IIO and expedition sheet, Nov case


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Today I talked with an IIO, and he admitted my case is long overdued. He said he will fill an expedition sheet, so my case will be assigned to an officer in a week. The question is if I can trust his affirmation? I\'ve talked to IIO many times, will this time the expedition sheet really work? I\'ve got so many hopes and disappointments with NSC. Anyone over there share your experience? Thanx.
I know somebody with similar experience and his case was approved within 2 weeks. so best of luck

Thanks, icy

That\'s what the IIO told me, in about two weeks, we may have reponse to you. Hope it can come true, even it\'s an RFE.
Any old timers out there got any news?
Nayblahscar any news on your Expedition Sheet?

Hi Nayblahscar,

Have you heard anything from NSC after expedition sheet is filled for you? If so please post details.

I was wondering if I can ask an IIO to fill an expedition sheet on my behalf. My RD & ND are in 03/01. I have been seeing cases in RD & ND in April & May are getting approved. Today I called IIO. He said my case is still pending for review and I should be patient. So I am thinking of waiting for another 10 days & if I do not hear anything then I am planning to call IIO & ask him whether he call fill expedition sheet on my behalf.

Just called 5 min ago

This lady said my case has been assigned to an examiner, but it has not been on the examiner\'s desk. And she also advise me to renew my EAD which will expire on mid April. I think I will get RFE. So long as it moves forward, it\'s not big deal.
Seems the sheet works.

One week later, I called again. Today, it took me 92 minutes to dial in and another 10 minutes to wait.
The response is weird. Last Wednesday, IIO said my case was assigned on last Tuesday. And today IIO told me it was assigned on last Thursday. How can the last IIO knew my case was assigned before it was really assigned? Today, she said they are reviewing my case. And it will take about a MONTH to get response.
"A month?"
"Yes, it may take that long, please be patient."
That should be a good news


I think that should be good news. They are reviewing your file & that is the most important thing. IIO told you 1 month which I think is maximum timelimit in which you will hear something. I think you should hear some thing this week or next week.

i should feel good now

as my rd is 03/01 , nd 02/01
i have contacted my congressman/senator .
sent a letter thru mail.lets see what they have to say.
nd:02/01 rd03/01

My case was approved. My wife case is pending. INS officer said , the cases are overlooked seperately and her case is assigned to an officer or getting out of assigned officer`s office. He said, we should here something soon, mainly within a month. He repeated that we should here something only I asked if the approval would come out at this time frame he said "something!" ..come on friends tell me what should we expect?
I think your wife will probably get an RFE

Don\'t worry. you as primary applicant has been approved. So approval for your wife is just a formality. They might issue an RFE or if they are reviewing her case individually & if all is OK with her file then she should be approved.

So relax, everything will be alright. However keep checking AVM & if you do not hear anything in next 2 weeks, call IIO.

Nayblahscar, rdodo92, guys, just let it go

Relax, just let INS do its work. Leave them alone for a while, until they contact you themselves.

You should be fine.

Still nothing happened as of Mar23. In transit area on Jan15, assigned to an examiner on Mar5/Mar7(depends on which IIO told me). What\'s wrong with my case?
update, big progress

Three weeks after my case was assigned to an examiner(yes, two IIO assured me that!), I called this morning about the processing. This time IIO said they had no evidence that my case had been assigned to an examiner! It may take one and half year. Well, it\'s close to 1.5 yr. Hope next time someone else may tell me it\'ll take 2 years. What a great progress!
So they lied to you...


Sorry to hear about this. I guess those IIOs lied to you so to get you off their back. Why don\'t you try calling NSC again in few days? Hopefully you come across a really helpful IIO.

Or may be the IIO to who spoke today was a fool & did not know what he was talking about. Sometimes you come acress these type of fools.

Re: update, big progress

I am kind of like in your shoes, my RD is 10/13/00 and I had got an RFE in early december to which INS recvd. the response on 1/9/02, but no news in almost 3 months, while others are getting their RFE approved in a week.

I called an IIO about 10 days ago and she was nice and said that my file had been moved to the wrong building (meaning not the place where RFE is handled) .. and that she will try to get it to the right place. No news since then. From looking at the responses that others have recvd. on this board, I categorize IIOs in two groups, one who don\'t give a shit and just BS whatever comes to their puny mind at that instant and the other that have some degree of concience and compassion left in them to try to resolve the problem. Unfortunately it appears that there are fewer of the latter type. So , I think the key is to keep trying with (decent time in between) till we find an IIO that falls in the latter category. Otherwise, there appears nothing much to do but wait, as I am not convinced that the Senator/Congressman route yields results (though right now with the elections in site and incumbents who maybe sweating about their re-election prospects might actually do something to help out).
Thanks, guys

Took your advice and I called today. The IIO said my case is with an examiner and I have to wait 2-4 weeks more. She seems very unhappy with my today\'s call after yesterday. Do I really enjoy dialing for hours?! I have to compensate my boss for these hours by going home late. They will never blame themselves for their inefficient and orderless job.
Ignore her unhappiness

If IIO has a right to lie or give stupid answers then you have right to call again & again to find out true answers.

However not all IIOs are bad. If you do not hear anything in next 2-3 weeks then call them again.
