In the form DS-156,what is national identification number?

National Identification Number

If you are an Indian, in India when you are working, they issue a number which is similar to SSN # in USA. If you have that, write that and if you dont have, just write N/A.
what is ds-156, 157

I have been reading a couple of messages regarding DS-156, DS-157 and OS-156. What forms are these?

Also, I have heard that consulates in mumbai are now asking for police records. Is this true? What about drop box applications - do they also have to submit police records?
Non-Immigrant Visa application forms ...

These are all forms needed to apply for H-Visas (maybe even others) - OS-156 used to be the form earlier, but it has recently been replaced by the new (and similar) DS-156. In addition to it, males between the ages of 16 and 45 now also have to submit the DS-157 along with it. You can download these forms here:

As for the police records, it is required only for Immigrant Visas, i.e. Green Cards.

Hope that helps - Prashant.
another question

hi prashant,

thanks for your help.
i have another question:

I plan to go to India sometime in May. I have just begun my GC process i.e. going to apply for Labor certification soon. Do you think this affects my chances of getting a visa in India. I will be using the drop box in Mumbai.
No at all ...

You should be okay if you are applying for an \'H\' category Visa - it is recognized as a dual-intent Visa, and your GC processing shouldn\'t have any negative effect on your Visa processing.

~ Prashant.
hi prashant -- few more questions

thanks for your help!!

a few more questions:
in the form ds-156 is asked whether you are going to work and whether you are going to study. i have put in an application to study part time while working on H1 (in Fall 2002). Do you think this affects my chances?
(because now i plan to both work and study)

also list previous employers:
my current job is my first job after i graduated. i dont have any previous employers either in the us or in india. do you think this affects my chances since i dont have a lot of work experience? i have been working with my current employer for almost 1.5yr now.

in another message thread, i read that i129 notorized copy is required. do i also have to include the pages in the h1 petition that go on to explain the job/my qualifications, stuff like that?
i.e. how many pages of the i129 do i have to include?

again, thanks for all your help
Your answers ...

This question seems to be directed towards F-1 applicants - they are primarily coming to the US to study, and are not generally allowed to work. If you are on an H-1, you can study part-time without any problem. I did that, and so do many-many others.

If this is your 1st employer, then you won\'t need to list any other employer (although you might want to check with the Drop-Box guys if they need you to fill in the details of the current employer there).

The additional stuff might not be needed, as they are not part of the I-129 form itself, but documents needed to support the I-129 petition. The I-129 by itself is only 2-3 pages long.

Hope that helps - Prashant.