IIO and expedition sheet, Nov case

That may be a good thing.

Now atleast your file is with officer. So cheer up , your approval is around the corner. One person I know got his RFE on MArch 6th. He replied it on March 12th. Today he got his approval.

Yeah, it\'s moving on

Archiver, you are right, it\'s kinda good news. I\'ve lived in the US for 100 months, experienced so many changes. Even getting approved today wouldn\'t excite me too much. dnenid, RFE is request further evidence, lawyer hasn\'t received the letter yet.
HI Nayblahscar, Did you receive your RFE ??

  Did you receive the RFE because same date my REF was also issued, MY RD: 10/00 and ND:11/00.
Upto Friday my attoreny did not receive today I have to check ?