Is there any hope for me?

can't attack the message, attack the messanger. just know this. you are in for the fight of your life. a fight you will not win. and if you want anything when it comes to enforcement or have whatever you get mena something, you must and better give us DREAM. i might not be strong enough to beat you, you i am strong enough to hold you. just know that. and if you don't belive me, i don't really care. but you will when the status quo remains year after year. shame, we could to stop retro, but retro will stay.

no DREAM, no deal.
sarrebal said:
The inquisitor just gave me a headache.

I have not necessarily disagreed with everything you said, Inquisitor, but your nonsensical rambling and inferred threats do not contribute anything at this point.

Weak arguments are often disguised by lots of ineffective, nonsensical rambling. I would not pay any more attention to this person if I were you -- he appears to be looking for attention. I suggest we ignore his posts until he puts across what he wants to say in an intelligible, non-threatening manner.
TheInquisitor said:
better give us DREAM....we could to stop retro, but retro will stay......
, about illegal immigration and all that crap like tancredo, you are wasting your time and wasting your DREAM, no deal.

No dream no Deal.. You need to be put into a deep sleep and dream of learning how to express yourself with more clarity and more tact. Go take a loooong nap!

I wish this forum had a feature on it where you could put certain people on an ignore list. He would be the top of my list!
Addie_Goodvibes said:
I wish this forum had a feature on it where you could put certain people on an ignore list. He would be the top of my list!

Sure, there is. Came in handy quite a few times.
Go to: "User CP" link on the top -> On the Control Panel under "Miscellaneous" sub heading -> Click on Buddy / Ignore lists -> Update your Ignore list
Thank you! :cool: Now I don't have to bother with the pointless rambling that Inquistor spews everytime he replies to a post.
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all you need to know is that you are in for the fight of your life. go ahead, ignore me. i want it like that. i don't want to deal with people like you. can't waste my time on worthless people.

just so you know and this go for all, if there is no DREAM, there won't be any deal. and if by some evil force some enforcement-only law passes w/o any promise of at least consideration for DREAM in the near future, we will make sure that it won't work. you want enforcement laws that will really work, you must give us DREAM. helpme, don't worry about the gargabe of addie. he won't touch you. go to an attorney and fight for DREAM.
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no. i will stay here like or not. and like it or not, DREAM will become law. and it must if you want any of your laws. and don't think of me as la raza or maldef. i actually want a fence and a verification system. and i think we should wait for a guest worker program (for future individuals) until we get enforcement. and i agree with most of what you have to say. but know this, no DREAM, no deal. is that simple. and the best part of it is that you and addie will do most of my dirty work w/o even knowing. :)
jenimmi said:
Sure, there is. Came in handy quite a few times.
Go to: "User CP" link on the top -> On the Control Panel under "Miscellaneous" sub heading -> Click on Buddy / Ignore lists -> Update your Ignore list

You can also click the persons name and go to his/her profile.
There's a bar on which you can either click "add to your buddy list" or "add to your ignore list".
You're going to be asked "Add PERSONSNAME to your list?"
Hit the submit button and that's it
to TheInquisitor:
You should be more realistic, and less philosophical. Can you say anything else besides DREAM and FIGHTING!?!?!?!
The question here is very complex, you can't just say lets keep eveyone here, or get rid of everyone. Even if you say it has to be done case by case, it is very time and money consuming.
The more rules the gov creates the more ways people find to go around it.
By the way I have heard a gov plan to merge the borders between USA, Canada and Mexico, create united gov and mix the population up. What do you people think about it? It sound like an utopia for me
TheInquisitor said:
no. i will stay here like or not. and like it or not, DREAM will become law. and it must if you want any of your laws. and don't think of me as la raza or maldef. i actually want a fence and a verification system. and i think we should wait for a guest worker program (for future individuals) until we get enforcement. and i agree with most of what you have to say. but know this, no DREAM, no deal. is that simple. and the best part of it is that you and addie will do most of my dirty work w/o even knowing. :)

Ok, TheInqusitor, as far as I know, DREAM is not a law yet, just a bill introduced to the senate by sen. whatshisname. Correct me if i'm wrong.
Assuming I'm right, it means whether DREAM becomes a law or not is questionable.

