Please e-mail to expedite the I 485 process


Registered Users (C) Please e-mail to expedite the I 485 process

Originally posted by Peter123
Everyone Please send e-mail to BCIS at following e-mail address

This is the direct e-mail to BCIS

Everyone in their own words request them and make them understand what people are going through due to their slow processing.

I encourage everyone to send e-mail to

Also,I encourage everyone to send snail mail to NSC CUSTOMER FEEDBACK.

CIS Customer Feedback:
We strive to provide quality service to our customers. If we have not lived up to this commitment, we would like to know. If we have met or exceeded your expectations, please let us know that as well. To comment on the services provided at this office, please write to the Center Director, at:

BCIS Nebraska Service Center
P.O. Box 82521
Lincoln, NE 68501-2521

Note in the heading of the letter and on the envelope: "FOR THE PERSONAL ATTENTION OF THE DIRECTOR."

Whining in this forum won't help us, so act immediately and send mails. Also reply in this thread after forwarding mail, that will encourage everyone here.
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sent email, as soon as I read in the morning.

Do you guys think it would be a good idea to put a standard subject line. I put "EB I485 Application pending for more than 2 years. "

If we can agree upon a good subject line, maybe INS might focus on our group.

Disclaimer (before I get hammered here) : Not that I do not want non-EB based GC approved .. I just want mine sooner :)
will send when I am at work. standardized subject line is good idea.

yeah, checking status and this forum is the first thing I do after I get up now...
A question to all those who sent the eamil - Are you providing the personal details like LIN number, Name etc or are you just sending a generic email listing the hardships faced by you due to the delays? Just wanted to be sure before drafting the mail.
I've written to congressman, senators

I've just written letters and send them together with the petition letters to my congressman, two state senators.

I think it takes collaborative actions to expedite this slow process,
Fellows, please don't think that it is irrelevant to you,and think your individual effort doesn't make a difference. If we all act together, we do make a difference. Let's act together!
I sent my contact info, not my Application identifiers.

I was just wondering, if I check the Show signature box while posting my message, signatures dont show up. Are other also experiencing this? Is this a fault with these boards these days?
This is the email I sent (I attached the petition and Greenland Summary):

The NSC Director

Your web site indicates that those who have not received quality service should email this address to indicate our concerns. To that end, I have attached two documents. No doubt, you have received the Petition.pdf file before, but I want to draw your attention to the second document. This document illustrates the erratic nature of the processing of I485 applications, to wit:

In the "CHARTS" tab of the file, note the first graph "% Processed". Note the % for LIN02-030 and LIN02-164. The LIN02-164 is more than six months later than LIN02-030 yet it has been further processed. Further examination of the information will yield too many anomalies to mention in this short message.

I feel that the extreme delays compounded by the unfair processing methodology (later applications processed before early applications) are problematic. I understand that budget cuts means that you are taking the money that we paid for processing our applications and giving it to departments for border enforcement. I do not wish to insult you or your department and I hope you do not perceive this as an attack on your integrity, but many of us come from corruption-riddled countries and this practice of siphoning away funds from an agreed service appears a little suspect.

My questions are the following:
1. Why are application so unfairly processed?
2. Having paid the fees in good faith, how long are these fees going to be kept without providing the service that was initially agreed to?

The reason this upsets me is that we all have credit cards that charge interest of more than 15%. A $1000 payment (many of us have families) is therefore costing us $150 for every year delayed. The current two year delay means that the effective cost to us is 30% greater than the original sum. The legal immigrants are therefore paying to keep out the illegal immigrants. This bears the characteristics of extortion and is clearly not fair.
You are asking for trouble....

I guess you have thought about it and decided to take them on anyway. Good-luck to you and the folks that sent their scanned files for inclusion in the report. Being the quintessential bureaucracy, I would not be surprised if they ask you where you are obtaining your data, before they even begin to address your concerns about I-485 delays. If I were you, I would send all the folks that forward their scan results for inclusion in your report a courtesy email.
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Hello guys, It would be great if someone could draft a subject line and also the matter to be included in the e-mail to the director of Nebraska BCIS.
No chance

This is the USA where the freedom of the press is paramount. I have no intention of telling them where I got my information. They can choose to ignore me if they want, but I think I can interest a few senators/congressmen in this information. We have done nothing unethical or illegal and we therefore don't have anything to fear.
funkyjunky, have you included your

LIN also?
I would suggest everyone to attach your excel report analysis but not include your own LIN number. It is perfectly fine to make some inquiries. Also, if you can make a color copies with pie chart and bar diagram and send via express mail, that would wake them up. Any other suggestions?
Re: No chance

Originally posted by FunkyJunky
This is the USA where the freedom of the press is paramount. I have no intention of telling them where I got my information. They can choose to ignore me if they want, but I think I can interest a few senators/congressmen in this information. We have done nothing unethical or illegal and we therefore don't have anything to fear.

