I am devastated (failed in interview)


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Please guys read my interview experience and tell me do I deserve to be treated like this…I am still baffled what triggered the interview guy to treat me like that

My interview was shed for 1pm at New work…me. My wife and my step son went there. We were called after almost one hour…
The guy who called us looked so pissed..He was dead serious…even before I entered the door he asked me which university I went in USA..And do I have my transcripts w/me…I said yes…he took us to his cube and after oath. Did not even look at me or asked me anything. he asked my wife about her family__where is they from—even her grand parents…then he asked me to go out side..and after 2 minutes came back w/ my wife and told me I will have second interview..did not even bother to ask for any document..he kept on insisting about my transcripts…..now my questions are
 I am Indian w/ Caucasian wife…does it triggered him to be so suspicious?
 Do they have any extra info regarding my school?? Or they have any other suspicion about me…the did not ask me any question?
 Do I stand any hope…or should I pack my bag and head back home to my country
It look like they already had decision about me…please guys help me…I just have the whole six pack of beer…I am devastated…I think I am screwered..no matter how many evidence or proof I gather for my marriage they are not going to approve me.
My lawyer told me the 2nd interview will me extremely tough and I f I misses even 5 answers..i will fail…my wife is also very depressed..
Please guys help me understand

BTW> during my absence the immigration officer asked my wife about the legitimacy of our marriage…and pressed her to tell if our marriage is real?
RobertLangdon said:
during my absence the immigration officer asked my wife about the legitimacy of our marriage…and pressed her to tell if our marriage is real?

Isn't this thier job? This sounds normal to me.
I don't think it's normal for them to react so harshly, maybe they had a reason or maybe you unfortunately got the a-hole of the day so it made the interview more difficult. They do assume that all marriages are fraudulent and you/we have to prove otherwise-that's the rule of the game.

Don't get depressed, it's too early for that. Unless you get an outright "your application is denied" then you're still in the game (that's if you want to be). Your second interview is probably going to be more difficult so start the mental prep and think positive. I have no clue what questions they are going to ask, but it must be questions that only a husband/wife will know. If you think you are going to get a lot wrong then use this time to get to know the little stuff that you might have taken for granted.

If they happen to deny you the GC, then the next step should be to appeal the decision. They put these options in place because they are aware that errors of judgment can be made. Yes your process will be more difficult than others, but that's life isn't it. Things just never seem to go the way you want (sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't) it's what you do about it that makes the difference.

Please try to think positive- it will make a world of a difference! Plus if you are legitimately married then what in the world are you getting worried for??? I know it would be difficult for anyone to prove that my marriage isn't the real thing- they sure as hell can try, but they would be fighting a losing battle. I'd be mad as hell because I'd think that they are wasting my time and that they are out right crazy!
i read you bro. feel sorry about what happened to your interview. especially during the holiday seasons.
It is too early to quit, stay on the track. (your interview drags my attenation which do i really need a lawyer to go with me in the interview, will that make lots of difference?)
which DO did you do ur interview? garden city? I will have mine on Apr 2006, all those days I have to collect stuff, changed my cable and everything, I hate this too.
If they fail you again, find a good lawyer and appeal in the court, let the court overturn the USCIS decision, that is not too hard, sometimes, the interviewer can be really rediculious with vary things.
kind weird interview thou.

good luck enjoy ur holiday
RobertLangdon said:
Please guys read my interview experience and tell me do I deserve to be treated like this…I am still baffled what triggered the interview guy to treat me like that

The guy who called us looked so pissed..He was dead serious…even before I entered the door he asked me which university I went in USA..And do I have my transcripts w/me…I said yes…..he kept on insisting about my transcripts…..now my questions are
 I am Indian w/ Caucasian wife…does it triggered him to be so suspicious?
 Do they have any extra info regarding my school?? Or they have any other suspicion about me…the did not ask me any question?

BTW> during my absence the immigration officer asked my wife about the legitimacy of our marriage…and pressed her to tell if our marriage is real?

Well it seems that something happened at your university that made them suspisious. Were you suspended, expelled, honor code violation that caused you to leave the Univ or were ever out of status when you were there.

If so then the DSo puts on the SEVIS why you left, Graduated,expelled, volountary withdrawl.

If this is the case maybe you may want evidence to prove that you did not marry your wife b/c you were about to be deported as you left the univ.
I think you should take your lawyer to your second interview.

Good luck and be optimistic!
I guess you will need to be more specific about your interview experience. For example, in what visa you was here and when you got married with your wife, etc. Because I really don't see anything really out of normal as I read here before. Are you living together. I can't really make any assestment from what you just post when you are just telling like a part of it. I am not saying that I am sorry of your situation but in general to have kind of background to understand why you get for second interview. But let me tell you, there were other posts in here about second interview and there was no problem at all.
1. I don't think that "something" trigger him about what races or whatever you are if you are from Mars or she is from Neptune.
2. What happened at your school? Did you get an F1 visa and didn't study what you suppose to study or you get in a fight or something like that? Please specify.

