In distress pls help....


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Need help guys.. In real distress..pls help as i have to withdraw my 485 now...

I am single & had filed my 485 on Dec01 (under pressure) though i knew that i should wait to get married...My attorney suggested to wait but i had no option to file as things were not great in job.

Things moved very fast to my surprise after that. I got my Finger printing (FP) notice which was due on may 28th which i got delayed from INS. They gave me a 2.5 mths extension which is getting over on aug 15th.

Now the problem is that my parents still dont have a girl in mind for me till now & the time is running..i am somehow unlucky in getting the right girl & still have to wait till i go to india in oct/nov& till that time my 485 will be approved

Am wondering how can i get more time now.. Can I ask for a 2nd extension now. will they give me a 2nd extension if i ask for it. Secondly will 485 get approved as soon as i give me FP as i have come to know that both FP & 485 are independent process. The INS just checks from FBI whother the FP has come or not...

other wise worst to worst i would get my 485 cancelled and i am ready for it but what are the implications. do i start from labour again or my I-140 still valid.. I got my I-140 last July 2001. Does is it have a validity too..i have heard 1 year...

do u or anybody have an idea about this..pls help if u cann..i will REALLY appreciate it..


So do U think marriage should not be coupled with GC process??? Ha Ha
U did not mention your service center. But it is obvious that your approval will come in another few months...
withdrawing 485 is not good. It tells USA that u are not interested. any subsequent Cp or 485 will be tainted. But U can still use the underlying I140. It all depends on how U close 485. consult a competent lawyer.

U can ask for another FP extension, yes.

But U better prepare to getting married then to get Fpied. unless U have cast aspersions on other ineligible females, U should be able to drive to get married!!!!
Don't worry

First thing go ahead and do your finger prints.
Your RD/ND is Dec'01, man they are processing July'00!!
Also the there is no correlation between you getting a FP notice and you getting an approval 1 or 2 months.
You can get married and bring your wife anytime before the approval.
I filed for my wife 22 months after I filed 485 and 21 months after my first FP.
SO my advice is
1. Don't cancle your 485 processing.
2. Keep delaying the FP asking for extension as long as possible - but this really doesn't matter. I think this makes u comfortable then do it.
3. The well know random processing of TSC may also hit you but you should be willing to take that chance.
this is funny

i wouldnot extend my fp for marriage. marriages are made in heaven they say while gc is by ins so get the ins thing first. heaven can surely wait unless ur real horny:D and cannot wait more.


thanks for the details..actually my 485 was filed in CSC which is moving really fast these days as compared to others. I have friends who got their approval within 2-3 mths of FP...My anyway is 2nd date of FP so i guess my case will move faster...which I understand is an independent process to 485...

Correct me if I am wrong

Yes FP is independant process and they have national queue for that.
Ok if your in CSC then you need to hurry.
Try to extend the FP dates as long as possible.
Chossing a life partner means a lot more than getting GC.
So Good Luck.