You sound like you have made up your mind. You seem excited and passionate about making a stink of INS's actions and if so, more power to you.

You may have already reviewed these but in case you have not, the DMCA (Digital Millenium Protection Act) and Patriot Act give almost unfetterd powers to administrative agencies to sub-poena information and individuals on almost anything they like, without having to go to a judge and showing probable cause. IMHO, they would have no difficulty in forcing the information out from you if they saw any reason to do so. Now, most bureaucrats and politicians are largely ignorant about the operation of the internet and when they hear that programs have been created and used to scan a database whose main purpose is to provide information to individual applicants and their families, they will automatically become suspicious about it. One thing can lead to another and before long it has the potential of becoming a scenario off-the-wire for you.

The current administration has not played fair with immigrants and some of their actions give the appearance of being religiously inspired, and therefore it might turn out to be a mistake to rely on the good judgement of the enforcers of the law. Knowing that your intentions are sound, I felt compelled to outline some of the risks you may face from attaching the greenland summary report. Think carefully and decide for yourself.
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I think attaching a greenland summary report would not be a good idea. Instead we should quote own cases to send the message that it is taking too long to get approvals, that things were done in random (there were Oct 2002 ND approvals already while Jan 2002 people are still waiting) and there was lot of confusion about finger printings. The most important thing is to send a copy of the petition to the AILA which will be in a better position to take up the matter with DHS officials directly, whom they meet often.
Re: No chance

Originally posted by FunkyJunky
This is the USA where the freedom of the press is paramount. I have no intention of telling them where I got my information. They can choose to ignore me if they want, but I think I can interest a few senators/congressmen in this information. We have done nothing unethical or illegal and we therefore don't have anything to fear.

I do not think running a script against the BCIS database violates any kind of law. Even telling them that we got this information from a site that is open to the public should not get anyone into trouble the simple reason being that no one gets harmed by this script.

Also, they must be aware of the possibilty of such scripts being created, which must be why they have put a max of 1000 hits per day per computer.They could have as easily have put a warning on the site saying that people who misuse this site would be prosecuted heavily by all applicable laws. The fact that they did not put a warning and chose instead to put a 1000 hit ( not even 100 or 50 ) limit shows that they do not consider this to be unlawful

This is, after all, a democratic society and eveyone has to follow the law. You cannot presecute some one for doing something that is not considered a crime by any law. Besides the first line of defense is to warn the people concerned that BCIS does not look kindly on these kind of activities. If their warning goes unheard , that's when they would move to presecute. I dont think BCIS has the money,time or inclination to waste scarce resources on such trivial matters. The enforcement unit is more concerned on preventing terrorism than chasing down innocent immigrants running harmless scripts.

The worst that could happen is that they make the security in the BCIS website more strict to prevent such scripts.
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Re: This is the email I sent (I attached the petition and Greenland Summary):

Originally posted by FunkyJunky
The NSC Director

Your web site indicates that those who have not received quality service should email this address to indicate our concerns. To that end, I have attached two documents. No doubt, you have received the Petition.pdf file before, but I want to draw your attention to the second document. This document illustrates the erratic nature of the processing of I485 applications, to wit:

In the "CHARTS" tab of the file, note the first graph "% Processed". Note the % for LIN02-030 and LIN02-164. The LIN02-164 is more than six months later than LIN02-030 yet it has been further processed. Further examination of the information will yield too many anomalies to mention in this short message.

I feel that the extreme delays compounded by the unfair processing methodology (later applications processed before early applications) are problematic. I understand that budget cuts means that you are taking the money that we paid for processing our applications and giving it to departments for border enforcement. I do not wish to insult you or your department and I hope you do not perceive this as an attack on your integrity, but many of us come from corruption-riddled countries and this practice of siphoning away funds from an agreed service appears a little suspect.

My questions are the following:
1. Why are application so unfairly processed?
2. Having paid the fees in good faith, how long are these fees going to be kept without providing the service that was initially agreed to?

The reason this upsets me is that we all have credit cards that charge interest of more than 15%. A $1000 payment (many of us have families) is therefore costing us $150 for every year delayed. The current two year delay means that the effective cost to us is 30% greater than the original sum. The legal immigrants are therefore paying to keep out the illegal immigrants. This bears the characteristics of extortion and is clearly not fair.

Hey FunkyJunky:

I was just wondering if you got any reply back from the USCIS?


Long Answer
Reply? From the USCIS? Such expectations are akin to clutching at straws, reaching for pie in the sky and dreaming of marshmallows. Now consider that I'm the guy who actually wrote the letter. Can you imagine the emaciated state of my mental health?

And you're asking my opinion?

Short Answer
No. No Chance. I suspect hell will freeze over first.