I think that something happened during your school years since apparently that is what really he was asking about it and what transcripts he was needing? Did you have the complete information about them?

They haven't put you in any proceedings, so compile all the information that you need and be prepare for your second interview.
Good luck,
Good luck,
i apprecaite you all for giving me support...to be honest w/ you i am so devastated that i can't even eat or watch TV....and there is a reason for that..my father is critically ill..and I badly need to go and see him back in my country...now all i can do is make a decision b/w my future here in uSA or my father(who mean a lot to me)...

As for my school status...yes i was out of status when i got married...but i attended school almost 3 years before losing the track because of my financial problems... my marriage had nothing to do w/ my school..the first thing i did after getting s/s was to reapply for school....I had all the transcripts and school ID w/ me at the interview..but that A-hole never let me show him anything..he was done w/ my wife in 5 minutes..

My biggest concern is >>Am I now playing a game which i have already lost?? i have few friends who have spend fortune($$) and life struggling for GC...i don't want to get into the illusion of a never ending game...I have already wasted enough...i wish you guys could feel what I am feeling....
being devastated is not saying enough..i am destroyed...i have now focused my anger on God...i feel betrayed by God...i am fked up only because i got wrong immigration officer....my marriage is 100% legal...the only thing which is doubt ful now is>> am i now commited to go for this goddamn GC process..
I can't leave my wife..nor i can let my dad die missing me....What a screw up life i have!!
I've never been through an experience like that but all I can tell you is to have patience, the 2nd appointment will come soon. I have friends who had to go through a 2nd interview too.. and sometimes it's tough BUT most of the time it is not. There is one thing my friends told me: YOU WON'T SEE THE SAME USCIS OFFICER FROM the first interview!

Regarding the lawyer.. hmm all he can do is to prepare you before the interview, but his presence in the interview itself won't change anything, and most likely the USCIS officer won't let him/her in for ANY reason.
RobertLangdon said:
As for my school status...yes i was out of status when i got married...but i attended school almost 3 years before losing the track because of my financial problems... my marriage had nothing to do w/ my school..the first thing i did after getting s/s was to reapply for school....I had all the transcripts and school ID w/ me at the interview..but that A-hole never let me show him anything..he was done w/ my wife in 5 minutes..

First, relax yes we feel that you have been treated unfairly as you were not given an opportunity or u did not feel that you were questioned enough... that is the exact reason why you are going to get the 2nd interview.
The INS is going to investigate you , you may be put under servaliance , your records will be checked, School records will be verified. The you will be questioned and then you can give all your answers if you miss a lot (more than 5 ) thats it.
So get yourself prepared and also how long were you out of status before you got married ?
Don't worry, Be Happy!

This is the USA of A. I do not like the word "devastated" because you have not been rejected ! If this 'devastates' you then how will you take the many [good] challenges that the USA will throw at you in a free country ?

What makes the USA great is the fierce positive resolve of people throughout the ages to overcome sometimes great hardships. This happens more here than anywhere else on the planet. You want to be GC holder then American? Get over your mental problems, and I say with great friendship, politeness and respect - or leave the nation. We don't need cry babies. We need determined people. Am I right?

Ok - turning to your specific problem.

1 - Immigration officer can act like however he wants. He can act very very angry. That is his right. He can ask almost any question he wants. He will not normally directly insult you, but he can come close.

This is a GREAT thing! We need more officers like this to 'filter out' the fakes. After you become American citizen, you too will think like me - after all , it is your very hard earnt money through taxes that get eaten up by fraudsters. That is not fair.

But you are not a fraudster - right? That means, you have nothing to 'worry' about ! If you are genuinely in love - then gather the requisite evidence, and with the determination of a truly loving, caring, powerful "american-like" husband, stand up for yourself, in a polite, firm, intelligent manner. Be calm. Answer questions and even ask some yourself! Have fun and create fun! This will only work, "if" you are genuine - other fraudsters very easily get 'noticed' and thank goodness, get expelled. That's the way it should be - right? Do you agree?

This is the same in every country. In India for example, they don't want non-Indians [like Pakistanis] lieing and getting passport. Right? And vice-versa. In Saudi Arabia, they don't want Kuwaitis getting their own passport, and vice-versa. In the USA - we don't want fakes getting in - yet many do!

So we need a tough, tough, and tougher force to weed out the bad elements.

I am so happy to know that you interview was very tough. IN fact, it make me so happy, I wrote a paper letter to the DHS to thank them today, for using my taxes well.

