Invitation for Lunch/dinner from chutney for all netters


Registered Users (C)
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen:

I had mentioned in my approval message that we can have a get together as a friendship and comrades of common suffering which is waiting.

I would welcome all member from the region of VSC it is easier for people living in the tristate of NY/NJ/CT but all other memeber who are intertested in participating are welcome, I know a lot of them are from VA and Maryland and Boston if you can make it that would be nice.

I have a proposition of the weekend of July 21 -22nd, if this is too early or too late I would entertain other dates, also the places that I have in mind are Akbar in Iselin, Delhi Durbar also in Iselin there is Ragini in Mountainside, if there are any other names we can discuss them and make the selection. This invitation is for the entire family.

If you can reply to this posting with the information we can start from there already 485-pending has enquired about this in fact his posting inspired me to post this message.


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Lunch on the weekend of July 21 in Akbar seems fine to me... What do others say...

Please post guys...

Hope to see you all soon
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I Second 485 pending. Akbar, Iselin - July 21 fine for me. How do I identify you guys. Going to wear some unusual mask or dress?
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How about carrying a red rose and the code word "lal gulab"? Sorry couldn\'t resist. Akbar is a bit too far for me. Have fun.

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Very Good idea from Venkatesh! I will be working on that week-end July 21 & 22. Have fun guys....


AK.. Islam
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Guys, I would love to attend!

Too far from my place! Eight hours drive to be exact!!

Anyway, have fun!!
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New Jersey.. Central NJ to be exact. It is off Rt. 1 and close to 287 exit... Once the meeting is confirmed we can discuss all the details...
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Good idea, but it is going to be expensive lunch for me, if I attend :-( ( I live in Silicon Valley :: sorry can\'t make it ). So, all the best and hope you guys share your experiences in GC.
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Don\'t be very sentimental about this approvals. If you guys can arrange a get together with local people, that is fine, but I don\'t think it is really worth to drive 2 to 3 hrs to attend this meeting.

Getting permanent residency is not an ultimate aim in life, there are lot of things you can do for our country also.

Cheers and Chow.