• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

I lost my DV2012 confirmation number, anyway to get it back?

Whoa, not good news. I got mine here, it says:

Please either print this page or make a record of the confirmation number before closing this window. You will not be able to retrieve this number after you close this window.

You must retain your confirmation number in order to check your entry status using the Internet ....

I can't see how you could get around this. Maybe just do a lot more looking for it. You probably put it in one of those places where you told yourself at the time that it would be a good, safe place. Then forgot where that was. I do that all the time ;-)

I printed 3 copies of mine, plus recorded the number and have that stored in all sorts of places, on paper and online.

Sorry, maybe someone else can give you some way to get your number. I'm not sure if phoning them would help?
My freind u can call then by phone or write a letter to them and tell how ur comfirmation number got lost.
My freind u can call then by phone or write a letter to them and tell how ur comfirmation number got lost.
I doubt that they will be interested to hear how you lost your number. It will be a pointless exercise - just like telling us did not get your number for you, writing to KCC also won't.
btw, what happens to the unclaimed winning numbers?
They know that everyone that is selected won't take it up. That is why they select 100 000 people for further processing although there are only 50 000 visas available each year. If you don't use the opportunity they simply move on to the next number, untill all 50 000 visas are issued, or 30 September, whichever happens first. They rarely issue all 50 000 in a year.
Keep your confirmation page. You will need your confirmation number to access information through the Entry Status Check available on the E-DV website www.dvlottery.state.gov. Entry Status Check will be the sole means by which DV-2012 entrants are notified of their selection, provided instructions on how to proceed with their application, and notified of their immigrant visa interview appointment date and time.
Status information will be available from May 1, 2011. If you lose your confirmation information, you will not be able to check your DV entry status by yourself, and we will not resend the confirmation page information to you. Only the randomly selected individuals will be given additional instructions on how to pursue their DV visa application. Persons not selected may verify the non-selection of their entry using their confirmation information through the official DV website, but they will not receive any additional instructions. We will NOT forward the confirmation page information to you. U.S.
dear all, i lost my DV2012 confirmation number, anyway to get it back?

That is very unfortunate. You might want to do a better job at keeping your CN. I personally used to save a copy on my HD and send a copy to my e-mail (this way i can keep it in the "cloud"). Good Luck in DV-2013!
My wife interview is scheduled on September 1st. And she is 38 weeks pregnant.
On August 31th at 1.00 PM she started feeling some unusual pain. We started praying, asking God not to allow her giving birth before our interview. We know that if the baby is born after the interview she ll be processed at the port of entry only by showing to the border agent her birth certificate, but if the baby is born after the interview, thing may get worse: we ll have to do the baby`s medicals (215 dollars) + visa fees (819 dollars) + establishing the official birth certificate which takes at least 4 weeks in Montreal (express procedure is not available in Quebec) + applying for her Canadian passport. The 2011 DV program ends up on sept 30 2011. We are running out of time, and then it won’t be possible to fulfill those requirements within 4 weeks. Consequently we ll loose our immigration visa for good (bad luck).
The pain reached its climax at 4 .00 PM and my wife cannot bear it anymore, her water broke and we end-up at the hospital around 5.00 PM where she gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl at 10.00 PM. Can you believe that!
Soon after the birth we inform the doctor that we have a serious issue with our DV interview that will be held in few hours the next day at 8.00 AM, we explain the entire event and how it was important for us to get that visa. The doctor tried to persuade us not to attend the interview because my wife is too tired and her vaginal wounds have to be healed first. Finally after a 20 min meeting the doctors considered the whole situation including its impact in our future so they decide to give to my wife a certificate of temporary absence form the hospital for the next day valid from 6.00 AM to 10 .00 AM but without the baby (has to stay in the hospital). We thanked God!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I ran home picked-up the documents, my wife clothes and mine, and head back to the hospital around 1.00 AM. The night was really too short, lot of things going inside my head…………………………………..