But I am not mean. I wish you the best of luck. After all , as I state - if you are "good" and "honest" and truly in "love" - put a smile on your face, stop using words like "devastated" and bravely get your Green Card, which you deserve [if you are true and honest]. Right?

I do think this guy deserves the kind of reply you have just given.he came to this forum to get solutions,not for you to add to his emotional problems.If you cannot commensurate with him no need to write this kind of reply,saying you are happy his interview was tough,even those with real marriages do not ever want to have tough interviews so u r not doing any one any favour because like it or not,there will still be bad elements in this green card issue and your opinion will not change the situation.Are you the only one paying taxes?

God will see you through continue to pray,whatever your reasons are for the green card,the bottomline is you wanted a better life for yourself and family,and that is not too much to want,keep praying.It will be well.
botwanajim said:
You want to be GC holder then American? Get over your mental problems, and I say with great friendship, politeness and respect - or leave the nation. We don't need cry babies. We need determined people. Am I right?

I am so happy to know that you interview was very tough. IN fact, it make me so happy, I wrote a paper letter to the DHS to thank them today, for using my taxes well.

Let me guess- you have not gone through/going through an immigration procedure pertaining to marriage? I don't know if you meant this to be funny but I was dying of laughter- what can I say (nothing nice so I'll keep it to myself)- I realized that you really must have been joking when you mentioned "mental problems" because Langdon mentioned that his dad is ill- did you not see that part or you did and that's your version of not being mean?

Langdon laugh this one off as I did.
Uhmm, well I think that the decision of USCIS has nothing to do with God you know...second as I said, they HAVE NOT put you in any immigration proceedings so devastation means when everything is over and your case is in the same point of "pending". Devastated is in fact if they deport you, you are not. Yes, is frustrating but the door is not close yet. So prepare yourself to the second interview. BTW, for how long you met your wife after you got married, you met her before you get out of status or after?
I think you must go step by step through your life since you come here in the US and then make a timeline about what things "probably" you are missing that the officer "thought" that something was wrong. Remember is in YOU the burden to demostrate that your marriage is bona fide and not to skip immigration law. That is the way it is and everybody who is here can be in your same shoes, but as many others that had been posted here you at least have the opportunity for a second interview and you are NOT in immigration proceedings and that is very encouraging.
To use a lawyer, you can use it so he/she can help you to overview your case and check out all your documents and try to understand what you are missing. Btw, when is your second interview?
Good luck.
PD. I will check with your school and check that your records are in order and that you in fact have the same information as them.
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A second Interview means that the investigation is not complete.

Botwanajim, thats some angry sh$t you said right there. I love that ,.,. lol.

Here, this is what I tell my wife everytime she complains about whatever issue she's having at the moment.

Welcome to America - Bitch.
It is your call to treat your wife in that way or if she is use to that kind of treatment from you, but let's try to use educated words in this forum. We don't need this type of "humor" if you want to call it.
RobertLangdon said:
i apprecaite you all for giving me support...to be honest w/ you i am so devastated that i can't even eat or watch TV....and there is a reason for that..my father is critically ill..and I badly need to go and see him back in my country...now all i can do is make a decision b/w my future here in uSA or my father(who mean a lot to me)...

As for my school status...yes i was out of status when i got married...but i attended school almost 3 years before losing the track because of my financial problems... my marriage had nothing to do w/ my school..the first thing i did after getting s/s was to reapply for school....I had all the transcripts and school ID w/ me at the interview..but that A-hole never let me show him anything..he was done w/ my wife in 5 minutes..

My biggest concern is >>Am I now playing a game which i have already lost?? i have few friends who have spend fortune($$) and life struggling for GC...i don't want to get into the illusion of a never ending game...I have already wasted enough...i wish you guys could feel what I am feeling....
being devastated is not saying enough..i am destroyed...i have now focused my anger on God...i feel betrayed by God...i am fked up only because i got wrong immigration officer....my marriage is 100% legal...the only thing which is doubt ful now is>> am i now commited to go for this goddamn GC process..
I can't leave my wife..nor i can let my dad die missing me....What a screw up life i have!!

Dear Robert: It is understable the pain and devestation you are going through. The problem is nobody can do anything about it. I had my mother who I love better than God die back in home while I was waiting greencard here. My father is over 90 years and ailing thousands of miles away from me and needs me the most, and I think he may pass away while I am waiting green card here...My point here is you are not alone. It is tough decision we have to make as immigrants here. Your situations is understandable and you have to make the decision either to go back india, which I think is doing good economically or stay here...Just do the math and go for where you think is wise choice for you.....

