I started my law sue (WOM) for N-400 Today.

congratulations! can you please share with me your lawyer information?

I had completely different answer from Newark DO office, I am 6.5 months after application date now. How do I know my name check was cleared ( Per my infopass early October), and they either lost my file or didn't update in the system.

errou said:
congratulations! can you please share with me your lawyer information?

I had completely different answer from Newark DO office, I am 6.5 months after application date now. How do I know my name check was cleared ( Per my infopass early October), and they either lost my file or didn't update in the system.


errou & Dani,

Thanks, you guys will be next, and closer if you filed the law sue right away.
Don't let others control how your life should go, while you live in a great free country.


i learned about the name check clerance through the FBI, when the First Lady office forwarded my letter to them.

For my attorney info, please click this link:


by the way, he handels cases nationwide, not only in Florida.

Congratulations! You definitely give us much hope! Thank you for sharing your story. Good luck for your interview!

moody22 said:
Thanks brc456, xxzz.

I found out about the name check results through the first lady office who forwarded my letter to the FBI, then the FBI replaied to me with the results.

Hope this will help.



could you please post the general format of the letter that you sent to the first lady ?


did you sent it thru email or regular mail?

thank you,
cost was $3000?


Congratulations, your experience gives us a hope that there is a light at the end of this tunnel.

Was the total cost $3000? I am thinking of suing as soon as I am elegible (!) to sue so was wondering the price tag on it.

Thanks in advance.
futureuscitizen said:
could you please post the general format of the letter that you sent to the first lady ?


did you sent it thru email or regular mail?

thank you,

Dear Future Citizen,

The letter was vey informal. I wrote somthing like:

Dear Mrs. Laura, The first Lady, White House.

In general statment, I explained my situation that my application was stalled for more than 2 years for the allaged background security checks, and how this delay affected my life and my future plans.

Then i asked her to help me in contacting the FBI to expedite my name check, with brief time line and personal info. such as my Alien#, SSN and so on.

The address is :

the White house
the office of first lady
1600 Pennsilvania Av. NW

Washington, DC.20500

Ofcurse i was very respectfule, be careful that you write to the first lady.

Her office is very helpfule, and they will forward your letter to the FBI.

I sent it through regular mail, and i got a response 45 days later, followed by a response from the FBI 2 days later.

best of luck to you, and for everybody.


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springbranch said:

Congratulations, your experience gives us a hope that there is a light at the end of this tunnel.

Was the total cost $3000? I am thinking of suing as soon as I am elegible (!) to sue so was wondering the price tag on it.

Thanks in advance.

Dear springbranch,

The intial cost was $3000 plus $500 admenistrative fees(ex.cost of photocopies and sending registered mails and so on).

Then i paid $350 for court fee, when my lawyer actually filed in the court.

I was suppose to pay another $3000, only if the cse went to trail, but it was not, thank god :p :p

Belive me it's worth to go with an experinced lawyer, to avoid all the hassel of CIS & AUSA if they tried to play gods when they see you're a pro sue.

CIS & AUSA When they notice that you filed with a hard ass lawyer, they really work in your case quickly to avoid going to trail.

If you didn't get an interview, your only resource is WOM. but it's really hard since you have to wait 1.5-2 years without interview.
It's unlike the 1447b, when you can sue only after 120 days past the interview date.

You also need to show good proofs that you exhusted all other admenistrative remedies before you went to the court.

Hopfully with the new congress we just get, you wont go through all this crap, I have a feeling that nowdays CIS is trying to avoid any trails, to stop thier losing record they have proudlly achived in 2005/ 2006 FY's. :D :D

Best wishes,

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I Think CIS well play a nasty game again

Hi guys,

I really need everybody input here.

As I mentioned before, I filed a WOM for my pending N-400 on Oct.30, the Judge ordered a hearing on Nov 9. The AUSA showed up at the court with 2 faxes, one for the second finger print, and the other one for the Interview.
He said the that the CIS is asking to dismiss the case, since they received the name check results-which is by the way was completed in 2004-and they voulnturley scheduled me for the interview to proceed with my pending application. The law sue was dismissed because it became moot, since I was granted the relief I asked in my complaint.

Untie now, it seems like I own my sue, but now look at this shit.

Today I received an answer to the CIS Ombudsman letter I sent last June asking for his help. the letter was issued by the CIS Headquarter in Washingtonian Nov.9 " the same date of the hearing", stating that: yes your case is delayed due to your background investigation is still open, and we can't proceed with your case until the investigation ii completed. If you didn't hear from us within 6 months, please contact the customer service.

I showed this letter to my attorney, and he thinks it’s just a discrepency in their fucken damn system

Now, what the fuck is wrong with these guys. I have a feeling that they did this show in the court just to get my case dismissed, then at the interview they will either deny my application, or they will go back with the same bullshit that: yes, the name check is completed, but the other agencies check is still pending.

I have an interview on Dec 4th, and I don’t know what to do.
Please share your thoughts.




let us know how your interview goes. If they grill you or not. I am in same shit N-400 pending 1.5 year no interview pending name check.

I filled WOM last week. I am just worried about one thing that they will go hard during interview based on fact that I filled a suit.

Thanks Best of luck
Moddy, I'm very proud of what you're doing!


