If emp gives me GC, can I go back to my country?


New Member
Hello friends
I got my Political asylum approved August 2004. I'm trying to look at my options. I just read here even if we get a green card through asylum, we should not or cannot go back to our country because it has AS6 written on the GC. The reason I could want to go back is visit relatives and just see my country for a little while even though it might not be safe for me.
1) If I get Labour certification and get a GC through employer, then it doesnt matter if I go back to my country for some time, right? I want to be a USC and stay here, but I also want to have options to go where I want. If I get the GC through employer, is my asylee status wiped out?
The disadvantage of not being allowed to come back is, I cant go back and feel at "home" for a while and find a sexy pretty girl to marry and bring here(yea, our girls are very pretty and with my foriegn qualifications, I can pick and choose the one I put my finger on). The advantage is I can settle in this free country without fear of jail or death and thats the most important thing for me.
Eventually I'll feel at home here in USA, but I wish I didnt have to face not being allowed to go home for the next 10 years or something.
2) My country of citizenship Pakistan has religious extremists which was one of the reasons I got asylum. Saudi Arabia also has extremists. If I go to Saudi, will it jeapordize my asylum even though its not my country of citizenship?
3) My lawer is asking $900 to file my GC. Should I let him do it, or save the money and do it myself? I want to have it done correctly and cannot take risk.

thank you!
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1) Even if you apply through your employer, its in your record that you were scared to go back to your home country...So getting a GC in a different way wont help you.
2) If you apply for GC through your employer, you need to have a valid presence in U.S to be adjusted. IN other words, 1996 law made it that if you were illegal(I-94 Stay expired) you cannot be adjusted. Now asylees have been overlooked under this law because most of the asylees did overstay and then applied for political asylum.

So when the time comes to adjsut your employer based GC..You may not be eligible after all and may lose asylee status as well.Being an asylee gives you a "pass" on the illegal part.

You should remember that you can file as many I-485's as you want..but only ONE adjusts you. So you can apply through your employer and also have the asylee-GC in progress. But remember the "illegal" presence part..that may make your GC application invalid and denied.

My advice is that Wait till your Asylee GC comes...As for marrying "the girl you put your finger on"..well I guess that has to wait...Maybe you need to find a girl in this country who actually likes you and NOT your AmericanImmigration Status.

Think twice before making any decision as per Immigration goes..
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sleepy66 said:
Hello friends
I got my Political asylum approved August 2004. I'm trying to look at my options. I just read here even if we get a green card through asylum, we should not or cannot go back to our country because it has AS6 written on the GC. The reason I could want to go back is visit relatives and just see my country for a little while even though it might not be safe for me.
1) If I get Labour certification and get a GC through employer, then it doesnt matter if I go back to my country for some time, right? I want to be a USC and stay here, but I also want to have options to go where I want. If I get the GC through employer, is my asylee status wiped out?
The disadvantage of not being allowed to come back is, I cant go back and feel at "home" for a while and find a sexy pretty girl to marry and bring here(yea, our girls are very pretty and with my foriegn qualifications, I can pick and choose the one I put my finger on). The advantage is I can settle in this free country without fear of jail or death and thats the most important thing for me.
Eventually I'll feel at home here in USA, but I wish I didnt have to face not being allowed to go home for the next 10 years or something.
2) My country of citizenship Pakistan has religious extremists which was one of the reasons I got asylum. Saudi Arabia also has extremists. If I go to Saudi, will it jeapordize my asylum even though its not my country of citizenship?
3) My lawer is asking $900 to file my GC. Should I let him do it, or save the money and do it myself? I want to have it done correctly and cannot take risk.

thank you!

Yes ofcourse your green card will have no mention of asylun status and so you are free to go home.
Disregard what wantmygcnow said !
Yes of course the GC has a mention of Asylum status on it. It does not say "This GC has been obtained through Asylum" but under the term "Category" it has these numbers/alphabets "AS6", which mean obtained through asylum.

NOw the authorities in your home country might not know it (even many USA I/Os might now recognize these codes on the top of their heads) but truth of the matter is that code "AS6" clearly shouts to a knowleageable I/O that you have obtained your GC through Asylum.
NO No No

Lazerthegreat said:
Yes of course the GC has a mention of Asylum status on it. It does not say "This GC has been obtained through Asylum" but under the term "Category" it has these numbers/alphabets "AS6", which mean obtained through asylum.

NOw the authorities in your home country might not know it (even many USA I/Os might now recognize these codes on the top of their heads) but truth of the matter is that code "AS6" clearly shouts to a knowleageable I/O that you have obtained your GC through Asylum.

The green card WAS NOT OBTAINED THRU ASYLUM but thru Labor Cetification and cannot carry the mark "AS6". Simple and staightforward ! Stop the speculation and provide facts.
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kevincheng said:
I think you are right. My lawyer told the same thing.

