I485 denied if changing service center less than 180 days after submission?


Registered Users (C)
Hi, my I140 (EB1A, applied on my own behalf) was approved in May, 2003. I sent I485 in Feb, 2003 in Nebraska. Because my laboratory was moved to Atlanta, GA, I moved to Atlanta in July, 2003 by working with same field, same laboratory, same PI. I did my fingerprinting in Atlanta in July, 2003. My concern is that is there any problem for my I485 case because I change employer less than 180 days after submitting I485 application, Is my approved I140 still valid? What I need to do now? I already updated my address change.

Answers from anyone who has similar experiences will be appreciated.


No you did not change job or employer. your company to a new place. No need to claim AC21. It is similar to your company moving to swanky building in downtown in the old town.
doesnt matter for selfpetitioned cases

even if you changed employers, NIW or eb1ea are okay as long as they continue to work in their area of expertise.
Technically you did change employers because even though you work for same boss....the employment comes under the purview of a particular university ( i guess its univ since u said PI) and you were getting paid by that univ and now your money (even if its from grant) comes from diff univ. So I guess you are just like any other "change of job" case although more secure because of self petitioning and same PI etc.
I have not heard a single case denied that way so stop worring .......as long as you are with same employer/lab/univ..........

I guess your service center will remain same because I have heard atleast five cases where they change the places west to east and midwest to west but their service station is not changed and they still getting their letters like FP notice etc from their old service center though the FP places are in local INS offices around them....

But In case they transfer you to Dallas I would say you should rather go for a CP it is more than three years wait period there unless you get very lucky.