Is Amnesty being declared??? Plz Help

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lakelady said:
There are many ways to come to this country legally.

I've know umpteen number of people who came on F1. They are all qualified. Every single one of them manipulated their bank accounts to show some $30k by temporarily borrowing money because that is a requirement.

Yes, they came legally, but as far as I am concerened it is all illegal to me. I will never blame them (I would do the same) for what they did but I would hate it if they start criticizing those who are here illegally.

By the way, should people who divorce after getting GC based on marriage to USC, why should they not be stripped of GC? How does one know it is not a marriage of convinience?

When I tell some of my American co-workers about my immigration troubles, the first thing they jokingly say is to get married to USC. They too know...

I have no complaints when people manipulate the system, but why detest those who are here illegally?
I didn't say I detest them, I said that I don't think it's fair that illegals are granted permanent residency the same way that those who came and remained here legally get their GC.
Well, if these F-1 holders that you are talking about pretended they have X amount of money and came here anyways, at least they took their time and made an effort to come here legally, they actually went to school, the USCIS are aware of their status and they speak english. I was an F-1 myself, I never forged documents or anything and I was a good student and got a number of scholarships. Meaning that this country provides great opportunities if you just try. I don't want to be judgemental, everyone here has a different story, all I know is that I chose the legal way to do everything, including working. So I think people should make an effort to be legal here instead of being granted amnesty, which in my opinion it only will get the USCIS busier than they already are and it will be an incentive to other foreigners to come here the same way.
lakelady said:
I didn't say I detest them, I said that I don't think it's fair that illegals are granted permanent residency the same way that those who came and remained here legally get their GC.
Well, if these F-1 holders that you are talking about pretended they have X amount of money and came here anyways, at least they took their time and made an effort to come here legally, they actually went to school, the USCIS are aware of their status and they speak english. I was an F-1 myself, I never forged documents or anything and I was a good student and got a number of scholarships. Meaning that this country provides great opportunities if you just try. I don't want to be judgemental, everyone here has a different story, all I know is that I chose the legal way to do everything, including working. So I think people should make an effort to be legal here instead of being granted amnesty, which in my opinion it only will get the USCIS busier than they already are and it will be an incentive to other foreigners to come here the same way.

Well sometimes for some people they are no options but to come here illegally. As far as i know the U.S. requirements to get a visa are quite high. I myself overstayed my tourist visa ( or more like my parents overstayed their tourist visas) and I was here illegally for a very long time. It took about 10 years for me to get my GC. I agree it would be a slapped in the face for me if 11 million people are granted amnesty. Specially people that say, "we are just taking back the land that was once ours", or people that wrap themselves in flags that are not the u.s.a flags meanwhile they are asking to be given an amnesty that many problably did not deserve. What I am trying to say is that out of those 11 million people, there is people that have families that they shouldn't be separated from, and people that truly deserve to be here. But just dont put everyone under one big cover of illegal.

What is worse is that this is being used by the democrats and the republicans as a political move and nothing will ever get resolved in a fair in balanced way.

and i personally think that if the person that started this thread would have bothered and read a newspaper, or gone to or another site and read a little , they could have gotten their answer a lot easier and faster.
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GreenCardVirus said:
Call it self denial, the term legal immigration means nothing more than words to me.

Unless they add "earned immigration" to the current laws, to me, there is not much difference between legal and illegal immigration.

I doubt if most people who become permanent residents actually earn it.

You don't necessarily have to "earn" it, just get it according with the laws of the land ;)

They become so by the virtue of where they are born, whether their relatives are US citizens, which state you live or work in, how big or small is your company, how easily you can manipulate the system, how good or bad is your lawyer, how soon your company applies for GC, you timing of application, how common or uncommon is your name, whether luck is in you favour or not.

One might say the system will work eventually, but justice delayed is just denied, life is only so long.

