Interview in 3 days. Help needed.


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So my interview is in a couple of days and I started freaking out about some things. I will start from the beginning if that helps. I came to US when I was 14. My High School registered me for the Selective services when I was 18. Right now I am 20 and attending a University. So my questions are:

1. Do I need to bring my selective service card to the interview? (Please tell me no, because I think I lost it :eek: . Can I just give them my selective service # instead?)

2. Since I registered for the selective service, do I still need to get a status information letter?

3. I got a speeding ticket AFTER filing the n-400. I paid it and did traffic school. Will the ticket question come up on the interview or should I just forget about it and not even mention it during the interview?

4. Since I am attending a University, do I need some formal document proving that I am a student? Can I just bring a transcript?

5. I worked for 2 summers and filled a tax return so should I get the tax transcripts?

6. Also, assuming I pass the interview, Can I take the oath ceremony in a different city? I live about 5 hours away from where my parents live and I just don't want to drive for 5 hours just to give an oath. Can that be done in a different city assuming it has a place for an oath ceremony?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.
So my interview is in a couple of days and I started freaking out about some things. I will start from the beginning if that helps. I came to US when I was 14. My High School registered me for the Selective services when I was 18. Right now I am 20 and attending a University. So my questions are:

1. Do I need to bring my selective service card to the interview? (Please tell me no, because I think I lost it :eek: . Can I just give them my selective service # instead?)
You need to provide evidence of selective service registration. You can obtain a status letter by calling the selective service at 847/688-6888 or 847/688-2576
2. Since I registered for the selective service, do I still need to get a status information letter?
Yes as the letter will show USCIS your status.
3. I got a speeding ticket AFTER filing the n-400. I paid it and did traffic school. Will the ticket question come up on the interview or should I just forget about it and not even mention it during the interview?
You can declare the ticket at the interview although no proof of payment is required if the ticket was less than $500. More than likely the IO will not question you about it further.
4. Since I am attending a University, do I need some formal document proving that I am a student? Can I just bring a transcript?
No evidence of student status is required at the interview but it doesn't hurt to bring a transcript as backup.
5. I worked for 2 summers and filled a tax return so should I get the tax transcripts?
Yes, contact IRS to obtain your tax receipts for years that you filed. You may not even be asked about the receipts but it's always good to have them available at interview just in case.
6. Also, assuming I pass the interview, Can I take the oath ceremony in a different city? I live about 5 hours away from where my parents live and I just don't want to drive for 5 hours just to give an oath. Can that be done in a different city assuming it has a place for an oath ceremony?
Ask the IO during the interview if it would be possible to take the oath at another center closer to you if available.

Good luck!!
You need to provide evidence of selective service registration. You can obtain a status letter by calling the selective service at 847/688-6888 or 847/688-2576

The thing is, my interview is this friday and the status letter takes like 4 weeks to get. What if I find my selective service card? or do I still need the dam status information letter.

So what happens if I show up to the interview without the status info letter? Will they still test me and look at other documents and then require me to bring the status info letter later? or will they just kick me out and tell me to come back with all the documents.

The thing is, my interview is this friday and the status letter takes like 4 weeks to get. What if I find my selective service card? or do I still need the dam status information letter.

So what happens if I show up to the interview without the status info letter? Will they still test me and look at other documents and then require me to bring the status info letter later? or will they just kick me out and tell me to come back with all the documents.


If you happen to find the selective service card before the interview then present it during the interview. If you don't find it, the IO will most like indicate that a decision can't be rendered based on missing evidence and you will be asked to send in your selective service letter by mail.
Ok I just got off the phone with selective services and they said I don't need the status information letter. He said that the letter is for people who are not registred for SS and I am registred. He also said it takes 30 days to get and I dont have 30 days. So what should I do? The SS says I don't need it and I read here that you need it.
Ok I just got off the phone with selective services and they said I don't need the status information letter. He said that the letter is for people who are not registred for SS and I am registred. He also said it takes 30 days to get and I dont have 30 days. So what should I do? The SS says I don't need it and I read here that you need it.

you dont need to bring anything. I went to my interview and the IO asked me if im registered to the selective service and i said i dont remember. He then called a number on the phone,then punched in my birth date and it gave him the info of my status in the selective service. Luckily i am.
Allright, I need to get to looking for the the card. I remember I had it but it was like 3 years ago. I hope I find it. I have ordered the new card from SS but they said it will take 4-7 bussiness days to get. Thanks for the help bobsmyth!!!
Ok I just got off the phone with selective services and they said I don't need the status information letter. He said that the letter is for people who are not registred for SS and I am registred. He also said it takes 30 days to get and I dont have 30 days. So what should I do? The SS says I don't need it and I read here that you need it.