As for you second interview, I wish the IO was religious and causious who by ritual did not want to grant greencard an Indian guy with white girl..For this matter he passed the dirty work for another officer to distance himself. In any scenario this is America and you have to fight for your right. You may get your greencard on the next interview or you find yourself fighting for it for the coming twenty years..in any case do not give up hope..and just be patient..and trust your sprit..You have the right to get greencard and you will get it........don't let your emotions cloud your sound judgement...........
Don't loose hope there.
- Prepare for the 2nd interview. Collect all the information you have, get a copy of your file at the university to see whether there was a problem regarding to your visa status in there (e.g. if you entered on a F1 but never showed up for class, USCIS can hold against you that you violated your visa from the get-go and that you therefore never lawfully entered the country)
- Have an attorney (or better another attorney) go through your paperwork and your record to point out the potential sticking points.
- Go to the 2nd interview, consider taking the attorney along. An attorney can be less emotionally involved and might be able to clear up misunderstandings. Also, officers are better mannered if an attorney is present (or as I found out if they THINK that an attorney is present).

It might be tempting to blame your unfortunate experience on racism, but try to stay away from that. There are many sham marriages by people who where out of status at the time they got married. It appears as if the officer thought that you belong into this group.

A relative of mine had a similar situation. Her initial request to remove conditions was denied, mainly because they suspected that her marriage was solely for GC purposes. 1 year later they approved the removal of conditions without a 2nd interview and without further comment and issued a standard unconditional 10 year GC (apparently the officer assigned to handle the 2nd interview found the evidence provided at the first interview to be sufficient to approve the application without wasting much time and administrative resources on a 2nd interview).

May I ask whether you live together with your spouse ?

To answer your queries more specifically:

>  I am Indian w/ Caucasian wife…does it triggered him to be so suspicious?

He could give a rats a%% whether you are green with white polka dots or whether you are blue-blooded swedish aristocracy.

>  Do they have any extra info regarding my school?? Or they have
> any other suspicion about me…the did not ask me any question?

This is entirely possible. They plug your name into their database (IBIS check) and see what pops up. If they have you marked down as someone who violated a non-immigrant status e.g. by working or by not attending school, they can hold that against you.

>  Do I stand any hope…or should I pack my bag and head back home
> to my country

You are married right? You love your wife, right? Why would you consider leaving the country knowing that you can't return just because you had an unfortunate experience when dealing with the goverment?

At this point in time, you are not in removal proceedings, are you ? So why would you consider packing up. I have heard of worse cases than yours. A friend of mine was given opportunity to re-file an I130/I485 during a removal hearing, and that was after 2 re-interviews and an outright denial by USCIS. So, don't give up, not after the first obstacle.
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You all are awesome...I am extremely lucky to be part of this amazing forum...
I wish i could express my gratitude..i feel so poor w/ words....God bless you all and I pray no one go through the same experience i had....after spending last few days in the black hole of depression and frustration...i am now feeling little better...
Just to recap my whole case> I attended my school for almost 3 years...2 semesters before my marriage i lost my student status simply because i had no money for tution..my parents were tired of paying my tution...i decided to take chance..asked a Wallstreet lawyer to help me...he told me he will temp convert my status to B visa..just to stay in USA...and i can always go back to F1..w/my screwed up luck the lawyer never filed my case and i end up >out of status...during this time i was going out w/ my wife(GF at that time)...i will be honest w/ you all me and my wife talked about my situation and decided to get married..we filed the case...
AT Interview..when my name was called the interview guy looked at my wife like he was checking her..he did not said a sigle word...confirmed w/ me my university name and asked for transcripts...took us to his cube....after oath..asked my wife about her parents..where they were born..their religion..grand parents....was dead serious..than asked me to wait out side..at that time i knew i was fcked up...came back after 5 mintues w/ a letter w/ note for my transcripts and 120days notice for second interview...thats it...my wife told me...he asked her why she married me..and warn her not to lie...my wife was so pissed and told him that why on earth she would waste her time telling him make up story about marriage??? she told me the immigration officer looked very pissed when she said that...when we came out our lawyer asked the other lawyers bout my situation..all were saying my lawyer can go to supervisor and can request for second interview..but that whould be risky....they all told me that perticular immigration officer is known for his obnoxious behavior..i was so pissed..i told my lawyer 1st of all where the fck he was at the time of my interview(he was downstair eating lunch)...and now he is telling me that i am on thin ice.....guys
i swear to god my wife pulled me o/w i would have physically abused my lawyer...
Just thinking about that day is again giving me anxiety attack!!..gotto go!
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- get a different lawyer
- get a prescription for Xanax, be sure to know the effect and take one before the repeat interview (the USCIS guys are like dogs. they smell fear and anger)
- knock up your wife ASAP, a little one of your own at the interview reduces the presumption of a fraudulent marriage.