Mr. Virus,

Do you think is fair and normal that people who paid for their tickets and stayed in line to enter in to a theatre to squeeze themselves and share the seats with the one who entered breaking the back window and didn't buy tickets :confused: :confused:

Moreover, the ones with the tickets waiting in line (LEGAL IMMIGRANTS) are still waiting outside in the rain and the sneaky crooks (ILLEGALS) who are already inside are granted the right to watch the show (The B.S. so called, AMNESTY)
wiggit07 said:
I agree it would be a slapped in the face for me if 11 million people are granted amnesty. Specially people that say, "we are just taking back the land that was once ours", or people that wrap themselves in flags that are not the u.s.a flags meanwhile they are asking to be given an amnesty that many problably did not deserve. .

What is outrageous is that at least 6.5 million out of the 11 million are the one who don't give a shit about USA and it's values, they are the REAL ILLEGALS, who crossed the border in the middle of the night,
They refuse to learn English, they booo the American teams when on the American soil!!! play against their beloved country teams...
I've known many of those back in Los Angeles, who come here by thousands every night, first thing they do they bring more others, then they have 4-5-6-7 kids, which are supported by our tax money, and I've heard that phrase so many times: "we gonna take this country back by overpopulating it"...and in So. California it happens as we speak :eek:
wiggit07 said:
Well sometimes for some people they are no options but to come here illegally. .

Since I've just agreed with you in my previous post now I have to disagree:

THEY HAVE THE OPTION: NOT TO COME ;) Is not written anywhere that by any means they HAVE to come here!

By your rationale we can say that someone who killed a counter clerk at 7Eleven for a six pack, should be understood and forgiven, because he didn't have money or any other legal option to get that beer at that given moment
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I agree with Suzy. If there is no legal way to come here, why do they come? If they don't want to learn English, why are they here living in denial and nostalgia from the country they left and they don't want to come back to?
There is no such thing as take the land back....who says that? Mexicans saying that California used to be part of Mexico? That was a long time ago and everyone who witnessed that are dead now! What is so special about the geography of SoCal?.
Ok, this has nothing to do with immigration through relative! It is an important topic though, that is only being talked about bc of elections!
Suzy977 said:
Since I've just agreed with you in my previous post now I have to disagree:

THEY HAVE THE OPTION: NOT TO COME ;) Is not written anywhere that by any means they HAVE to come here!

By your rationale we can say that someone who killed a counter clerk at 7Eleven for a six pack, should be understood and forgiven, because he didn't have any option to get that beer at that given moment

I sort of am stuck in the middle of this topic and I can understand where both sides are coming from. You are right no one forces anyone to enter the country illegally, and it is not the u.s fault that things are crappy in their home country specially in mexico. But do realize that people enter here illegally because they can (is it right? no, is not) but if it is that easy to enter and things are bad where they are coming from why wouldn't they attempt to cross.? (again. is it right? no is not) What the u.s. has failed to do for many years is put a stop to this huge flow of people coming north. And now they are stuck with a huge problem. And I know I am going to be hated for this annology but I am going to do it anyway. Is like when you have cockroaches in your house, if you dont cut the problem by the throat, those cockroaches are only going to grown and multiply, and multiply and multiply. Then you have a real mess in your hands like we do now.

so am i placing all responsibility on the u.s? of course not, but is not a he did, she did answer, unfortunely is a lot more complex then that.

and now this: disclaimer: no i am not saying that undocument workers are cockroaches, nor am i saying they should be exterminated, take it as an anology of ignoring a problem and letting it multiply, it just becomes a bigger problem.
I know what you mean, but I was laughing bc years ago I remember that years ago the hispanics were called coocarachas (sp.??) which means roaches in Spanish, not sure my spanish is really bad!
Well, if I had roaches in my house I'd spray Raid and call an extermination company. But we are talking about human beings we can't just use poison and the problem is over.
I've never seen how precarious the fence dividing the US and Mexico is, but that is a problem that must be taken care of. However, the whole point of the discussion is whether it's right or not to make an effort to grant a path to citizenship to these individuals. Shouldn't that time, money and effort be spent on ensuring safety along the border?
lakelady said:
I know what you mean, but I was laughing bc years ago I remember that years ago the hispanics were called coocarachas (sp.??) which means roaches in Spanish, not sure my spanish is really bad!
Well, if I had roaches in my house I'd spray Raid and call an extermination company. But we are talking about human beings we can't just use poison and the problem is over.
I've never seen how precarious the fence dividing the US and Mexico is, but that is a problem that must be taken care of. However, the whole point of the discussion is whether it's right or not to make an effort to grant a path to citizenship to these individuals. Shouldn't that time, money and effort be spent on ensuring safety along the border?

