I-485 PENDING 2nd Interview Notice


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let me fast forward my situation: I married a US citizen about 7 years ago and I got my citizenship on Jun 2006. We had a baby who is now 6 years old. Then we divorced immediately after I got my US citizenship. The marriage was a disaster. Now I re-married my ex-wife again. I have two children (9 and 8 years old) with my ex-wife. I re married and filed a petition for my ex wife who is on H1B visa. We had done all the paperworks, FP,etc and finally got i-485 interview back to Aug, 2007. Eveything was fine during the interview and the guy said that he was going to approve our case but he needs to see the birth certificate of my third child (from my US citizern wife). He wrote ">>>pending" on the passport and rescheduled an interview a month later. My wife went to the 2nd interview and submitted the birth certificate and the same guy said that he would approved the case but he can not stamp the passpord because the FBI name check is not cleared. March 13, 2008, we got a letter from USCIS saying that both of us need to go to an interview in Newark office and the note only indicated that my wife need to bring the i-94 card and passport. There are two more papers indicating all the necessary documents but nothing is checked. The note also said that the interview will be video taped. Now I am totally lost on this notice. Why? Why do both of us need to go there again? Has any one experienced this before? I am totally stressed and wonder if I should get a lawyer for the 3rd interview. Any adivice will be appreciated.
So after divorcing the US citizen wife, you re-married the woman who was your wife prior to this US citizen wife. Is that correct?

I married a US citizen about 7 years ago and I got my citizenship on Jun 2006. We had a baby who is now 6 years old. Then we divorced immediately after I got my US citizenship. The marriage was a disaster. Now I re-married my ex-wife again. I have two children (9 and 8 years old) with my ex-wife.

If your third marriage to your first wife (her second marriage) is genuine, you have nothing to worry about. One probable cause and worst case scenario, USCIS thinks that you and your current wife had this plan hatched up years ago. The plan for you both to divorce, you to marry a US citizen, acquire US citizenship, divorce the US citizen and then re-marry again.They just might want to clear their doubts. Out of sheer curiosity, how much of a time gap was there between your oath date and you filing for divorce?

March 13, 2008, we got a letter from USCIS saying that both of us need to go to an interview in Newark office and the note only indicated that my wife need to bring the i-94 card and passport. Why? Why do both of us need to go there again?
Hi, triplecitizen:
I filed the divorce on may 2006 and I did not get the court approval until Sept 2006. I got my citizenship on Jun 2006. USCIS raised the question on the first interview b/c the interviewer was little suspicious about our marriage too. After I told him that the marriage with my usc wife was a disaster and we also had a baby from the marriage, he said i need to show him the birth certificate. Then my current wife (the first wife) submitted the birth certificate of my child with the usc wife. The current marriage is my blessing. I just realized how good and beautiful my original wife is and hopefully they will approve her case.
Divorce filed = May 2006
Oath taken = Jun 2006
Divorce finlaised = Sep 2006

When did your citizenship interview take place? Did you apply under the 3 or the 5 year rule? What (if at all) did you mention on your N-445 with regards to your marital status?

I filed the divorce on may 2006 and I did not get the court approval until Sept 2006. I got my citizenship on Jun 2006.
Triple Citizen,
what do you mean by 3 or 5 year rule?
I had my first interview on Aug 2006
You took your oath in June 2006. I need to know when was your citizenship interview? Did you apply for citizenship based on 3 years of marriage to a US citizen or based on 5 years of residence as a green card holder?
You (and your wife) should be ok. USCIS may have a doubt or two and hopefully they will all be cleared up at the interview. Good luck and keep us posted.
I too got a 2nd interview notice from Newark DO. I was interviewed last year (June 2007) and my I-130 was approved. Now they have asked me to come again in April-end with my wife for an interview.

I wonder why a need for second interview.