You’re truly admirable. Your case will shed new light to those who have also stuck in the same endless dark tunnel after patiently waited in line for many years. You deserve your citizenship. You’ve demonstrated both of your patience and courage. As far as the letter is concerned, I agree with what your attorney said. I recently received a similar letter from CIS after I requested an inquiry on my case not long ago. The wording in my letter is more or less the same as those you quoted. I doubt the person/office who issued the letter was even aware of your WOM suit. To me it seems just a standard reply that happen to be processed on the same day of you court hearing. Good luck and keep us posted.
Thanks for whoever replaied to my post.

It seems like i'm going to have a bloody fight, on Dec.4th.

My attorney said they better not mess with my case, and play god because the Sue will be re-open, then they need to explain to Mr.Judge why they laied to him at the first time.

My advice:

Go to your interview. Keep your polite face on the whole time, trying not to bring up all the delays. Act as if nothing happened. If they tell you that they can't make a decision because of some missing information or check isn't finished, point out that they went before a judge and said everything is in order. Ask to speak to a supervisor and point out the same information.

I'm guessing that their left hand probably doesn't know what their right hand is doing, and all will (hopefully) go well.

If it doesn't, make sure that you get an exact status in writing before you leave. If there is something outstanding that contradicts what they said in court, get your lawyer and go back to the court with that document. I'm guessing that the court does not like being lied to by the government and the judge will get serious with them. You may not get full relief, but you might get the satisfaction of seeing the USCIS held in contempt.

Good luck.
Flydog said:
My advice:

Go to your interview. Keep your polite face on the whole time, trying not to bring up all the delays. Act as if nothing happened. If they tell you that they can't make a decision because of some missing information or check isn't finished, point out that they went before a judge and said everything is in order. Ask to speak to a supervisor and point out the same information.

I'm guessing that their left hand probably doesn't know what their right hand is doing, and all will (hopefully) go well.

If it doesn't, make sure that you get an exact status in writing before you leave. If there is something outstanding that contradicts what they said in court, get your lawyer and go back to the court with that document. I'm guessing that the court does not like being lied to by the government and the judge will get serious with them. You may not get full relief, but you might get the satisfaction of seeing the USCIS held in contempt.

Good luck.

Great advice, Flydog.

That's exactelly what i'm going to do. I will have a plastic-hard face, waiting and expecting any crap they might through in my face.
I have nothing to lose after almost three years of waiting. But hounest a god, i will bring this case in the media if they messed up with my application.


Interview results: N-652 Recommended for approval

Ok Friends, here is my interview experience today in Miami.

I arrived to the DO at 9.15 am, while the interview was scheduled at 9.50 am. The attorney arrived at 9.30 am. There were approximately 40 applicants for interviews. People were called for there interviews, even people who arrived after me were called, except me.

At about 11.00 am, My attorney went to the security officer to ask what’s going on, he answered him back to be just patient, you can wait any time between 15 minutes to two hours before we got called in.
Then my attorney and I started to get worried, we thought they have a special arrangement for me since I filed a law sue against them.

Around 11.15 am, an officer showed up, called my name and walked us to his office. On our way, he smiled and said: You have a big file with us; I didn’t get the chance to sort it out and go through all the documents there. I smiled, without any comments.

He made me raise my hand, and swear to say the truth, which I did. He didn’t ask for any documents, not even my driving license. He said he knows I don’t have the actual green card, since they took it away during the I-751 interview. He said you have the stamp in your passport, but this stamp might give you a hard time in the airport, I said yes, and it did already.

He went through the application very quickly, where you live, what you do for living, if I’m still married to my wife, have you been married before. He was marking on the application with a red pen for each of the information he verified. Then he went through the YES/ NO questions quickly. Then he gave me the Civic/ English test with 100% answer rate.

Then he said I can’t see any pictures in you application. I said I sent them along with my application, he searched again, found a photocopy for my pictures, but that’s about it. Thank god I had two pictures taken in Walgreen two days before the interview, just in case I’m going to need them in the interview.

He said that’s it, I’m recommending your application for approval. Then I asked him about the Oath. He said your application have not been stamped yet with the approval stamp since I have to go over it again, we have 120 days as you know, after that your attorney knows better than me.
He mentioned there is one on the 19th of December, but he doesn’t know if I’m going to make it or not, because there is many people there. ”The last Ceremony Miami had been last August as I remember”. I said I know there’s another one on the 20th, He said this one get cancelled since the convention center want to charge the government $55,000 for each ceremony, and they don’t have the required fund approved for that, also it’s the end of the year now, where all companies and other agencies has too many conferences and ceremony, so it is kind of hard for us to find a place to rent, and held the ceremony.

He printed the N-652, marked the box of:

1. You passed the Civic/ English test.
2. Congratulations! Your application has been recommended for approval. At this time, it appears that you have established your eligibility for naturalization. If final approval is granted, you will be notified when and where to report for the oath ceremony.

That’s all about it. I felt 50% relief, I want to get the final approval and the oath letter today, but unfortunately you wont get everything you need at one time, that’s who life is.

What makes me really happy today is the officer attitude, very nice and professional person; I wonder why not the entire CIS officers are the same. He never mentioned anything about the law sue I filed, nothing about pending security checks crap, not even a single document, nothing.

What do you guys think: am I close enough to my Citizenship?

Best Regards,

Sounds pretty good to me. All you need is an oath letter now. Whether you get an oath letter during the interview seems to be DO specific (for example, both my wife and I walked out from our interviews in Dallas with the letter (with an oath date) in our hands). But, from other threads, that doesn't seem to be the practice in other DOs.

If they've recommended you for citizenship and have no outstanding issues, you should get a letter real soon.

Good luck