INS might Halt GC processing...


Registered Users (C)
Will this effect only the refugees and asylum seekers or even Regular Employment based applications.
That's a good news so INS officer can be shifted to adjudicate employee based application. Great!
Looks like this will affect everyone since all I-485 applicants have also paid this surcharge to fund the asylum and refugee cases.

I am not sure if this included all the cases that are pending or all new cases that will be filed after Friday. I hope the cases already filed are not affected!
That's a good news so INS officer can be shifted to adjudicate employee based application. Great!</b>
It wont be a good news at all. All officers will be busy with writting refund check for months. They are just getting another set
of excuses to dance anound with us.
It wouldn't afftect the I-485 processing at all. I think the refund matter would be handled by their Accts/Finance guys and the IIo processing our cases should be in operations. Moreso, this might be just a system generated refund checks and shouldn't take a day or two to refund.
Info from reliable but undisclosed sources

You never know. The INS may spend two months just writing the checks and another month to send them out.

For those applicants whose payment can't be located or INS doesn't want to spend the effort to track, it will issue RFEs to ask for proofs of payment.

A copy of the receipt notice is not sufficient. Applicants will have to show bank statements that the money has actually been withdrawn by the INS.

Out of the bads, the good news is that this time applicants are given 1 year to respond. Generous!

I guess it is a long process.
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Where are you getting your info from?

Also does this only impact NSC given that they handle all asylum cases?
Refund ???

Hi all:
Here is the idea, Instead of issuing refund , why not use that money to hire more IIO so they can process all the immigration application faster. I certainly do not need that portion of refund. I doubt if any of us who are anxiously and desperate waiting do. What we need is to have our application processed within reasonable timeframe. I think the refund will not please my view toward INS, only prolong my misery if at the expanse of process time.

haibo :(
Although it is not 100% clear, it definitely seems to be talking about new applications filed after Friday. Since it is a new law, the refund would not apply to people who have already filed. The refund is under consideration for people who have sent their application and have not had it processed and is preferable than INS returning them for improper payment.
I urge all of you to watch Shackleton - Endurance IMAX movie. This guy endured in Antarctica. We'll endure with INS Nebraska.:mad:
Suspension question

How is it possible to suspend something that has not been restarted? This forum seems to forget that we are dealing with an organization that would die of thirst in a water bottling factory!
This is pure speculation...
Twice I've seen over the past month that people have been told by INS that 485 approvals are slow because IIOs have been shifted to other case work. I wonder if they have been trying to clear up some refugee/asylum cases before the funding dries up.

I guess the new filing fee takes effect for only those cases which do not have a case number assigned to them. Ex: If someone mailed papers to INS in the last few days and the INS did not assign a case number yet, those cases will be returned for refiling with new fees.

Your point is valid if and only if NSC is the only service center that works on refugee/asylum cases, which i seriously doubt.

I feel NSC is not governed by anybody and is its own sovereign authority.

I disagree, since it would seem that niether TSC or CSC are working on 485 adjustments. I am in TSC and there has been absolutely no activity on that board. Only VSC has had any number of approvals. NSC is not alone.