Is it possible to get I140 from my previous employer ?


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I am in 6th year of H1B . Can someone tell me whether i can try to get copy of my approved I140 filed by my previous employer from INS. I know the Labor certificate number on which the I140 was filed. ( Meanwhile my previous employers are refusing to give me a copy for some reason ).
This will be helpful in capturing the priority date.
atldolwait said:

I am in 6th year of H1B . Can someone tell me whether i can try to get copy of my approved I140 filed by my previous employer from INS. I know the Labor certificate number on which the I140 was filed. ( Meanwhile my previous employers are refusing to give me a copy for some reason ).
This will be helpful in capturing the priority date.

---use FOIA to get copy of I-140 from USCIS