I am tired


Registered Users (C)
This wait seems too long. My anniversary is coming up on Friday. I never imagined that I'd have to wait this long. Its over three years since I started the process but now that it "seems" closer I am becoming restless. When you are stuck in a dead-end job its even more frustrating. Should I take comfort in the fact that I am not alone? Nah that is a pretty sadistic attitude.
I really thought October (and of course the earlier Rds) will move faster after the infamous audit.

Oh The miseries of po' legal immigrant worker!!

Originally posted by patienceGC
This wait seems too long. My anniversary is coming up on Friday. I never imagined that I'd have to wait this long. Its over three years since I started the process but now that it "seems" closer I am becoming restless. When you are stuck in a dead-end job its even more frustrating. Should I take comfort in the fact that I am not alone? Nah that is a pretty sadistic attitude.
I really thought October (and of course the earlier Rds) will move faster after the infamous audit.

Oh The miseries of po' legal immigrant worker!!


Congratulations!! You are finally TIRED! You were famous for and proud of your famous patience. Now you finally become a real man! This mentality change is better than getting a green card. I do believe that if someone is not extremely tired of this f**** processing, she/he is not a human being and thus she/he will do nothing in the rest of the life because such a human being is just little better than a dead body.

Congrats again.


I thought you said you were going to go home to China for a vacation after 6 years.. see that you haven't left yet..

you really need a vacation dude, please please do get some much needed R&R
Re: So close

Its more frustrating when its almost a year since your filing and you hear that INS is processing your month AND you get atleast 3 emails from Rupnet about guys having updated their names with approved status and you are sitting there, reading all these like its happening to someone else!
Man, do we get a reprieve from this anytime soon?

I was 4 days shy of my 485 anniversary when I got
the good word.

I feel your pain though. The closer you are, the wait
becomes intolerable.

Re: So close

Its more frustrating when its almost a year since your filing and you hear that INS is processing your month AND you get atleast 3 emails from Rupnet about guys having updated their names with approved status and you are sitting there, reading all these like its happening to someone else!
Man, do we get a reprieve from this anytime soon?
One Year and 7 days, Still wating.

It is not going make any diffrent in my Job or my plans, but I still need the GC wating over.

Please; please; please :( it sucks; f**K;:mad: :mad:
My take on this.................

The more we r into this "waiting and expecting and comparing", more frustrating it becomes.

When I got approved on 8/19, for last 2-3 weeks before that, I was very worried more coz I didn't want the approval to happen just a few days before I fly out of this country on 3 week vacation (which coinicidently was on 8/19 itself).

But once out of country, believe me I didn't even realize how two weeks went by and in third week, I casually phoned and asked one of my friends in USA to just check my status and he told me after 15 minutes that we all were approved, it was very satisfying but unsurprising (I got to learn about approval a whole 17 days after it actually happened!!!!!!!!!!).

I think taking urself physically+mentally away from this portal etc. helps (at least for a few days).
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Me too

I am 14 days away from 1 year and this process is so damn long, I feel as if my brain will burst anytime soon. I ask myself not to look rupnet and portal, but can't help refreshing to hundreds of times each day. Don't know when this nightmare will be over.
I am too

RD is 10/17
Still waiting - Since I never had any luck with this whole process - I am mentally prepared for the worst.
i am tired too

RD 10/01/01
ND 11/20/01
FP 03/14/02

1 year + 17 days

Lately I have been meditating on some indian classical (mostly ravi's sitar) and some tibetan music. It helps overcome the stress !
thanks guys

That helps a lot.

I guess I'll just have to be strong and quit coffee. Anyway there seem to be no approvals last night so hopefully there will be some today or tomorrow.

Anywayz I am just waiting for someone to post Thackeray's speech ;)

Instead..............Have a STRONG coffee and QUIT checking AVM often..........That will certainly help.... :D

1 year, 1 month, 9 days and counting..........:rolleyes:

My RFE response was received by INS on Oct 10th.... I am trying not check AVM and online status.........

Damn......it's so frustrating........

I am giving 2 months to hear something.......maybe i will hear the magic words, maybe RFE again, maybe something else......who knows....

Thackeray's speech....:D ......(Good one)......... I wonder if any site has the transcripts.....He's crazy at times.......

Goodluck !!!

since you said Friday is your aniversery. I assuming your EAC# is EAC-02-053-054***, right? I searched 100 numbers befor and after me. None of them is approved yet. I guess we still have a long jorney to go.

i have been in the States for 9 years by Friday. you don't want to know how much I have spent either money or efforts on Immigration issue. Now I know my trun is finally close. Guess what, I can't even concentrate what i am doing. keep checking .....

I know it is not a healty way to deal it. but i can't help.....
good thing to know is that i am not alone...

i have you and all of my friends here. you guys are wonderful!!
The feeling when you are so close but yet far


I understand your feelings - It reminds me of a gruelling time when my family and I were driving through real hard torrential rain on a long drive - and at about mignight - I was half an hour from my destination - the big trucks kept splashing water on my windshield and kept blinding my view - I was excited about the fact that the journey was almost over but it had been too much of stressful but patient driving for the past 5 hours - and I knew that I had to go through the gruelling last half an hour of the journey. But my excitement made me drive faster - past 80mph and realized I was losing my mind and if I kept driving slower and carefully the way I had been for the past 5 hours - I would reach home safely. And I did.

I think we need to keep the last bit of patience we have left. You are on that last half hour of the journey like I am. Hope the end comes soon and you reach home safely! Good luck!

I guess I am getting emotional -
sanjay - RD Oct 1,2001
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i like your story


I like your story. I will keep my car runing util the last minuts!

wish you a best!:p
Jey Dinosaur

MY RD is exactly the same

RD - 10/17

Please post your approval and I can benchmark mine against yours!
Patience and discipline

I got approved in about 13 montsh after RD, still waiting for that letter though.

One thing I would like to say is that it becomes intolerable if you think that it is the final goal. Over a lifespan of 70yrs this might not even be on your top 10 milestone list and I hope it is not. I had friends who were not as frequent in checking the status were concentrating on other things in life while I continued to anxiously wait for the 485 and look for every bit of information that i could have. To me it seems their processing was faster for some reason. If it is not in your control why waste your precious time brooding over it. The more time you put into this "waiting" you tend to become more anxious. And for most part it is unproductive.

It is easy to lecture but difficult to follow myself. I hope as I write this some of it would get into me as well.

Best wishes to all for early approvals.