Important: ***Confirmed*** - September Chennai Consulate Appointments - Track Here!


Registered Users (C)
Just called the Chennai consulate and got my int date

My Interview Date : Sep 20
Packet 3 Entered by Consulate : July 3
Packet 4 was mailed to my Chennai address on Aug 9
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hi guys

rekhak, ssk,

which number did you guys call? what time did you call ?
was it a long phonecall?

actually, the appointments are up!

they are up on chennai web page. I got 25th too.
anyone else other than me and rakhak on 25th?
hi all

my interview date is 24th tuesday. can anyone tell how many
days before we should go india. Is it o.k to take photographs
in US or we should take in india only.please advice. Do we need
passport photos or immigrant photos for medicals
and lister lab.
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for the medical exam and doctor you can take regular passport snaps. for the consulate interview you will need immigration style photos which they do a better job at the konica shop in madras
hi all - questions abt planning

for those having interviews around 25th - what are your thoughts about the sept 11 thing? will there be extra measures of security around that then? is it wiser to fly out before sept 11, or take a risk about flight schedules in the days immediately afterwards?

Rekhak, Mathodram, and any others having a 25th interview : how are you planning to get the medicals done? 23rd Lister? 23rd itself medicals, and 24th rest? or 24th medicals? what about the 2 working days thing from the medical form? Also, what about the possible fever after MMR? anyone planning to stay the weekend in chennai?

when are you planning to go there? i am leaving on september21st and taking medical tests on 23rd and exam on 24th. I am planning on staying in new woodlands and leave after I get the packet there at the hotel on 26th night.
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wrong form for sailing permit, we need 1040C if you are actually getting a salary, the form you have up there is for people who have no income

sept 21'st from US? I have to go early to India because of soem family functions, so I will elave much earlier. I am from kerala, so I will be comign to madras close to the interview. Have you booked the hotel? did you call or fax or have someone book it for you?
oops! thanks Rekhak

I guess I was not looking at the details. I shall update it by tomorrow.

here's the website link from IRS

<a href=,,i1%3D56&genericId%3D16299,00.html> IRS Sailing permit link</a>
hi manish

is september 21st cutting it too close? as long as my chest xray comes out fine I think I should be OK. I am going to call new woodlands and have them book the room. I have stayed there before and they are very reliable with bookings, plus wifey is veggie which makes woodlands easier for food.
thanks sanjna one more question

If i go to chennai on friday is it enough time for me take medicals and lab. can we go to lab after 9:00 am.

if you go to lister after 10:30 am , you will not get the reports back on the same day. I would suggest you go there as early as possible in the day, so you can get the reports same day and get the medical exam after that on the same day. I think most of the doctors work on saturday, so you could get medical exam on saturday also.
thanks sanjna

If we are travelling through london(my h1 expired in passport), transit visa required or not.
Interview on 18 September!

Lister's web site says they are open till 630pm. But except for Dr. Mathai you cannot go to any other doctor after 430pm according to the coverletter from chennai web site. Is this information correct?. If one goes there after 1030am, can the report be collected next morning from lister?.

Originally posted by sanjna
if you go to lister after 10:30 am , you will not get the reports back on the same day. I would suggest you go there as early as possible in the day, so you can get the reports same day and get the medical exam after that on the same day. I think most of the doctors work on saturday, so you could get medical exam on saturday also.