India Vs Pakistan Live for free


Registered Users (C)
Hi Friends,

I am excited about India Vs Pakistan Cricket Match Tomorrow. The match is live for free. To get the instructions join

for free and create your fantasy cricket team. After that you will get an email with subject "India-Pakistan Live Cricket". Follow the instructions and you are all set.

I saw the England Vs India Match live through this. Quality is good and if you have DSL/Cable Modem it is fast and for dial up its little slow.

If you have any questions let me know.

This is great but I went to the site and saw this message.

The World Cup 2003 live webcast will not be available in North America (US, Canada, Panama etc.).

Could you please point to the link on that page that shows this.

Originally posted by indiaeb3123
Hi Friends,

I am excited about India Vs Pakistan Cricket Match Tomorrow. The match is live for free. To get the instructions join

for free and create your fantasy cricket team. After that you will get an email with subject "India-Pakistan Live Cricket". Follow the instructions and you are all set.

I saw the England Vs India Match live through this. Quality is good and if you have DSL/Cable Modem it is fast and for dial up its little slow.

If you have any questions let me know.


what country are you in?
Wait for few minutes you will get email, I just got one after 30 minutes of registering and creating the fantasy team.
This is the mail with instructions :


In order to watch the Cricket Match Live you need to have an Yahoo Id and Yahoo Messenger installed in your Computer.

Match starts at March 1, 2:45 AM EST. AT that time please send a "view your cam" request to "". You will be given permission to view the cam and you can watch the match live.

If you have any more questions let me know.

I Just received an email only with LoginID and password info. after crearting a team and not about "India-Pakistan Live Cricket".

Is it a different email?


Originally posted by indiaeb3123
Hi Friends,

I am excited about India Vs Pakistan Cricket Match Tomorrow. The match is live for free. To get the instructions join

for free and create your fantasy cricket team. After that you will get an email with subject "India-Pakistan Live Cricket". Follow the instructions and you are all set.

I saw the England Vs India Match live through this. Quality is good and if you have DSL/Cable Modem it is fast and for dial up its little slow.

If you have any questions let me know.


first I got loginId/passwd conf and after some time I got another mail with 'India-Pakistan Live Cricket' subject!
After I signed in as new user, I created a name for the public league. Thereafter inserted number of teams and it said "create your league". Another page opened and below that was "click here to create league" but that there is no link.
What should I do?
Do we need yahoo ID, what if i have hotmail.
Anyway thanks for shairing most useful information. Its like war.
Just FYI.

It would be good if you guys can create a junk e-mail account at Yahoo. Else, you never know and you may get spammed heavily. It is better to be on the cautious side and hence do not give out your regular e-mail accounts.

Also, I am not sure how well the webcam is going to work given the number of hits it is going to get.

Overall, it should be fun if we can watch the India-Pak match and hopefully the rest of the matches from Super6.

gateway: Obviously, the match is being sent by the Yahoo ID,, through Yahoo messenger. So, MSN/AOL messenger (for which one would use hotmail(msn passport)/aol accounts) will not work. FYI, Yahoo messenger's webcam capability is very easy and simple to use.
For those who are not lucky enough to watch the match they can listen to the LIVE COMMENTARY(UNOFFICIAL) from just need to sign up thats it and you are ready to listen
This site is not like rediff or any other stupid site.
The commentary is really LIVE and LIVELY.
I listened to INDIA -ENGLAND and it was great.
I am also listening now the SRI-WI match

So, go ahead and enjot the IND-PAK Match
May the Best team Win