I really don't know why "wantmygcnow" said like that.Mightbe

he just "think" about it.

I concur with Wantmygcnow and lazerthegreat. In fact, wantmygcnow has make it very clear as she/he always does.

kevincheng and who concurs with you: Whether you got your GC thru DV, marriage, employment or whatever, your asylum status won't change. The immigration authority track you down and charge you with immigration fraud if you abuse your asylum status. To begin with if you have a well founded fear of persecution by the govt of your country, how would you consider going there even if you become citizen? I don't. A paper (GC or Passport) would not give you full protection against dectators. For instance, do you think any Cuban American would go and visit their country while Castro is in power? Do you think Castro will let members of his opposition parties to go and visit freely their country merely because they carry a US passport? I don't believe so. I wouldn't advise an asylee to go to his/her country until after the current regime in his/her country is changed.
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Well! We are not 4rth grade kids here... obviously if GC was obtained through Labor Cetification- employment it would carry that code; whatever that is. NOT AS6

but the point of discussion is that whether CIS would still know that you once applied for Asylum?
Lazerthegreat said:
Well! We are not 4rth grade kids here... obviously if GC was obtained through Labor Cetification- employment it would carry that code; whatever that is. NOT AS6

but the point of discussion is that whether CIS would still know that you once applied for Asylum?

Well u r talking about taking a chance. Nobody wants to take a chance with USCIS.
It's not a matter of "AS6" code, it's a matter of whether or not you can get GC through employer. As far as I know you cannot. Since the law says if you apply for employment based GC, you must have non-immigrant status at the time of filing application, but asylee is NOT non-immigrant status.

Well there is a chance USCIS still will approve your application, since not every officer understands immigration law very well. But just like ayyubov said "Nobody wants to take a chance with USCIS".
Ok, so that means I cannot go back in any case, until I get my US citizenship, right. And I guess I'll apply myself for the GC cause $900 of the lawer I can save if I do some work myself.
Now what if I go to Saudi Arabia. It doesnt matter right because thats not the country from which I obtained asylum? Even though its an radical Islamic country.

How pathetic that you have to look for a woman based on your $$$...I guess you are not attractive or smart enough for a sexy woman out here? Or are women here simply too smart, and that is not what you are looking for.

I have to say, dude, YUK!!!!!
Green Card as a Derivative

Hello everybody:

I have a question that relates to this topic and would appreciate your input. My wife has applied for the Green Card (adjustment of status) through her asylum case two years ago.
My Green Card was recently approved through employment based and I went for my Passport Stamping just yesterday. I used to be on H1B status.

In September of 2004, we also applied for my wife's Green Card through my employment based case (derivative) and she just received a request for evidence, so we believe that she might also be approved anytime soon.

I am still not sure after what I have read in this forum, if she could go back to China after receiving her Green Card through my employment based case? Obviously, her Green Card won't say anything like "AS6" but I am not sure if the Immigration Officer at the port of entry would create any problems after he/she sees on the computer that she used to be an asylee as well?

Has anybody had a similar experience? Thank you everybody for your help!
Tomark said:
Hello everybody:
I am still not sure after what I have read in this forum, if she could go back to China after receiving her Green Card through my employment based case? Obviously, her Green Card won't say anything like "AS6" but I am not sure if the Immigration Officer at the port of entry would create any problems after he/she sees on the computer that she used to be an asylee as well?

Has anybody had a similar experience? Thank you everybody for your help!

By Theory you can't go back but you never know with USCIS. Thats the problem. There is no simple rule with U.S Immigration. I think if you get your G.C by husband's status, in theory you are basically rescinding your asylee status..so it means you aren't scared to go back to your country...

I would think it would be ok because you have obtained your G.C through legal means by a sponsor(husband) who wasn't an ASYLEE.

But make sure you don't use a RTD but rather a Rentry permit.
there is no word "category" and no mark A6s on Greencard

I do examine my husband’s GC and can not find no one word pointed out on his Asylum Status.
EspressoJoy said:
How pathetic that you have to look for a woman based on your $$$...I guess you are not attractive or smart enough for a sexy woman out here? Or are women here simply too smart, and that is not what you are looking for.

I have to say, dude, YUK!!!!!
well its too taxing here to engage a pretty lady. You have to do a LOT, spend a lot of money and mental energy becuase everyone is firing at her too. Now with and my degrees I can get anything I want in my country, but yes I see your point. For now I want a pretty face and then we'll see how it goes :p I'm smart and very valuable but in some special way that cant get public (hence my asylum), and if I made it public I'd get a lot more women who would appreciate me for the real things, my mission, principles and philosophy of life. Anyway yea thats cool, I get your point.