Hello Everyone
To my surprise the oci card, visa and my passport everything was sitting in my letter box today. What a way to start my weekend im already drunk while typing this guys. I have bought a lotto ticket so if i win a million dollar this weekend well that would be perfect to finish it off.
My special thanks to my good friends who have been very supportive through this journey-- mangal 969, fitness, qwert, basis, merced, ociguy,mangal pandey,pio1 and all the ones i missed out--THANK YOU VERY MUCH---
Now coming to the questions
The U Visa Number and the Certificate numbr are the same--Link 1(MArried)
The U Visa and the Certificate will have ur Passport NUmber(Inside the last back cover)--link 2
I reckon if the passport expires you dont have to go for another OCI card as u have already been granted OCI-BUT- you need to go for a U VISA-nz$14(not sure) of the price on ur new passport.
As the U VISA itself is self contained looks like you need not carry your OCI certificate--(Saying that---No one would know in the international arena that you also have a Certificate
). It won't hurt if you carry your card with you as it looks flasher than a Indian passport except for the photo quality- My face looks like a wide screen tele
Poor photo scanning skills by INDIANS
Date applied - 16 Jan 06
No response from hci nz after that
Didn't get any acknowledgement
No file number
Didn't have the fun opportunity of checking the status on the online MHA site every 5 minutes
Threatnd canclng app hci nz said no go not in my powers to do that
Kept mailing and annoying them finally yesterday they said " OCI sent today"--hci nz seems to use 3 words as their default reply for anything
17 Mar 06 rcvd my OCI
on the visa it says date of issue 8 Mar 06--
jai hind--mera hindustan---