Interview Experience at Chicago DO


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Dear All,
Here are the main highlights:
- Interview was scheduled for 11:05 AM, reached there by 10:50 AM.
- I took my girlfriend with me, and I saw that lot of people also had brought company with them (family and friends), so no need to worry there. We were also allowed to carry our cell phone and talk on the phones while in the waiting room.
- My number was called around 12:50! I am glad that I had company so I did not get bored. I was the last one to be interviewed. Seriously! There were only 3-4 people waiting for their oath letter when my name was called.
- The IO seemed like had a long day already, and when I asked him if he is having a long day, he said that it was a typical day. He was a good and considerate. I have no complains of him.
- In his office, I was sworn in and the first thing we did was to get the history/civics and reading/writing test.
- The he looked at my passport. I offered a photocopy of my passport, GC and state ID, and he said it is not necessary.
- He then asked me if I need to change anything on the application, which I declined.
- I was asked for name change (I am changing my middle name from my father's short name to my father's full name). Upon being asked, I told him that I was not too sure and asked him what kind of impact I would expect on the oath date if I chose to change my name. He said that getting an early oath date should not be a criteria for deciding to change a name of not. He said that the difference will be not more than a week or two. He also said that normally he can look up the court oath date and let me know when can my court oath date be, but that system is unavailable. I chose to go with the name change since I did not want to deal with the hassle of changing it afterwards. I do not mind waiting few more weeks (if I would not have requested name change, I would have gotten my oath letter yesterday itself).
- Then he quickly went over my application, asked me about my address, employer, good moral character questions. He asked me if I was arrested or had any trouble with the police (no citation question).
- He then asked me to sign the photographs, and the couple of spots on N400 form. He then printed my name change form and asked me to sign it (this form had a place for seal, so I am guessing this form will be given to me, as a proof, when my name is officially changed).
- He gave my the approval form and told me that he is recommending me for approval.
- I was out in less than 10 mins. Overall a very pleasant experience. I wish it was not snowing so we could have spend some more time in downtown.

The only document I was asked for was PP, GC and state ID. My immigration history: Came here on F1, got OPT, got H1, got GC, stayed with the sponsoring employer for 3 years after GC and filed N400 based on 5 year rule. Single, never married and no kids.

Personal note: After reading lot of posts from the anxious people getting ready for interview one gets an impression that the interview is a tough challenge and that the IOs are out there to get you. I do not think that is the case at all. In fact all of the people, that I noticed, who were interviewed had a happy smile on their face when they came out.
Please do not make this more difficult for yourself than it needs to be. Don't stress out, if you have nothing to hide then there will be no problem for you.

Now waiting for the Oath letter.
Personal note: After reading lot of posts from the anxious people getting ready for interview one gets an impression that the interview is a tough challenge and that the IOs are out there to get you. I do not think that is the case at all. In fact all of the people, that I noticed, who were interviewed had a happy smile on their face when they came out.
Please do not make this more difficult for yourself than it needs to be. Don't stress out, if you have nothing to hide then there will be no problem for you.

Lucky me, I did not start reading immigration forums until after my interview (or maybe just before), otherwise I would have had a panic attack. Not that the information is not useful, since I was able to plan travel before and after oath, with passport and visa processing plans set just by inferring from what was going on by comments on this site. But sometimes you read about 2-3 cases which are similar to yours (missed traffic ticket, do not remember travel dates) and you start thinking ....


I see your passports came in 8 days. Did you go for expedited processing?
- I was asked for name change (I am changing my middle name from my father's short name to my father's full name). Upon being asked, I told him that I was not too sure and asked him what kind of impact I would expect on the oath date if I chose to change my name. He said that getting an early oath date should not be a criteria for deciding to change a name of not. He said that the difference will be not more than a week or two. He also said that normally he can look up the court oath date and let me know when can my court oath date be, but that system is unavailable. I chose to go with the name change since I did not want to deal with the hassle of changing it afterwards. I do not mind waiting few more weeks (if I would not have requested name change, I would have gotten my oath letter yesterday itself).

My wife also asked to change her name during the interview on 11/04/2009 and she still didn't get OL. She was also recommended for approval. The IO said that she would get OL within 30 days. Then a month later we took infopass appointment and they said that it can take 45 days more.
Did the Interview Officer told you that if you change your name you need a court oath in a a court? Somebody recently told me that in Chicago all oath ceremonies are always in presence of a judge and it doesn't matter if it is in a court or USCIS building on Congress Pkwy as long as there is a judge in the room.
However I don't know which is true.
There is a court across the street where court oath are held and I even call them a few days ago. I was told that currently the oath room is in renovation and that oath ceremonies are in hold. Therefore I figured that if the name change oath ceremonies are in the court so this can delay the whole process. However I was told that they should renew oath ceremonies in january. Hopefully its true.
Guju let me know when you got OL.
I was told by the IO that the judge will need to give me the oath and since the court is under renovation, they will not be able to schedule an oath for me, and I will have to wait for it to arrive in the mail.
I do see another poster posted court oath dates for January (every Monday), so I am guessing that you will get your OL soon and once all the backlogs are cleared, I will get mine too. I will let you know when I get my OL. You please do the same.
I was told by the IO that the judge will need to give me the oath and since the court is under renovation, they will not be able to schedule an oath for me, and I will have to wait for it to arrive in the mail.
I do see another poster posted court oath dates for January (every Monday), so I am guessing that you will get your OL soon and once all the backlogs are cleared, I will get mine too. I will let you know when I get my OL. You please do the same.

Yes, I'll let you know when we got the letter. At least now I know what is going on.
I have heard from a friend who recently had an interview in Chicago that they ask you if you can take oath next week (or which ever is next oath is)...May be, it differs from the case to case....In his case, he could not do it next week due to international travel and asked the officer to schedule his oath later one month later....