I-485 vaccination killed our baby


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I-485 vaccination killed our baby

It was happened that we visited a terrible doctor for our medical examination. She checked our immunization history and decided to give me and my wife MMR and varicella for vaccination. AFTER she preformed the injection, she reminded us that my wife should not pregnant in the next 3 months, because that vaccines contained live virus. We are shocked because she has DONE the injection. She should definitely remind us in advance. My wife asked her "how about if I has pregnant?". She said, "You cannot keep the baby". What a doctor she is!

Unfortunately, about 2 weeks later, my wife found she was pregnant. That\'s mean she was pregnant at the time of vaccination. We were so worried and we consulted many friends and doctors. Everybody told us that two vaccines really should not give pregnant woman and it\'s very dangerous to the baby.

You know what? That doctor denied what happened. She blamed us failed to inform her that my wife was pregnant at that time!!!

I really would like that doctor to be punished in some way, to make sure this thing will not happen again to anyone of us. That doctor located in Ellicott City, Maryland. Anybody has been there? Did she remind you anything BEFORE the vaccination?
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If what you are saying is 100% accurate, you have a strong case to sue that doctor. Get a lawyer and they know who to do everything...
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Try to remember if you had mentioned anthing of being pregnant in the form (you filled up before u saw the doctor, all the docs follow this procedure). If you did, the the doc is in trouble, otherwise it\'ll a little difficult for you to prove that you mentioned.
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We have a copy of the form we filled before the exam. That form didn\'t ask us anything about pregnant.
Thanks for your remind.
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Don\'t Give Up On this It is those idiot\'s responsibility to remind you well in advance I remember our nurse asked us whether there is any chance that she can be pregnant. Talk to a Lawyer who specialize in Medical Malpractice laws. I would sue for 2 millions.
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I am terribily shocked by the doctor\'s attitude. I offer my sincere
prays to you & your wife. But I would like to remind you that The doctor is liable to check your wife for pregnancy after that only the doctor is supposed to administer the vaccine. The law is clearly on your side . I think you should take doctor to the court and get punished Not because that you get money. Because you deserve the mental agony and irreplace loss of child and More importantly the doctor should never repeat this mistake. Because the casualities are
only immigrants like US and they should never fall prey to this kind of cruel doctor\'s. More over this doctor should be removed from the INS approved list.

With sincere prays to heal your wound and to get peace for your family.

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First of all it\'s very sad that it happened to you.
When I had gone to the doctor before giving any vaccination they asked my wife if she was pregnant. And since she was they did not give vaccination.
In my opinion it was Doctor\'s office\'s responsibility to ask this question. The answer could be YES/NO or NOT SURE. And for answers YES and NOT SURE they should have asked you to confirm before proceeding. For the answer NO they should have still said "Are you relay sure ?"
If they have not any thing done that they definitely do not deserve to be doctors. In such case please consult the lawers.
Once gain sorry to hears such news
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go to a best lawyer even if his fee is high give him. 99.9% chances are you are going to win the case in this situation if the form doesn\'t ask you about pregenancy. Don\'t talk to doctor now and don\'t mention anything to doctor\'s office about law suit
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First of all, please accept my sincere condolences on your loss. I pray that the Lord ALmight provide you the strength to overcome this tragedy and the power to heal.

Based on your account on this forum, I strongly feel that you have a very good case for medical malpractice. Start interviewing lawyers in teh Baltimore area and gathering information on what kind of documentary evidence you would need. Remember, this is America - and suing them is your right. And remember, you are doing the general public a great favor by bringing to light such careless practitioners of medicine. I don\'t know what their place in society is - but they definitely do not deserve to be treating people!!!

Take Care.

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Sorry to hear that.
It happened to me also, but I am well aware of the fact that one can\'t take vacination while planning to become pregnant or already pregrant. But that shouldn\'t keep the doctor not asking the patient about the pregnancy. We had similar situation where the nurse gave the shot, asked my wife whether she was pregnant, STUPIDS IRRESPONSIBLE A--HOLES. They might have asked many about this in their professional life many times, but it is their job to make sure that they ask this question EVERYONE without EXCEPTION.

If you are sure, you didn\'t sign any papers where they have asked u question about pregnancy. GO AFTER THE A--HOLE, AND SUE that makes sure they don\'t do it to anyone else.
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Sorry to hear that. I pray for you. If what u say is true then u have a strong case against the doctor. When we went for I485 medical checkup the doctor asked my wife beforehand whether she was pregnent. When we answered no she told us that my wife should not get pregnent for at least 6 months after vaccination.
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I am really sorry about the tragedy. However, I would like to point out one thing that probably gets ignored by most of us. When it comes to medical issues, as patients, we should be more cautious about out well being and be more proactive in asking the doctors about the potential harm with the medications administered. That questioning should begin with critical issues that doctors should be made aware of such as Pregnancy, heart condition other human system affecting diseases and current medications taken. It also stupidity on the Doctor\'s behalf not to ask the patients about these issues. Usually a cautious doctore gives out a medical questionaire and also has signature that you are authorizing the administration of the medication. Usually their malpractice insurance company requires this and if they didn\'t they are liable for damages.

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Thats not suprising. We were not warned but my wife was not preg.
I came to know about the precuations from the web.
But these doctors are absolutely fuc%#%$# useless.
They are out to make money and thats it.
My TB test was not even checked !!! We had all the certificates but
were forced to take shots.
Best we can do is spread the word that everybody be careful and the men be extra careful before and after taking their wifes for a shot.
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I am sorry to hear that this happended to you. I hope God gives you strength to sustain this tragedy.

I would urge to you to make the doctor suffer of his/her mistake. If possible I would get the doctor off the list of Immigration doctor so that it hampers his/her income also.
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Very sorry hear about the tragedy. You can definitely sue the doctor for this. Please check whether you signed the consent form where they ask you to confirm that you are not pregnant.

The correct procedure is that they ask you if you are pregnant, that you will not get pregnant in the next three months and explain the consequences and finally they will ask to sign the consent form.