Interview Experience San Jose

bernoud lee said:
Hi Netfriend7109,

Did the officer collect all your EADs and APs during the interview? Is that any differences between your approval notice and others who without going through interview?


the officer didn't collect my EAD and AP, I still have it even now.
the approve letter is different from the letter which is issued by CSC.
i went to stamp, they saw my letter, they won't do the i551 form, and just stamp it...

I have typical case here

Me and my wife went shopping to a mall and we went in Macys. After we were done shopping and paying the stuff. We thought of buying some more. We got separated and looking for me my wife accidently step out of macys in to the mall looking for me as I was carrying the wallet. There was no such intention but somehow one of the store guy saw the activity and stopped my wife. We explained him the situationa and they took us to the camera room and ask us to sign on some papers. He called manager and she ask im to let us know with just Civil arrest no cops no fingerprint. We got a letter from their attorney and ask us to pay $300 fine. I paid that.

Does this situation fit in any kind of crime..misdeamenour or felony. My wife is in India and we have i-551 stamp. Will it cause at the point of Entry? do we have to declare anything?...I am just worried.I also asked met the same person after few days and asked him about the situation.He said you were not convicted/arrested and there is no criminal record. You dont have to declare anything.

Please help on this.
Hi Niladri

You listing are very informative and ray of hope for persons like me. Pl advises if possible on some points.

My Case :

I got arrested and served the term for Petit Theft (misdemeanor) with one retail store recently (It was more of discount label mischievous at retail store result of challenge with friend but they call it theft only), which I realized now how stupid I can be to do such thing and have enormous regret for my behavior. I got my punishment also from criminal court.

Cops came and took me to police station because I was not having Florida Id (Otherwise he could have given me notice to appear in court). They detained me for one night next day morning produced me before judge. Judge released me after I said about charges “No Contest” since I have served the term already.

My case details:

5) Statute No. S812.014(2)(E) (I think max penalty is less then 1 yr in this case, I was produced before judge ,he said term served 2 days jailed and 2 days credit and released me. No fine ,no bond,court cost $240)
6) Degree M1
7) Petit Theft – Retail / $ 100 to Less Then $ 300
8) Conviction : No Contest “ Guilty”, Court fees $240,

This is the first time I got involved with this kind of wrong doing.

1) My case is Moral Turpitude. Do I have any hope left here for me?
2) Do I need attorney to represent me during interview?
3) My arrest is recent (month old) and I filed I 485 year back. Do I need to inform INS voluntarily or I should wait for them to call me for interview and then tell them?
4) INS generally gives decision on application interview day or they just collect papers and information and send back to center?
5) In case they reject what Option do I left? Where and how I can appeal?
6) Does a decision to reject also affect my existing H1B status any way?
7) My application filed by company attorney. Who is based in Washington I am located in Florida. My family moved to MA. I changed my address calling center to MA on all the applications. But recently they send finger print for me and my wife to Florida address. My wife went and completed finger print to MA by just walking. They did finger print and updated case status for her.

In my case chances are I may get interview at MA or in Florida. Do I need to hire my own attorney for interview in Florida or MA when I get interview? How you managed your attorney in San Jose(your company attorny was in San Jose or some where else)?
Do Attorny charge for attending interview?
Any idea about cost estimate?

If you can provide email address ,I can send you more details. Thanks
1) My case is Moral Turpitude. Do I have any hope left here for me?

- Yes. Petty offence Exception will still apply.

2) Do I need attorney to represent me during interview?

- Not really. Use your comfort level and the expense involved to decide

3) My arrest is recent (month old) and I filed I 485 year back. Do I need to inform INS voluntarily or I should wait for them to call me for interview and then tell them?

- Wait.
You won't have to tell them. They will know from FP if FP is done after the arrest. Otherwise, there wont even be an interview call. You will then have to deal wih this only if you apply for citizenship.

4) INS generally gives decision on application interview day or they just collect papers and information and send back to center?
- Decision. Even if the I-485 cannot be approved on the same day sometimes for reasons like name / IBIS check pending, you will be told that that is the only thing holding it up. You would not need to attend an interview again, and would know that you will be approved. If everything is OK, you will get your passport stamped during the interview.

5) In case they reject what Option do I left? Where and how I can appeal?
- I am not sure. You may need to ask a lawyer.

6) Does a decision to reject also affect my existing H1B status any way?
- I THINK not. It means you are inadmissible as a resident alien. Whether an offence is a deportable offence is a different question. Unlikely, with your case disposition, that it would affect your H1B status.

7) My application filed by company attorney. ...
- I don't know enough to prdeict where your case will be transferred. Intreview will happen where it is transferred.
- Take your own attorney. An attorney local to the center is better.
- Attorneys will charge for it. Ideally they should charge only for a couple of hours: $250 - $400. However, I have heard that many attorneys take advantage of the situation and charge up to $1,000. Mine charged very little.

If you need to send a private message, use that facility on this board. I am not certain I can help you if you give me more details. That is a job for a lawyer :)

Good luck!
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Thanks Niladri

My Company attorney is VA. Chances of my interview are more likely be in MA area. For interview purpose can I use local attorney to go with me.

If yes, He just come as silent witness or he should come with some prepared papers and able to intervene when required. What kind of preparation I should ensure from him before interview. Otherwise what is the use of taking him as silent witness other then moral support?

If yes, In that case my company attorney remains in place for rest of the formalities. Or he is totally out of picture. In short I can have two attorneys representing me. One only for interview purpose and one for continue work. Do I have to inform my company attorney that I am taking some local attorney with me to interview?