Its cucarachas just in case you wanted to know. I know the cockroach anology is really bad, but the point of it was, that now theres 11 million people here which the u.s. government has no idea what to do with. and okay lets say you do the unfair thing of giving 11 million people amnesty. If you dont do anything about border security you will have the exact same problem with doubled the undocumented population in five, ten, years, so we will be exactly where we started.
lakelady said:
I agree with Suzy. If there is no legal way to come here, why do they come? If they don't want to learn English, why are they here living in denial and nostalgia from the country they left and they don't want to come back to?
There is no such thing as take the land back....who says that? Mexicans saying that California used to be part of Mexico? That was a long time ago and everyone who witnessed that are dead now! What is so special about the geography of SoCal?.
Ok, this has nothing to do with immigration through relative! It is an important topic though, that is only being talked about bc of elections!

Let's imagine for a moment that they take California back, and also let's imagine for a moment that US takes everything from California (supposing it was possible)

I bet they will start pretty soon crossing the border to Arizona, Nevada and Oregon ;)

They don't give a shit about California, like being "their land" they love the fact that California is the fifth economical power on Earth...the first one being USA!!! ;)
wiggit07 said:
Its cucarachas just in case you wanted to know. I know the cockroach anology is really bad, but the point of it was, that now theres 11 million people here which the u.s. government has no idea what to do with. and okay lets say you do the unfair thing of giving 11 million people amnesty. If you dont do anything about border security you will have the exact same problem with doubled the undocumented population in five, ten, years, so we will be exactly where we started.

Moreover if they see that it worked, before you know, it is going to be a big line at the border waiting to cross it illegally :D :D :D ...then they will claim that they waited in line too :D :D :D
Exactly! That's why I said "what's so special about the geography of SoCal?" Because back in the day when that area belonged to Mexico there was nothing, it was simply the wild west. And who wants that?

Suzy977 said:
Let's imagine for a moment that they take California back, and also let's imagine for a moment that US takes everything from California (supposing it was possible)

I bet they will start pretty soon crossing the border to Arizona, Nevada and Oregon ;)

They don't give a shit about California, like being "their land" they love the fact that California is the fifth economical power on Earth...the first one being USA!!! ;)

Mean Streak yes!
That is what make me laugh, they think that because they supposelly lived all their lifes LEGALY in this country have the world on their hands!
Yes, I will be a legal resident soon and I am so happy about it, but I have been in that boat, payed taxes, contribute to this country, and speak English. The fact that I was an illegal does not mean that I was a bad person, I worked for this country and I deserve what I have so far, I even deserve much more!
I am praying to God that they grant the amnesty and that all this people contribute to this country much more!
No offense to anybody, may be we should stop discussing about this issue anymore. Why add more stress to our lives. My request to one and all lets drop it.

Thanks and Good Day

No offense to anybody, may be we should stop discussing about this issue anymore. Why add more stress to our lives. My request to one and all lets drop it.

