Interview at Newark INS, Did not get stamped :(


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Hello All

I have had my interview on May 13 but did not get stamped due to few problems.

1. The officer did not have the company name change letter. I shown him a letter from my employer which stated that I am employed by "ABC company" and was formerly an "XYZ company". Officer wanted something on State/corporate level. When the company name change occurred, it was officially filed at INS for all employees working in my company. He asked me to mail it to him as soon as possible which I did the same day with return receipt I got a return receipt day after.

2. Also, he did not have the copy of my Labor certification. Fortunately I have had it. So he asked me to send two copies of it along with the name change document. I send that too, along with the name change document.

3. Lastly, he said that even if he had all documents, he could not stamp my passport since computers were down. He also said that, if everything else was ok and if I send him all the document he asked for, he\'d try to get me approval notice as soon as possible.

So I guess it was not my day afterall. Did anyone got stamped on May 13 and how did it go? Did you guys face problem with computers being down?

Also, normally how many days I should wait before I get my approval letter.

Please reply.
fib got approved under similar circumstances

You are taking everything in very good stride, you will get your approval soon as you have sent the officer all the required documents.

1) \'fib\' got approved yesterday at Newark although his company was acquired even before he filed 485 and there was a company name change, you can find that posting under the thread \'Newark local transfers\'
2) At what stage of your AOS did the company name change - was it a straight name change or was it an acquisition?
3) what kind of a letter (state/corporate level) has the officer asked for ?? I take it that you have already sent it - could you please post a sample of it.
4) If that letter was filed for all other employees, why did your case slip through the cracks?

Good luck, keep us posted.
No Title

Thank you for the response Mikhail
Now as far as your questions goes...

1. I will look under "Newark Local transfers" for more posts and follow-ups.
2. Company name change occurred before filing 485 and it was an acquisition. Does it really matter?
3. The officer asked for something which was simply not a letter on a company letter head and addressed to anyone in general, but something which company used to send to the state government about official take over. We provided him with two letters. The brief on the letters are as follows :
 -First letter was addressed to "New Jersey Department of Treasury, Division of Revenue" and Titled as "Certificate of Amendment to Certificate of Incorporation". This letter stated the section numbers under which the corporate acquisition occurred and the former name of the company, Number of Shares voting for amendment etc.
 -Second was on company letter head, addressed in general to "Whom it may concern" stating the former name of company and the business nature etc.
4. I really have no idea why was only my case slip through the crack when company name change was filed for all employees.
Thank you.
No Title

(I have also posted this message under \'Newark Local Transfer\' thread since I think both places are appropriate). Apology for the duplication...

Hi folks

I got a letter from INS today(Case Type:I181-Creation of Record of Lawful Permanent Residence, Notice Type:Welcome Notice).

It starts with the words \'Welcome to United States of America\' and says "We will soon mail you a new Permanent Resident Card. You should receive it within the next three weeks".

What does this mean? Do we not have to goto Newark INS for stamping now? Also, does this mean that we do not have to do the new security checks INS has implemented?

We had an interview on May 13 but we did not get stamped because the INS officer asked for a company acquire document(my company was acquired by another one). We send it the same day and I was awaiting to hear from INS and this is what we received today. Please give me your feedback folks.
did not get stamped at passport

Hi, i had my interwiev on May 13 and the immigration officer asked for Affidavit of Support from me for my wife. I had it with me but it was not notarized and he told me to go and notarize it and mail him back. He just signed my and my wife\'s passports with this little stamp that says NEW SEC 245 but he did not put the temporary stamp on my passport. The same day i went and i had the affidavit support form notarized and returned it back to the immigration office. since than i am waiting for a letter to go to INS for the stamp on my passport. Is this how it works ? do i have to wait for a letter in order to go to INS for the temporary stamp ? AND HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE ...
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Hi, the answer to your question is YES. you have been approved and now you have rigth to go to INS on any wednesday to get your passport to be stamped with the temporary green card stamp. Now here is my qestion. I had the interwiev at NJ INS on May 13 and i still did not get that approval letter yet. When did yours come ?
Thanks and conguratilations.
No Title


Congrats. I have the same experience. I went to interview on May 14 and didn\'t get stamp because new security check. Hope I\'ll get the letter soon. Also please keep us updated what you do next. Thanks.
ZikZak and njwaiter

I got my letter on June 13th.... Exactly a month after interview. Btw, did the officer tell you that their computers were down that day? I am just curious....

The officer did not mention anything about the new security procedure to me that day. May be he already did it between interview date and the date I got the letter.

My question is : Do I need to goto INS to get passport stamped? The Welcome notice said that I will get the Permanent Resident Card in three weeks.
No Title

The PP stamp is a temporary evidence that you are a GC holder until you get the actual plastic card. Logically we must assume that if you have the plastic card, you may not need the PP stamp. But we are dealing with the most irrational bureaucracy ever invented, i.e. the INS.

So, my advice would be to talk to an IIO and ask what you need to do. The number is 802-527-4913. As far as INS is concerned I wouldn\'t take anything for granted.

Here is another website run by an immigration attorney:
In this board, the attorney himself responds to all the queries for free.

Good luck.
No Title

no, the officer did not mention anything about the computers to us. Meantime, i was at the INS onb friday and another officer told me that we do not need to get the stamp unless you need to travel out of US. Otherwise, you can wait unitl the actual green card comes. But dont count on 3 weeks. i have a friend and she waited 7 months for the card. So if you need to go out of US, than go to INS any wednesday to get your stamp.
No Title

by the way, there is now a note on the windows at INS that mentions the new procedure about the green cards that the files will go under extra security check and this may delay the process. This has been effected since May 14.
Yoooohooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!

Hi All
I received the plastic card today in mail from St. Albans, VT.
Permanent resident since May 24, 2002.

I cannot describe how happy I am. Good luck to all of you who are waiting. The wait seemed endless and it happened for me, and I am sure it will happen for all of you....

geegee2001 questions?

I got the same welcome letter. my question is did you ever go to newark to get stamped. or you just get your green card from the mail. did you give your photo to INS officier when you did your interview? thanks.

Congratulations on getting the letter....
I got notice on Thursday(June 13) and had GCs in mail Tuesday after.... in 5 days...
And we never went to Newark for stamping as my lawyer told me that would not be necessary...
INS officer had our pictures which we sent them while filing 485, so we did not carry any pictures....And the interview letter did not mention anything about pictures anyway....