We arrived at the consulate around 6:40AM. We were the first in line with a few others arriving after 7AM. The doors opened at 7:30AM promptly and we were the first to enter. After going through security, we waited downstairs and sat in the chairs next to the elevator. We were sent up in the elevator to the 19th floor around 8AM. As we were the first off the elevator, received C1 and was told to have a seat. We were called up to the first window within a few minutes of being seated

We were called at the first window 30 min later, the lady proceed and took our fingerprints and medical results (not the x-ray or vaccination documentation) and passport. The agent found that my wife wore the hospital bracelet and then ask:
The Agent: why are you wearing the hospital bracelet?
My wife: I am just coming from the hospital because I gave birth few hours ago. I ask for a temporary absence from hospital but the doctors at first were skeptical but they finally understood my worries and decided to let me attend the interview without the baby
The Agent: are you serious? she called the CO to hear my wife story………………………..the CO was impressed by my wife courage and determination to get the visa. Because my wife was in pain. The agent asked for all our documents and the CO decided to interview my wife immediately after the documents checking.
The interview
CO: I can`t believes you came here few hours after giving birth!
My wife: answer……….
CO: baby gender?
My wife: baby girl and I gave her name
CO:…………….still amazed by my wife courage……………………..
My wife:……………………still in pain…………………………….
CO: pleased my wife to have a seat
My wife: thanks
CO: asked my wife to raise her right hand and swear to tell the truth ------------------then took fingerprint-----------
My wife: did
CO: recheck my wife diplomas and school transcript. Were you on F1 status in the pass?
My wife:ans………….
CO: where do you live ?
My wife:ans……………
CO: what are you doing for living?
My wife:ans----------
CO:do you have relative in US?
My wife:ans---------------
CO: what are you going to do in US?
My wife:ans--------------------------
CO: started typing………………….afterward she asked me to raise my right hand and swear to tell the truth ………….
Me: did----------------
CO: confirmed my profession
Me: correct
CO: in which us state are you going to live?

CO: what are you going to do in US?
CO: ok --------and started typing--------------then asked both of us to sign the DS230 form, she added that the newborn will be processed at the port of entry. She pulled out the letter "Welcome to the United States” and said we were approved and wished us good luck.

It was a fabulous day!

Wish you all a good luck and thank you all(ammeck 09 , kunato,my2011,kennyeast,sista-mai,mamaizo Popescandy1,yaso,and all others,) once again for sharing the information here.
all applicants in this year got an email from KCC including instruction on how they can recover their confirmation number
so check your email that you did register in the application
all applicants in this year got an email from KCC including instruction on how they can recover their confirmation number
so check your email that you did register in the application
Not all applicants. Only those who checked their results between May 1 and May 13. Because only those ones could have thrown away their confirmation number because they thought they would not need it any more.

Because the original poster lost his password before May, he could not have checked his results in May, so no email was sent to him.
emails were sent only to those who were erroneously selected in May 1st draw, since this was the fastest way to inform all selected that selection process will be void. Non-selected did not receive any email.
In July 15 draw, no one was emailed their CN, whether they won or not.
Incorrect. Emails were sent to selected and non-selected who checked online. If you were not selected, you could have thrown your confirmation number away. Still, you needed it for the second drawing. So, mail was sent to selected AND non-selected, but only if they had checked their result online. If you hadn't checked and did not know your result of the first drawing, no mail was sent to you.
Incorrect. Emails were sent to selected and non-selected who checked online. If you were not selected, you could have thrown your confirmation number away. Still, you needed it for the second drawing. So, mail was sent to selected AND non-selected, but only if they had checked their result online. If you hadn't checked and did not know your result of the first drawing, no mail was sent to you.

Then how come that I was not sent an email? I don't know whether I was selected or not in May draw, but according to you I should have received an email. Well, I did not, and at least 2 other people I know didn't either.

What you are suggesting is also unlikely to be feasible....sending 18 MILLION emails to all applicants? If that happened, then again, firstly I didn't get any email and secondly there would not be people on the forum complaining how they lost their confirmation numbers.

An email was sent ONLY to those who were chosen by mistake in May draw, no one else.
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