Bringing company attorney to MA area will cost lot. Pl advice.

Hi Guys,

I have the same question . My attorney is in east coast and my case got transfered to local san jose office on Nov'10th from VSC. I don't think my attorney would fly from east coast , what should i do ? Hire a local attorney ?

And also, how long its taking to get a interview letter ? When i checked the local processing dates currently its May -2004 and my priority date in VSC was Dec'03. Will my priority date at local office be Nov'10th -2004 ? Guys, i am confused.

As I have said before, you really dont need an attorney, but if you hire one they will prepare themselves by asking you questions and seeing papers; they do intervene in difficult questions, and advise you as well. Take your own attorney, is my guess. Informing your regular one should be a matter of courtesy. [Added later in edit: Local attorney will make you sign a G28, Notice of Entry of Attorney or Representative, changing your attorney of record. This is a legal requirement for them to represent you. I have seen from experience that USCIS continues to use your old attorney's address to send notices... but I think that is unpredictable)


San Jose is quick these days. Although no one knows for sure, my guess is, you will hear in 45 days or less. Attorney question: see above.
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6 weeks since my file transfer

Hi folks,
It is about 6 weeks that my case trans to san jose and still I did not get a letter and date for interview. Do you recommend that I go to san jose office? If I want to go how does it work? what is info pass? do I have to go early in the morning?
I'll appreciate your comments and help.
My case was transferred in the 3rd week of August and I got a letter last week about the interview date. The interview is now scheduled for Dec 1. So I guess, the time between the day the case is transferred and the day you receive the letter for interview varies... but I think once you receive the letter, you get approximately 3 weeks to prepare for it.
Was your interview scheduled in SJ or SFO? My case is pending since Dec 10, 2003 at SFO and still no light at the end of tunnel.
Appreciate your response and good luck with your interview..

Mine is scheduled in the SJ office. I had heard that the interview process is taking a long time in SF but didnt know it was this slow. You could try calling up the local office and see if that could expedite the process.

Thank you for your wishes... I will post my interview experience once I am done with it. All the best to you in getting the interview date.
Done !!! Stamped !!!

We had our successful interview today.

Everything was a breeze, way too simple for all the preparation that went in.

Here are the highlights:

1) Sworn in (both wife and my self, 8 AM appointment)
2) Asked for latest Employment verification letter
3) Asked for 2003 Tax return
4) Asked if I was ever arrested.. ( I had a traffic misdemeanor for leaving the scene of accident with out exchanging driver’s license information.. AKA "hit and run")
Reply: Nothing other than the mentioned in case
5) He marked my original I-485 form reply with a red pen.
Changed the Yes to No for the reply to the infamous
Question... Have you been arrested, Convicted,
6) Asked if we have ever violated immigration law or have applied for immigration before this. (Replied No)
7) Have you ever been married before (Replied No)
8) Repeat questions 2,4,6,7 for my wife.

Congratulated us and said welcome to United States as a permanent resident stamped the passport and gave us a letter stating the same.

Then he went on a typing rampage for next 5-7 mins.

All in all we were there for less than 20 mins. Very little conversation with the officer, except that my lawyer who didn’t add much value other than breaking ice and continuously blabbering some non-sense (Indian marriage, Cooking Turkey for thanks giving, basketball games last night etc) and kept the conversation rolling.

That’s all for now folks... I will post later if anyone has specific questions.
Done !!! Stamped !!!

We had our successful interview today.

Everything was a breeze, way too simple for all the preparation that went in.

Here are the highlights:

1) Sworn in (both wife and my self, 8 AM appointment)
2) Asked for latest Employment verification letter
3) Asked for 2003 Tax return
4) Asked if I was ever arrested.. ( I had a traffic misdemeanor for leaving the scene of accident with out exchanging driver’s license information.. AKA "hit and run")
Reply: Nothing other than the mentioned in case
5) He marked my original I-485 form reply with a red pen.
Changed the Yes to No for the reply to the infamous
Question... Have you been arrested, Convicted,
6) Asked if we have ever violated immigration law or have applied for immigration before this. (Replied No)
7) Have you ever been married before (Replied No)
8) Repeat questions 2,4,6,7 for my wife.

Congratulated us and said welcome to United States as a permanent resident stamped the passport and gave us a letter stating the same.

Then he went on a typing rampage for next 5-7 mins.

All in all we were there for less than 20 mins. Very little conversation with the officer, except that my lawyer who didn’t add much value other than breaking ice and continuously blabbering some non-sense (Indian marriage, Cooking Turkey for thanks giving, basketball games last night etc) and kept the conversation rolling.

That’s all for now folks... I will post later if anyone has specific questions.
Did you inform to INS

Congratulations, Your incident was after I 485 file. So did you inform INS your own or they came to know through FBI check.

Or you sent amendment to INS about misdemeanor.

What happened during your interview? Apparently, you had an interview on Nov 16th, but you are 'awaiting outcome'... What does that mean? Could you let us know what happened?

Thanks in advance.
Sample Letter Please Help For the Following for the INTERVIEW

dumbo1974 said:
Niladri - Great post!! Thanks. Had a question - if possible can you list the documents that one is required to carry to the interview.
It would be really helpful.
Need Sample Letter Please Help For the Following for the INTERVIEW
A Current Letter of Employment for you,The Petitioner
and Co-Sponsor (Salary,Start Date and Position )
I am sorry, I do not wish to sound rude... I will not post what is already listed in this forum. There is a search option. Please use it. I spend an enormous amount of time on the phone with people in this forum who are looking for solutions, or plain reassurances. It is unfair to request what people can find themselves.