Interview coming up shortly, No SS Waiver received yet


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Hello everyone,

I have my N400 interview coming up next week.

I was not required to sign up for selective service as I was on non-immigrant visa until I was 31. I had applied for my Selective service Waiver letter in the last week of December (Was on holiday before). So far I have not received a letter confirmation back from them.

This was one of the documents I am asked to bring in the interview letter, so I am wondering if there is a phone number to call and get a hold of a human being there to see if this letter was sent or if they can somehow expedite. I did a quick search but could not find the number.

I tried the number on the web site, but just get their message.

Thanks very much.

Your help would be most appreciated.
No SS Waiver received yet

Hi Disciple,
Can you please tell us how you went about and request for SS Waiver? It would help a lot of us in the forum. Thanks!
go to and enter your details in check registration page. Pbly you can take print out. I got my Registration letter within week after request. BTW i'm registered for SS and not waiver request
That's strange. I don't remember being asked for that letter, and definitely didn't bring it to the interview and nothing was asked. Perhaps they are requesting this by default now. Anyway, the experience here is that selective services usually doesn't come up as a question, unless one clearly failed to register. From the date you became a permanent resident it should be clear that you were not required to register.

My 2 cents.

My 2 cents.
I have not read anybody being asked for SS letter if you received your GC after you were 26. Since you were on visa till 31, you did not even receive GC till after 31 so you should be fine. Asking for that is standard language in interview letter.
go to and enter your details in check registration page. Pbly you can take print out. I got my Registration letter within week after request. BTW i'm registered for SS and not waiver request

Isn't the registration card good enough? :confused:
Phone number anyone?

I did not register as I was not required to register, but they have still asked for the form. I'll take my F-1 and H-1B forms, but it would have been nice to have the letter from Selective Service.

Does anyone have a number to get hold of someone at sss or know of what options to hit on the menu to get hold of someone.

Thanks for yr help.
I think its fairly normal for USCIS to request a copy of the letter if you've been on a F-1 visa anytime between the ages of 18-26 - most likely because its quite easy to go out of status, and hence find yourself needing to have registered for SS.
Call this number.

Your Selective Service number Call 847-688-6888.
TTY: 847-688-2567
Hours of operation: 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Central Time. Have your date of birth and social security number handy.
isn't that a mood point ?

if you got your green card at 31, add 5 years, before you applied for n400.

which means, you are atleast 36 ...

i thought SS letter is a moodpoint, past 35 ?
Here you go!

Well.....We got our Green Card well past 31 and females dont have to register with them either.

Our interview letter (both mine and wife) also states to bring SS letter. According to the age regulation I'm well past the age rules and don't have to register with them. Also my wife dont have to register but USCIS asks to bring this for our interview.

I spoke to a lady officer (you have their number on their website) from selective service and explained my situation. She told me they are going to issue a letter to me stating that i don't have to register with them (wave registarion letter) and also said my wife dont need to do anything. To receive the waver letter from sss I need to request for that along
with the proof that I wasnt USA before that age (you need to submit the page of old passport copy) - Even though I remember my dates of first landing in US, she told me without the proof they are not going to issue. Aslo she told me that it's going to take 4-6 weeks of time. I applied only last week and still waiting for the letter to come;

To apply the waver letter

go to
Under the Key Information (bottom of the page) click on the request a status information letter

On the next page ( click the printable version of the
"request for Status information lette" .

Fill the form and send the form to address given on the form. You also need to attach the copy of your passport proof (old or new) which have the immigration stamping on your
first arrival in this country along with the form.

Hope it helps and good luck for your interview

Finally got a hold of a lady at selective service (after agrueling 20 minute hold after getting dropped once).

She said they have mailed out my letter yesterday (She said that it actually means it went out this morning). So my chances of getting it before my interview are almost non-existent.

Her helpful response - Tell the interviewer, we sent it to you (UGH!!)

Lesson learned here -
1) Its taking them about 6 weeks to get this out (not the 3 weeks someone had said before on this board)

2) If you're tight on time, call them early (i am assuming they may be able to help - in my case there wasn't much that could be done.

3) Dont expect them to reasonable - they dont fax (or email) the letter, even if it is critical.

It's not the be all end all. If worst comes to worst, the IO can ask you to fax or bring him/her the letter when you receive it.
Yes, but...

Yes, but then instead of having a shot at the same day oath in the Dallas Office, I would get the "decision cannot be made" notice and get stuck in the another 1-???? months for the oath.

Not blaming anyone, I should have been more cognizant of the situation and taken steps earlier.

It's not the be all end all. If worst comes to worst, the IO can ask you to fax or bring him/her the letter when you receive it.
Yes, but then instead of having a shot at the same day oath in the Dallas Office, I would get the "decision cannot be made" notice and get stuck in the another 1-???? months for the oath.

Not blaming anyone, I should have been more cognizant of the situation and taken steps earlier.

I feel your pain. As much as it sucks, there really isn't much that can be done right now. If the letter went out this morning, there's still a chance of it arriving by Tuesday. If not, you'll just have to bite the bullet. It's not the end of the world.
Best case scenario, the IO will be a reasonable guy and known that you are already beyond the 5yr CIMT period for failing to register for SS, and hence know he really doesn't need to see the letter to approve you.

Good luck.
Interview today & SS letter received yesterday - JIT :)

Well folks,

The wife and I had our interview today and I got my letter in the mail yesterday. I thought I would not get it in time, especially with MLK day in the middle.

It made itin time, but as it turns out I still need to address one of their concerns, so could not get the same day oath.

BTW, my IO lloked att he letter, but did not make a copy. Eevrything else I gave him - ticket receiots, driving record - he made copies of. So not sure how critical this is. He did ask me how old I was when I got the green card, so it may be a moot point if one is 31+ at the time of obtaining permanenent residence.

Thanks you all for yr help & support.
BTW, my IO lloked att he letter, but did not make a copy. Eevrything else I gave him - ticket receiots, driving record - he made copies of. So not sure how critical this is. He did ask me how old I was when I got the green card, so it may be a moot point if one is 31+ at the time of obtaining permanenent residence.

Did your IO asked you specificaly for SS letter - or you have submitted letter to him without IO asking you to do so?
I offered

Actually, since I had gone to the trouble of gettin it, I offered. I am not sure if he would have asked or not.
Got interview letter today. But in interview letter they have requested for Selected Service Evidence. I did not need it since I came to US on H1 when I was 30 years and got my GC when I was 34. Please do give me advice. Can I get a waiver in 2 months time? How do I get it? Should I postpond the interview ?