If your case transferred to Baltimore ,please enter your entry

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EB2, India, PD 06/99, RD 08/00, ND 08/00, FP 12/00.
Transferred to Baltimore on 04/19/01. Waiting ...
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To Macika, Karri, Kapil123, Dumdum12, I485east and everyone who got transferred:

Please let each other posted if any recent development
like interview appointment.

If I get letter, I\'ll post is and page you guys. Thanks
and goodluck to us all.

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mine says preliminary processing of the above application has been
completed , and it has been transferred to baltimore office
that office will notify you about interview
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My case was transfered on 04/27/01 to Baltimore. I talked my attorney and he said I should get my interview in June or July.
Just want to share this info with you guys. ND: 09/00, RD: 10/00. Country: China EB2
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My RD is close to you guys, but my case wasn\'t transferred to local INS office.

Is it because you guys living in East Coast (around Chicago, Baltimore area), that\'s why they transferred your case to local INS for interview?

Hope all of us will got approval in 2-4 months :)

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Thank you Evergreen.

We are not entirely sure but we believe that cases
are being transferred to local INS offices like
Baltimore if applicants live near that office.

Mine was transferred last 4/27/01 and my ND is 10/12/00
and FP done in 12/26/00.

Yes, let\'s all hope for the best!