Thanks and Good Day

I'm agree nice guy!
You have a nice day too!
I just had to add my 2 cents

I am a natural born USA citizen who's parents are immegrants. Both my parents came here legally. I feel ashamed by the display of utter disregard for the laws of this contry displayed by my ignorant brothers and sisters all over this country. Many say they just want to fight for their rights as the blacks here have done. Well one problem with that is how both groups got here. Blacks were shipped here against their will as slaves. They had no choice in the matter. The Mexicans protesting wanted to come here and knowingly broke this nations laws doing so. In tyring to equate themselves with the black they are trying to say they are also victems. This is so obviously not the case. No one has a right to come here legally or illegally. To be allowed into this country like any other country is a privlage. What gets me more is the Mexican gov attitude on this. They want the US to accept their people yet they themselves do not allow illegal immagrants. The functional word here is ILLEGAL. Means against the law. You are breaking the law and should not be rewarded for doing so. This is the United States not Mexico so those people are trying to claim rights that are not theirs to claim.
Mona25 said:
Mean Streak yes!
That is what make me laugh, they think that because they supposelly lived all their lifes LEGALY in this country have the world on their hands!
Yes, I will be a legal resident soon and I am so happy about it, but I have been in that boat, payed taxes, contribute to this country, and speak English. The fact that I was an illegal does not mean that I was a bad person, I worked for this country and I deserve what I have so far, I even deserve much more!
I am praying to God that they grant the amnesty and that all this people contribute to this country much more!
Mona ,
I have been reading your posts very carefully and at first I felt for you and many illegals . Infact I still feel the same way as they are working hard too.
But as a matter of fact breaking a countries law is not acceptable anywhere.
The fact that this has gone unoticed for so many years doesnt make things any different.
My car was rammed once from the back and the guys fled . On tracing the CA liscence plate they realised it was owned by an illegal who didnt have insurance neither a license. I had to pay $3500 to fix my car from my own pocket.
Where is that guy now , he prolly fled the country and now is back again under some other name. Dont compare yourself with those illegals. YOu might have been out of status ( living beyond your visa) , they are illegals.
By the way you say they contribute to the US.
Just for statistics sake the annual remittance of $$ s from the US to Mexico is $ 40 billion so who are they contributing to
Moreover they are welcome to stay ( who am I to say anything , I am my self an immigrant) but then they need to respect the laws and the country. Not wrap themselves up in Mexican Flags and say this our land , you cant throw us out.Thats my 2 cent worth.
Btw I am glad you will be legal resident soon and hopefully will solve a lot of problems.
Meanwhile I am still waiting for the last so many years being legal all the way. But my day too will come.
Hi all,
Thankx for all your various replies. And Secondly, Sorry to bother you all by posting the message in the wrong place. I myself dint know how to get the answer. Anyways there was a lot of discussion in the wrong place though everybody was constantly saying such topics should not be discussed here.
To generalize the statement I say : Everybody gets anxiety and everybody does wrong things" What I m ean by saying this is though you know this Forum is for just Family based Greencard Category, still you discussed some other topic. same way though the person knows(other than who just crossed the countries in the nights) he is illegal there should be few things which are forcing him to stay illegal. Everybody does wrong, only difference is that the work, field and intensity is different.
Anyways lets end this topic here. Once again SORRY ALL FOR BOTHERING ...
One more thing, somebody addressed me as illegal, I am not illegal here, I am born in USA and I am a citizen here. It was for my closest friend I was so worried.
Anyways Take Care all,
I am using my husband's username, but I am a US born citizen. Honestly I see the argument here as a crabs in the bucket mentality. Though my husband has had to go through much regarding immigration, and I would hate for others to be put in front of him as far as processing, we never look down on illegals.

I tend to agree with another poster who mentioned that the so-called legal methods that many people use to get into the country are nothing more than dressed up illegal immigration. Including coming on an F1, switching to B, and then getting married, or better yet staying in school FOREVER. Coming here under false intentions is illegal, or filing papers under false pretenses whether it can be proven or not is illegal.

Many many many people use savvy lawyers, and every nook and cranny of the system to come here on whatever purpose they can make themselves appear to qualify for.

The one thing that most have in common is that they are seeking a better life for themselves in this country. And that is always a serious situation. I don't begrudge anyone for seeking a better life for their families no matter how they came into the country. These people are working like dogs, living under the table, not to live the high life but to survive and support their families.

The insensitivity shown on this board is amazing. I know plenty of American born citizens who despise you simply for being foreign, and now you despise others for not being quite as savvy with the papers, or having the money to file the papers, or having the TIME to wait to gain legal immigration.

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