If your case transferred to Baltimore ,please enter your entry

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EB3 other RD 09/00 ND 10/12/00 FP 12/26/00 transferred to Baltimore 4/27/01
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my case got transferred on feb. 15.

My case details are:
PD 2/98
RD 12/99
ND 1/00
FP 3/01

Waiting for interview schedule.
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EB2. ND 09/00. TD 4/27 to baltimore. The notice from VSC says that initial processing complete.
Baltimore office will contact regarding further processing and interview.
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I checked with INS Baltimore on may1st personally and they told me that they have received 28 boxes from Vermont. Each box consisting of 100 applications. Mine got transfered on Feb. 15 from Vermont and received at Baltimore on mar. 17 and that time the box that contained my file was ranked 218 in the queue at Baltimore. As of today, that rank has moved up to 66!!
So they are on an average processing 20-25 boxes per week. Remember, these boxes contain all types of applications, new, EADs, APs, Family based GCs, and Employment based GC applns., etc.
Based on above processing procedure, Baltimore INS should be sending out interview notices in the last week of May to all those cases that got transfered to Baltimore on feb 15th from Vermont and received on March 17.

Hope this information helps all those in the same boat at Baltimore INS.
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My notice does not say this. Mine says ..."to speed processing" ... my case was transfered to the Baltimore office and I will "get a written decision from that office" regarding my case. Nothing about "initial processing complete" or interview. Maybe we should quote exactly what the notice says. I don\'t have mine here with me, but these are the key phrases in it.
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so may be you are not going to get interview call.
what AVM says did you check out messsage????
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Mine also says something like Dumdum12. "Preliminary processing of the application has been completed and has been transferred to Baltimore. That office will notify you when they schedule an interview on the application. Further inquiries should be made to that office."

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I was not sure if they sent the same thing to us all.
For this reason, I very specifically mentioned the details they wrote me.
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I had my interview on 4/19/01. The offices did not give me any decision saying that she would need to further review my case. Still waiting.
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I had my interview on 4/19/01. The officer did not give me any decision saying that she would need to further review my case. Still waiting.
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I will check the transfer notice and the AVM tonight. But I am positive now that my notice is different from yours. Maybe just because it was created by a different officer? My TD is 4/25.
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My transfer notice says:
"This is to advise you that in order to speed processing we have transferred the above case to the following INS office for processing:
Fallon Federal Building, 31 Hopkins Plaza, Baltimore, MD 21201
That office will notify you of the decision made on the application or petition. Any further inquiries should be made to that office."

The AVM message is similar. It also says: "You will receive a written decision on your case from that office."