"no DREAM, no deal", as you stated earlier, sounds more like a threat to me than an adult and educated discussion about politics.
What's "You must give us DREAM" supposed to mean anyway ?
if the people want it, then be it. not a fan of it. and yes, it is time consuming. but we could cut that and really do it right this time. i not FAIR or maldef. i am a hybrid. i actually want most of the House bill become law.

i can say much more than just DREAM. and i can tell you why most of the House HAS to become law. and why it BETTER become law. and i can also tell you why some parts of the Senate bill better NOT become law.

and unlike addie, i understand the system. i know that tons of it has everything to do with immigration and tons of it have zero to do with immigration. why do you think that the NRA, one the most conservative orgs in the country, was against REAL ID? and unlike addie, i could actually read a poll. and i can tell you the the public wants amnesty in addition to enforcement. and if you disagree, you can't read polls.

addie is one of those pathetic people that just lsiten to lou dobbs and thinks everything he says is perfect. he actually likes the House immigration hearings. and he buys what they are saying. truly sad and pathetic.
EVERYONE GO TO USER CP add this spewing fool to ignore list

EVERYONE GO TO USER CP section of the forum click on Buddy/ignore list

ADD THIS IGNORANT NINNY TheInquisitor to that list

All his posts are pointless ingnorant, insulting, & spewing foolish nonsense.

Ignore him and do not entertain his random act of lunacy or even his existance for that matter.

BtW the polls this moran probably is reading are polls taken at the border polling all the CRIMINALS who illegally enter, STEAL , DEFRAUD AND BRING THE ECONOMY AND INTEGRITY OF THIS COUNTRY DOWN.

Ignore him and do not entertain his random act of lunacy or even his existance for that matter.
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can't compete, just run away. trust, you don't stand a chance against me if i truly put an effort into it. and you are the ignorant. your last post proves it.

and to all, just see the kind of addie truly is. not a friend of ours. and last time i checked, this forum wasn't for xenophobic lou dobbs wannabees who came here legally. all of us have to file the same forms and put in the same info.
TheInquisitor said:
can't compete, just run away. trust, you don't stand a chance against me if i truly put an effort into it. and you are the ignorant. your last post proves it.

and to all, just see the kind of addie truly is. not a friend of ours. and last time i checked, this forum wasn't for xenophobic lou dobbs wannabees who came here legally. all of us have to file the same forms and put in the same info.

The Inquisitor, for all his bravado and supposed knowledge, appears to know very little about legislation or the law --- and even less about language and writing.

I think that most people on here detest your comments and I personally find them quite threatening. WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP THREATENING PEOPLE? I would also like to request any moderators out there to pay close attention to what he is writing on here. While we are all for free speech, that does not include intimidating and threatening others from offering their own free speech.
I havent been really bothered lately so much as I have been by these ramblings of Inquisitor. Just reading one of his post and trying to understand it gives a headache and wastes time. Inquisitor, just try to be precise and get a little hold of language before you post your ramblings.....please......
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mohit_chopra1 said:
I havent been really bothered lately so much as I have been by these ramblings of Inquisitor. Just reading one of his post and trying to understand it gives a headache and wastes time. Inquisitor, just try to be precise and get a little hold of language before you post your ramblings.....please......

pianoplayer said:
The Inquisitor, ......appears to know very little about legislation or the law --- and even less about language and writing.
I think that most people on here detest your comments and I personally find them quite threatening. ....While we are all for free speech, that does not include intimidating and threatening others from offering their own free speech

Offspring said:
...Can you say anything else besides DREAM and FIGHTING!?!?!?!

rex1960 said:
..."no DREAM, no deal", as you stated earlier, sounds more like a threat to me than an adult and educated discussion about politics.

I rest my case!
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obviously most of it is a metaphor. but i can't educate stupid people. and i challenge anyone on a DREAM debate. since addie is worthless, he can't do it. all others. trust me, few in the entire country know more about DREAM.

and addie, i tought you weren't reading my postings.

the challege stands. i will bring my best and not a person here will lay a hand on me.