I agree


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I am very much amazed to see the change in thoughts coz of time.......

In the beginning one will do anything to get a Visa for USA He will go to the us embassy early in the morning (old days) nowadays one month early to get the appointment date and if denied then comes the agents n all the other methods to arrive in USA. When the same lands here then start the battle for Green Card. Till he becomes the green card holder he prays everyday and hope that today I will get GC. When He gets it then begins the advancement in status from LPR to USC. At this moment he becomes impatience and less tolering person who wants to get everything with a snap of fingers not thinking that there are many many more who still are at 1st or 2nd stage, not being appreciating his blessings and thus start critisizing the uscis department. They are only few thousands who are managing few million files. and again when he becomes USC he doesnot bother to contact the concerned authority to solve the concerned issue he had before he is usc. So Please be blessed and enjoy.

And then when he becomes a US citizen, he doesn't want to be in the US anymore and goes back to his birth country.
Wrong ;), now that I am a citizen I have been pestering my elected representatives to make things better on behalf of people who are coming behind me :) Not everyone forgets about the plight of those coming behind, but I know that unfortunately many do.
Haha, it's all true, but, to be honest, we've always criticised immigration officials EVERYWHERE. It's just how things are. It's how they're SUPPOSED to be. They want you to fear them, and they're supposed to be tough and without emotion because they have to make really tough decisions regarding people like you and me. If they get attached, it affects their job. Same goes for people at embassies and consulates. They try to make you nervous so that, in case you have something to hide, you show it. I do appreciate all I get, though, definitely.
Haha, it's all true, but, to be honest, we've always criticised immigration officials EVERYWHERE. It's just how things are. It's how they're SUPPOSED to be. They want you to fear them, and they're supposed to be tough and without emotion because they have to make really tough decisions regarding people like you and me. If they get attached, it affects their job. Same goes for people at embassies and consulates. They try to make you nervous so that, in case you have something to hide, you show it. I do appreciate all I get, though, definitely.
There's a big difference between being tough, and being incompetent and inconsistent and slow.

Believe it or not, it's not everywhere that has stupid and slow immigration policies. The US is not the worst, but don't confuse them with being the best either.
and now that he is a citizens, starts asking the authorities to deport all those annoying immigrants....
People really feel like they are entitled to be treated like royalty during the n400. I feel that as long as the times are reasonable and the process is fair, we should be patient. Of course some desperately want to bring family here but there are others stuck in worse cases.
The saddest kind of person is s/he who wants the door closed behind them once they are in.
yes we should be patient, but it's unfair that in NYC some cases are processed from March 08, while July 07 pending, and it's unfair how all the speeds of processing are so uneven from 13 month in LA to 3-4 month in Nebraska, if it was better organized USCIS could charge extra fee to schedule NYC and LA applicants in any other city ready to schedule interview and whole thing would move much faster.

oh i am not "demanding or complaining" but i cant just wait and watch all this inefficient waste of money called USCIS calmly

even their hiring process is full of bureaucracy, people applied Nov 2007 still weren't hired
And then when he becomes a US citizen, he doesn't want to be in the US anymore and goes back to his birth country.

when all those people "longing" to come to the US and lined up early, tred as hard as they could to get the gc, the economy and government were much much better. as time changes, jobs shifting to china/india, and the president throwing money in the war, subprime meltdown, etc etc, people just want to get their citizenship and leave this country...

this is my observation
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when all those people "longing" to come to the US and line up early, try as hard as they can to get the gc, the economy and government were much much better. as time changes, jobs shifting to china/india, and the president wasting money in the war, subprime meltdown, etc etc, people just want to get their citizenship and leave this country...

this is my observation

Yeah that is true that economy is down at present, but then which country is not facing this problems at this moment? Just think the effect on Indian Economy if US economy worsens and US projects stop going to India? I think in IT sector, we can already see the slowdown in India as well due to recession in USA. As far as housing sector is concerned, India is soon to have same problems with the way they are building apartments and buildings in every inch of land with no proper planning... I am not trying to say that USA is great and India is not... if I can do all that in India that I can do in USA with my mideocore self, then I would go to India in a flash... people like me are not made to deal with that competition... i am lucky that I am in USA and I am able to help my family so much from here... which I could have never done if i was in India.... I don't think shifting of jobs to India/China are having much negative effect on any hardworking immigrants here.
And then when he becomes a US citizen, he doesn't want to be in the US anymore and goes back to his birth country.

Yes, it is true to a great extent. But it applies only to those countries that have booming or at least promising economies and are democratic. There are immigrants whose native countries were never booming (except for the other type of BOOMs). These immigrants are not going back at all...