Is EAD revoked/cancelled after I-485 approval?


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Our (Primary and dependent) cases approved in May. We received approval notices and waiting for Biometric appointment.

Gurus, what is the status of EAD after receiving Approval Notice. I am asking this question as dependent is working using EAD and can she continue working or it will be illegal to work?

dvngpt said:
Our (Primary and dependent) cases approved in May. We received approval notices and waiting for Biometric appointment.

Gurus, what is the status of EAD after receiving Approval Notice. I am asking this question as dependent is working using EAD and can she continue working or it will be illegal to work?

Dependent can use EAD till his/her case is approved.
Pardon me for assuming this, but from your question I feel you are asking if a person who is working on EAD, can continue working after I-485 approval? You can't be asking this can you ? Because everyone knows that I-485 approval means you are a permanent resident from the day you got approved and you do not need any visa/employment card etc. to be employed. Otherwise what is the purpose of having Green card, if you still need authorization to work and to enter the country ??

And yes EAD and Advance parole are cancelled the day you are approved, because you no longer need it, you are now at a higher level !
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Let me re-phrase my question.

Can dependent work based on approval letter only, with out getting plastic card?

As soon as the passport is stamped, the person can work without any more EADs. The stamp in the passport is important to determine this status. The plastic card is not necessary to have, as it takes upto 6months to receive.
jaiganesh said:
As soon as the passport is stamped, the person can work without any more EADs. The stamp in the passport is important to determine this status. The plastic card is not necessary to have, as it takes upto 6months to receive.
This info is outdated. USCIS no longer provide passport stamp unless you have to travel immediately.
It means that Approval notice can be used in liue of PP stamp/GC for employment purpose.

dvngpt said:
It means that Approval notice can be used in liue of PP stamp/GC for employment purpose.


Yes it can be. But many employers may not recognize the approval notice as authorization to work. They may insist to see the actual card itself. So once she gets her passport stamped (I got mine stamped yesterday from Hartford ASC, so this is not outdated info), or actual card, she can inform her employer of her change in status. Come to think of it the same goes for you too ! I am assuming you must have been working on H1. So the day your I-485 is approved, your H1 too is invalid. So you should have asked about yourself also, why only about dependent ?

Bottomline is as far as the rules go, as soon as you are approved you can work legally.
At this point I really don't know if the passport stamping process is outdated or not.
From my experience, I went to stamp my passport after I received the approval notice with all the old EAD's, AP's. After the stamping of the passport, the Immigration Officer asked for my old EAD's and AP's and he kept it.

And yes, I was working after I received the approval notice as it took me 2 weeks to set up an appointment for passport stamping through Infopass. But well, my EAD was not expired.

Hope this helps...

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Change of Job


Problem is not with existing job, one can continue without porblem. However, if someone wants to change job after approval and before PP stamping/plastic card. Which document to use?

Has anybody changed job after approval and before pp stamping?

Use EAD - it's purpose is clear. It's valid until the expiration date. If it is about to expire - stamp the passport and use it. I've read recently that approval notice by itself is no good for this purpose but coming off a vacation I have hard time recalling where I've seen that info.