I-485 vaccination killed our baby

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I am really sorry to hear this.
But I am almost in same situation, and your this message just uncoverd it that same thing has happend to us, the only difference is that, it was not INS doctor because i went to any ordinary doctor to have our immunization complete in advance, my wife got MMR and Tetanus toxoid on 03/24/01, doctor did not asked any thing about pergnancy, although we were not planing it but after 3 weeks we came to know that she is pregnant.
Her pregnancy is now in 4th month, and we never told her GYNI about these short, because no body asked us. it is just today I came across this posting, I don\'t know what to do now, please if you can write a bit what actually happend with yours pregnancy after this accident.
it will be reall appriciated if you can guide us
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Sorry to hear that.Sue the doc.They are suppose to check it from their side too.In my opinion we shouldn\'t be forced to take the vaccinations.but what can you do????Take the leagal action.so that it won\'t happen to anybody else.
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If the doctor failed to inform you of the complications of the pregnancy and also does not have written evidence, like a flyer or a pamphlet that states that the injections would affect the pregnancy
---- in a court of law it is therefore your word against the doctor\'s.

Whenever this situation occurs, as a rule of thumb the burden of proof falls on the doctor.

So if the doctor has not given you a not or so explaining the negative complications of the pregnancy ---pleeeeeeeeease go ahead and sue the inept, inefficient dreaded doctor.

Make sure that you hire a white (gora) lawyer, not a desi lawyer.

I as a father can understand your sadness.
And by the way our desi doctor asked my wife whether she was pregnant before giving her the immunization shots.

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Very sorry to hear what happened. Absolutely preventable. Others have already said what I wanted to say. In addition, I wnat to say that this practice of INS approved doctors is ridiculous. Who or What authority does INS have to approve doctors !!! Every bonafide physician/doctor should be allowed. This is another needless thing for INS to manage. I am sure they waste precious funds maintaining a database and managing this list.
Talk to lawyer and if you have a case, I think INS should also be held responsible for maintaining a doctor in their list who should not have been.
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with us too it happened such the doctor gave us vaccines without asking and afterwards we realized that she was not to be pregnant for 3 months after taking these vaccines: Infact she had got the Rubella virus vaccine earlier too: but in the case of the ins doctor he said he is giving mmr and some other: he did not mention rubella and he did not give precaution about not getting pregnant and he never asked whether she was already pregnant.
Would you belive it: it was a desi doctor.
Because of all this we had to really alter our plans and we were tense for a long time. But thank god nothing happened.
You should definitely sue.
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really really sorry to hear that. there may be many people like this or will be like this if Docs are not organized.
if you contact the local news channel and somehow this news gets on the air, there will be flood of lawyers calling you for help......
Also you can seat tight till you get your GC and then take action-
consult your lawyer...
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Hi Friends,
I am going to apply my I-485 soon.I need comfirmation letter from company which is salary etc...
Present i am the first person from my company.So they dont have any format for I-485 purpose .If any body know the comfirmation letter format please post here or give me site.
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Find newspaper offices near you and fax, email or call them to tell them what happened to you. They will "fight" for you "free". Also find a good lawyer. God bless you!
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I do not want to alarm you, but want to shed light on the risks you are currently facing with your wife\'s pregnancy.
Please read the article ar the following link:


I don\'t know if this article is accurate or not, but you should probably read it anyway and make up your own mind.

I\'m very sorry about what your doctor has done.
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liuzg, as long as you have not signed anywhere on the doctors papers that your wife was not pregnant, it is the doctor\'s fault.
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I am sorry to hear this sad incident.
Talk to a good lawyer. If I am right in reading your message,
you guys do not know that your wife was pregnant at that time.
You guys came to know only after two weeks.

The reason I am writing this to make sure that you remember what
you guys had the conversation with the doctor. I do not see any where you mentioned that your wife is pregnant either before the vaccination or after the vaccination. Whether you knew this before
or after it is the responsibility of the doctor to make sure they
ask all these routine questions and they pay the attention to our

When we had gone to the doctor for check up he gave us (me and my spouse) couple of shots. But we had to fill up some papers where
it has entries allrergy, pregnance, existing health issues, hospitalisation and many more queries and when we were called
into DR.\'s room there the DR. once again gone thru the list to make sure that we did not miss anything.

Talk to a good lawyer they know how to handle these cases.
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Sorry to hear the news .. Talk to your lawyer and get his advice. You can sue the doctor for sure ..
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Its a sad situation... Yes the doctors should ask whether the patient is pregnant or not before administring the vaccination, because there is a precondition for the vaccination, if you have not signed the consent form then the doctors is in trouble, you can report this to the AMA and the license granting agency in the state it happened.

I dont know if this is a mall practise case or not but you can sue for neglegence and also inform INS and have that doctor taken away from the list of qualified doctors, I dont know based on one tragedy this might happen ( I am looking at the reality of the things ), but you can get some satisfaction, I know it does not bring your baby back.

My condolsenses on the tragedy, this could have been avoided..
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Sorry to hear about your situation. The INS doctor is supposed to ensure that one is not pregnant at the time of vaccination. One of my friends was not sure and they did a blood test first to confirm and only after that administered the vaccines. And if the test is negative, they tell you a couple of times not to get pregnant for the next 3 months atleast. Your also definitely discuss this with your wife\'s OB/GYN asap.
You shd. definitely try to find a way to prove that stupid and negligent doctor was at fault. A lot of the doctors out here wait for you ask questions - they are infact looking for bookmarks as they blindly go by the book. One shd. prepare beforehand on the internet before going for any kind of checkup.

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That is Horrid! You are right - the doctor is supposed to ask you that quesion BEFORE administering the vaccine. I am deeply sorry for your tragedy.. praying that you will get over your loss soon.
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I am shocked about this. We are very sorry for you& your wife. You should talk to an attorney and sue this doctor. When you are done with your green card "Do not" forget to post this to newspapers and a copy to INS requesting suspending from INS services and penalty for irresponsible duties. When we went to Doctor they asked about existing preg. and warned not to plan for it for at least three months. We were not sure and postponed. We made sure that she was not then we went for shots.

I hope you will come out of this mental agony soon and do not let your wife take it hearty(try your best). Now it is your responsibility to take care and get your wife over this. Good luck, my friend.

*** Do whatever it needs, but do it after you are done with this process. My sincere advise is only not to disturb your process in anyway.

Every thing will be fine very soon.