Invitation for Lunch/dinner from chutney for all netters

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Near toGC,
Nice to know that you are from B\'lore. I am also from Bangalore, we use to live in Malleswaram but now in BTM. Where are you from?
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For Dubber - Indira Nagar in Bangalore.

For Ching Chang

I 100% accept your commets but you have to settle down yourself first to do something for your country.
Here is NJ we support some organizations like Help, International association of Human Values.

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Chutney as I already mentioned earlier when we spoke, I am fine with any Venu in NJ and the weekend mentiond is also looks fine.
Talk to you later

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Thank you cingchang for your comments, this is a meeting of all the people who were involved in the GC process, and I think that is a big deal otherwise we would not have gone through the process so painfully and would have gone back to our respective countries.

The fact that we have endured the process is a bonding that is bringing people together near or far distance is not a matter and neither it is sentimental.

It is a meeting to see all the people in person and also if possible discuss some table topics of how we can benifit from each other without going through the pain for future enedevors in our lives and maintain the continuity of friendship. And if there are no table topics we can have a good lunch and tell ourselves that was a wonderful meal.

Originally the idea was only to meet and have a meal, but your posting has provoked me to think there should be a purpose to this meeting also, which is to go further than meeting and discuss the possiblity of helping each other in anyway that will benifit the group
in our future ventures.

I will keep this discussion open for another couple of days for the benifit of user who may not have seen it, I will make a reservation at Akbar looks like that is a choice that is acceptable to most and the date I just need the headcount to see if I need a banqutte room on use the regular area for us.


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Thank you 485-pending we will see you there, I will keep this discussion alive for all the interested parties to see and when I get the reasonable head count I will make the final arrangements.


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Chutney (Venkatesh):

Looks like it is a go in Akbar on July 21 for lunch.

I am pretty confident that something good will come of this meeting of us (fellow netizens).

See you all soon.....
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Thanks Kiran I will see you there right now I am trying to get the head count, and I will keep this discussion alive for couple more days.

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IRC - Internet Relay Chat
we use to be on it bigtime during our final months in IISc bangalore..
I use to encounter Chutney "Tamil/Chennai" channel..
anyways... never mind.. beyond the scope of this 485 vermont thread..
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Good humour! perhaps you guys can write up some jokes for the party that will be a blast, if you are shy to tell them give them to me I will tell them with due credit to the writer.

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Thank you venkat97 we will miss you hope to see you sometime in the future. How is the valley doing? My nephew works there he is seeing some negative trends, its been four years I visited there I used to be frequent visitor to the valley( ADOBE systems and APPLE computers in my desktop days).

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Venkatesh !
Please count me in for Akbar on July 21st.
May be we each should financially contribute to the bill and also decide the future plans of how to benefit the immigrant community or to start a big company of our own, whatever....

Please let me know.
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Venkatesh !
Please count me in for Akbar on July 21st.
May be we each should financially contribute to the bill and also decide the future plans of how to benefit the immigrant community or to start a big company of our own or whatever....

Please let me know.
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Hello Chutney,

I consider myself honored to meet you in person and fellow (EX-) INS sufferers. It is a great idea to commemorate the approval this way.
Please count me in (1) tentatively but I shall confirm this in 3 days. My e-mail ID is BHANSHAN@HOTMAIL.COM

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I support JJAgarwal.I think its better share the expenses.Once the count is done we can share the expenses.
Venkatesh - We can also make a list of points to be discussed(if poss).

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Thank you Bhanu the honor is all mine and hope we can make this meeting a success.