Did you tell the rep you lost your card and have no way to prove that you are registered to USCIS?

From xenogear's experience it appears that IO can verify status over the phone, so no worries.
{1} I believe your interview notice will sate specifically the documents you need to bring for your interview. If the selective service card is required . i know it takes a couple of days to get it from them . you probably want to go to their website and print a copy you can present....

{2} Same as question one........

{3} Get all the proof that the fine was paid and proof of the driving school . Remember to mention it to the IO. {just to cover your butt}

{4} You dont need a transcript .They dont care about that

{5} Make sure you have all the tax documents you need for the interview. You can call IRS and they will fax you 3years tax transcipt to you immediately if you are by a fax machine...

{6} I guess traveling 5 hours is the last sacrifice you have to make and moreso it will still be in a couple of months so you have time to prepare for it { if the DO dont have same day Oath}. You dont want you documents to be flying around and there the Oath is screwed up.

my 2cents.....
Did you tell the rep you lost your card and have no way to prove that you are registered to USCIS?
Yeah I did and I requested one. I am just gonna print out the SS info from the SS website and present it that way. I hope they will be able to check my SS registration in that way or check it by phone.

From what I have been reading on the forums, this is the first time I have heard that they can check you SS registration by phone. Has anybody else heard of this? I am going to Miami, FL DO btw.
From what I have been reading on the forums, this is the first time I have heard that they can check you SS registration by phone. Has anybody else heard of this? I am going to Miami, FL DO btw.

Anyone can check their registration status online or over the phone. I just never heard of IOs actually doing this for applicants at the interview.

1. Do I need to bring my selective service card to the interview? (Please tell me no, because I think I lost it . Can I just give them my selective service # instead?)

In worst case, bring the print out of online status information. Since you have registered, go to You will see a link to check registration status. If you provide your ssn, last name & dob, it will show you your registration no and date of registration. So, print out that page and bring it as a proof of registration.
Looks like I have to just print it out from ss website cause I can't find it in my docs but I will ask my Dad to look in his docs.

Thanks for the help guys!!!
Yeah, just bring the copy from the website.

My husband took his official SS letter to the interview, was asked if he was registered, he said yes, and asked the IO if he wanted to see the letter, he said NO.

So no worries, unless you're NOT registered, worst case scenerio, as mentioned, before you'll be asked to wait for a decision. HIGHLY unlikely, I think.
So I had my interview. It went smooth and I passed. I went to the Miami DO on NW 79 St. I got there 25 min before my appointment time and got called an hour later. The IO went through my N-400 with me and asked all the questions on it. So I suggest that people go over their N-400 before the interview. He also asked me for any proof of SS registration and I gave him my print out from the ss website and he didn’t say anything and put in my file, so I guess that is allowed. Then he asked me civics questions and I answered the first 6 so he stopped after that. He made me write a VERY simple sentence and then I had to read one as well too. The only documents that he looked at were the ss registration and the green card and nothing else was asked.

So now I am waiting for an Oath ceremony. Does anybody know how often they are in Miami, Fl? I know that they must schedule one within 120 days.
What documents should I carry for my interview? In my case, my receipt notice said "missing evidence". I am not sure what? I believe it is for my minor traffic tickets I mentioned in the application.

Please let me know what documents to carry with me apart from my passport, Green card, probably some document showing my traffic tickets were paid etc.
What documents should I carry for my interview? In my case, my receipt notice said "missing evidence". I am not sure what? I believe it is for my minor traffic tickets I mentioned in the application.

Please let me know what documents to carry with me apart from my passport, Green card, probably some document showing my traffic tickets were paid etc.

clue: wait til you get the interview letter which will state what you need to bring.