Intent to terminate asylum letter.


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Well after many years of waiting for GC (applied in 2003) I receive a letter today that USCIS intents to terminate my asylum.
Has anyone heard of this before and what are the chances to have this overturned?
Well after many years of waiting for GC (applied in 2003) I receive a letter today that USCIS intents to terminate my asylum.
Has anyone heard of this before and what are the chances to have this overturned?

Can you tell us the reason for terminate?
Yes, there is a document that was researched and was found to be fake. The document was issued by the authorities in my country. When someone from the US embassy went to verify this document, they cold not find a copy of it....therefore they concluded it is false.
Being from a third world country, things are done differently. They do not have computers, charts or a way to keep track what the authorities released.
My lawyer is asking couple of thousand to join me to the interview. Is it worth it? Or should I go to the interview myself with the supporting documents.
Any comment is greatly appreciated. Thank you
Yes, there is a document that was researched and was found to be fake. The document was issued by the authorities in my country. When someone from the US embassy went to verify this document, they cold not find a copy of it....therefore they concluded it is false.
Being from a third world country, things are done differently. They do not have computers, charts or a way to keep track what the authorities released.
My lawyer is asking couple of thousand to join me to the interview. Is it worth it? Or should I go to the interview myself with the supporting documents.
Any comment is greatly appreciated. Thank you

Do not create trouble for yourself. They do not propose to terminate asylum that often. When they do they mean real business. It would be stupid to defend yourself without a lawyer. I do not just mean a lawyer but you need a really good lawyer too. Do your research. Remember it is your future that is on the line.
Deport???? The letter said if the terminated asylum (meaning I won't get asylee benefits any longer) they will refer the case to the immigration judge.
Deport???? The letter said if the terminated asylum (meaning I won't get asylee benefits any longer) they will refer the case to the immigration judge.

Refer to the court means that they will start a removal proceeding against you. You need to be careful with them.
What is your opinion on "expert witness"?

To be honest with you, I cannot give you a good legal advice.

Immigration benefits are very precious and I recommend you to hire a smart lawyer to fix your situation.

Good luck and stay strong!
If they take away your asylum status they will seek to kick you out of the country. Why is this even a question? That is a given and common sense. This is very serious business. Get legal counsel.
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I would definitely get a excellent one for this matter..just like the other members have been advising you..this is your life and future as Thankful has said...I wish you the best of luck and hold your head up high..keep us posted...take care.
