• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Important question


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My friend just got his GC after winning DV lottery 2008. He needs to bring his kids from their country and we were wondering what is the procedure for that.

Does anybody knows?

Thank you in advance.
It is a lenghty process. Your friend should include them in his DV application/information he submitted to kentucy or DHS and applied them along his own GC process. Now it may take long long time. He needs to apply I130.
They were not on his original application?

Yes, the kids were included in the approved application. Now he needs to bring them to US. Will he receive green cards for them at his mailing address in US or he'll need to process it somehow through US consulate abroad?
Did he fill out DS-230 for each child and submit it to KCC?
Did the kids go to the consulate and receive immigrant visas with the father?
if yes, they need to enter the US with the immigrant visas in order to get their GC.

If no, how can the father possibly expect that the kids will get GCs without getting immigrant visas first?

The other way is to file a I-130 petition and wait for 6 years for them to immigrate.

THere is also a following-to-join, but it might take too long... and the kids may not get their visas before Sep 30.
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