If L1a denied, what next?


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I have some request for further information for my L1a and we are due to file it before the 10th August. Since I have a business in the US as well as kids, house etc, if it is denied I will most certainly accrue "unlawful" presence till I sort my affairs out. I would like to wait till my kids have a school break Christmas to take them out as it would unsettle them if I do it in the middle of the year and also I need to find a school abroad to put them into.

I am just trying to sort the stuff for the kids as they would be suffering most if we have to leave the school and be out of the school till the next year.

My question is, can I with the UK passport, go to Canada for Christmas and get back in the US after the new school term starts on the visa waiver for 90 days (UK passport) and so my kids could finish their schooling without being unsettled or withut losing school for the 1/2 yr?

Second question is, could I (if the L1a is denied) get a professional course that will give me F visa and go to Canada and stamp it. Someone told me that it can not be done if my L1a is denied and I would need to go back to England to do this. Again, this is a big problem for me as we have 3 kids and apart from the expense, we wouldn't know what to do with their school for this time.
Thank you in advance.
pbranislav said:
My question is, can I with the UK passport, go to Canada for Christmas and get back in the US after the new school term starts on the visa waiver for 90 days (UK passport) and so my kids could finish their schooling without being unsettled or withut losing school for the 1/2 yr?
it probably depends on school's policy if they accept students under VWP.
Especially, public school running on tax, those under VWP are not paying tax, so there is big ethical question remaining.
Second question is, could I (if the L1a is denied) get a professional course that will give me F visa and go to Canada and stamp it. Someone told me that it can not be done if my L1a is denied and I would need to go back to England to do this. Again, this is a big problem for me as we have 3 kids and apart from the expense, we wouldn't know what to do with their school for this time.
it is safer to do stamp in your home country, but you may be able to get stamp in canada.
thanks for your reply

Thank you.
I have already paid my taxes for this school year as well as my occupational tax.