application. your only other option is cancellation of removal. but that is impossible to get. just keep an eye on DREAM since it might just pass.

Even though you are right in that it is a big fat maybe in his case; there are some options to look into. But they are far too complicated to lay out here -- an attorney in his own area(with expertise in these matters) can examine the facts of his case to determine how best to proceed.

But there are some other options out there.
IM85U said:
While it seems to make sense to allow an innocent child to stay, I think part of the reason that is a problem is that if people know they can get their kids in like that more will come illegally, just to give their kids a chance. If you send the kids back to the parents' home country that should discourage more illegal immigration. This is a huge problem either way.

That is an excellent point and a very good analysis of the philosophy behind the current legislation. Most of the time, the only time someone can get around current legislation, is appealing to points of technicality -- you will be amazed at how many people(although not many) have been successful at this.
sarrebal said:
This is a real problem.
I do not support illegal immigration whatsoever.

I don't know. What should the Govt do? Deport his parents and give him benefit? They both deserve so, but it's hard.

My suggestion instead of sending children back,

Anchor babies Should not be deported as they are US citizens, & Babies brought in Illegally should be dealth with case by case basis. However, their parents should be treated as Federal criminals, and should not receive ANY FEDERAL OR STATE ASSISTANCE OR BENEFITS NOT ONE PENNY! they won't be able to & can't prove they are able to provide for their child so their child should be remanded into foster care system. , because The Illegal parents CAN NOT WORK LEGALLY, CAN NOT GET FEDERAL OR STATE ASSISTANCE the court should order parents give up custody of their children and due to inability to provide for them and care for them. So the parents would have NOTHING to gain by bringing children in illegally but have everything to lose.
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then you were dealing with extremely weak minds. inferior minds at best.

look, at the end it wasn't the kid's decision. and i can debate anyone and change their minds right now if i want to. but if you are going to seat back and talk about illegal immigration and all that crap like tancredo, you are wasting your time and wasting your mind.

how about we get a fence. we get a verification system. and all i hear day in and day out is that they WILL work. and how about we actually do US-VISIT? and if we do that right, it won't matter how many people want to here. yes you are right, if we just pass DREAM, more people will come. but what if there is a huge stop sign in a form of 700 miles fence? and if they do make in, they won't be able to just get some fake id? umm? we could do both.

your point is pathetic at best when we really look at it. and it won't work on me. i am too good for it. and you want enforcement? you must give us DREAM or you get nothing. so fine. we get no DREAM, but you get zero too. you want retro to stop? want the unused visas and other fun and important things you want, you must give us DREAM. and if we do reform right, both of us will win. and like i said, over my dead body will you have attrition or deport 12 million people. and i WILL have grandchildren.

we could do both. and only working together will either be done right. and you also forget that if DREAM were to become law tomorrow (8/8), those who came on 8/9/2001 will not benefit. and those who do benefit must do two years of college or military service within six years and keep a clean criminal record.
TheInquisitor as always you make no sense what so ever, your random mumbling is pathetic as it is confusing to everyone who bothers to read, Most of the time I see your name I skip over the nonsense threads you start and replies you post! Only your disorganised mind understands your own posts.