I-94 surrender


Registered Users (C)

I would really appreciate any advice on this.

I came to U.S. in 2002 and had a I-94 from port of entry. Then I applied for H1B extension and got an I-94 as part of the H1 approval (the lower right hand portion). Then I got another extension and got another H1B approval and the Lower I-94 portion. Which one or all should I surrender while leaving U.S.?

I haven't travelled outside U.S> since and now have 3 I-94s one from the port of entry and the other two from the H1 extensions.

When you depart US you are going to surrender ALL I-94 with Airline counter before departure. You have three I-94 with you better make the copy of each I-94 (front and Back) and keep it for your future records in your immigration file at home. At airline counter ask for a PIN or Staple and then staple all the orignal I-94 and surrender before departure at airline counter