I-485 EB3 CAlifornia Approved

Originally posted by gettingclosernow
hey fpfinally, instead of being an A-hole and flaming me, try re-reading what i wrote.

First off, I have never "whined" about anyone getting approved - go search through all my posts idiot. You won't find one. So don't make up shit about me. In fact this is my first post ever where I commented about how I feel about BCIS approving cases out of sequence.

2nd, I said "I'm happy for you" and "enjoy" to the person.

3rd, yes I am pissed off at BCIS and will always resent approvals so far out of sequence. It is grossly unfair and demonstrates one more thing that is wrong the screwed up system that we have to endure.

Next time I suggest you don't flame and if you do choose to, get your facts straight.

Sorry gettingclosernow!

I mistook you for another A-hole.. I will be careful.
ya I guess that happens when you look in the mirror....no probs....just don't let it happen again.

You have earned it...even though it is out-of-turn, looking at CSV trend.....

Hope NOV/DEC/JAN/FEB/MAR gets automatic approvals:)
some Jan cases getting approvals

i heard some cases that were filed in Nov dec 2001, Jan , Feb, March , April 2002 started geting approved.